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The great saiyan legend of all time is the return of the "Super Saiyan". Something that hasn't happened in 3,000 years. Vegeta believes it to be him because of his Royal Family Bloodline. As it was proven, Goku became the first of these Elite Saiyans.

To become a Super Saiyan, one must be triggered into the tranformation through evil. Freeza was hurting Goku's friends on Namek increasing his rage. Once Freeza mercifully killed his best friend, Krillin, it caused the rage and anger in Goku to be unleashed.

All Super Saiyans have evil in their heart. It's a small requirement, of many, to become a Super Saiyan. Half-Saiyans have the ability as well to become Super Saiyans. Gohan, son of Goku, was the first to prove this during the Cell Saga. He was training with his father in the Room of Spirit and Time when it happened. He told his father not to hold back anything when he attacked Gohan. It eventually caused him to anger greatly and to block a huge kamehameha from his father, Gohan erupted into a Super Saiyan and blocked the attack.

A few things cause the Super Saiyans to be noticed. First of things are their hair color. It changes to a golden blonde color. It also stands straight up. Their eyes turn a turquiose color and their muscles greatly increase in size. A Super Saiyans power level doubles from their normal form.

Once Vegeta realized that being a Super Saiyan wasn't enough, he strived to reach another level of Super Saiyan. He trained first in the Room of Spirit and Time, with his son from the Future, Mirai Trunks. He was able to reach the first new level of Super Saiyan.

Super Saiyan stage 1 is the first of 2 stages that a Super Saiyan can reach. They are extra powerups while being a Super Saiyan without going through another transformation. The Super Saiyan's muslces become extremely large and seem bulky. The Super Saiyan's hair grows a bit longer and their power increases much more. Their speed is not affected.

As Vegeta realizes that he is no match for Perfect Cell, after being beating almost to death, his son tells Krillin that he too could do that powerup. While fighting Cell he realizes that it isn't enough. Because of his father's pride, he never told or showed him that he could go one step further than that.

Mirai Trunks powered up into Super Saiyan stage 2. In this stage, the Super Saiyan's musles are extremely large and very, very bulky. The size of the muscles cause the Super Saiyan to lose speed. They gain quite another power increase, but are usually too slow to hit their targets. Their hair grows even longer as well. It also shows the first signs of the 'electrical' powerup of other Super Saiyan transformations.

Once Cell stops Trunks and the Cell Games begin, Goku retires early in the battle. He lets Gohan fight. Gohan tells Cell not to make him mad, but Cell's curiosity enrages him to piss the kid off.... really bad move. Super Saiyan Gohan is pushed over the edge into the second of the Super Saiyan Transformations. He achieves Super Saiyan Level 2. The Saiyan's hair is straight up. It grows to be even longer than that of Super Saiyan stage 2. The Super Saiyan's aura is an eletrical aura. It's the main sign of the Super Saiyan Level 2 transformation.

As time passed for 7 years after Cell was finally destroyed, Goku trained and fought in Budokai's in the after-life. Gohan grew up and was beginning to go to school at Orange Star High School in Satan City. After a new plot was discovered to bring the infamous villian Buu back to life, everyone turned their attention to stopping him. Goku was granted a day of life to attend the budokai on earth.

Buu was eventually revived through Vegeta's pride in wanting to kill Goku and become the #1 fighter. He allowed himself to become a Majin slave of Babidi. Super Saiyan 2 Majin Vegeta fought Super Saiyan Level 2 Goku and allowed the revival of Buu through their lost power.

Goku realized that he had to stall Buu to allow everyone safety, as Buu went on a killing streak, so he teleported to him and tranformed directly into a new Super Saiyan Transformation that he learned how to do in the afterlife. Super Saiyan Level 3.

The Saiyan's hair grows to be about as long as their body. It's very full and thick. Their eye brows dissappear and their muscles bulk up to that of the Super Saiyan stage powerups. They have an electrical aura yet again.

The Super Saiyan Level 3 tranformation is a power-eating transformation. Saiyans can barely hold it a few minutes before they are too weak to continue in that state. Goku knew that he was gambling when he used it because of his 1-day time limit was run through "time power". The tranformation ate up most of his remaining "time power" while he fought Buu. It did allow Goku a few more minutes of fighting.

The Saiyan's Power Level triples from their normal form in this tranformation. Goku used it later in the Buu Saga to hold off Evil Buu and try to kill him for ever. No other individual learned how to tranform into Super Saiyan level 3, but a fused pair did.

Chibi Trunks and Goten fused using the old kaioshen fusion dance. They could then tranform into Super Saiyan Gotenks. While training in the Room of Spirit and Time, they learned how to transform into Super Saiyan Level 3 Gotenks. They bypassed the second level for an odd reason.

They could only stay fused for 30 minutes in the dance and because of their training and power, they could only hold the Super Saiyan Level 3 tranformation for 5 minutes at max. Because of their childish nature, they forgot to mention to Piccolo that they could transform into that transformation. When Super Saiyan Gotenks couldn't kill Buu, Piccolo destroyed the entrance to the Room of Spirit and Time to trap them in it.

Luckily they were all able to escape in the end. Buu was eventually destroyed and peace was finally restored... or was it?

Many years later after everyone settled down and started family's, Emporer Pilaf arrived to start another problem. He used to the black-star dragonballs to wish Goku as a kid. During Pan, Trunks, and Chibi Goku's exploration through space for the black-star dragonballs, they ran into Bebi. He caused a serious problem for he could take over people.

Vegeta became yet another candidate for infiltration. Bebi Vegeta was very powerful and did some major ass-wuppin' against the GT Warriors. Goku had learned how to achieve Super Saiyan again and was able to fight as a kid. Pan's crying eventually caused Goku's rage and emotions to get the best of him again. Goku went through the last of the Super Saiyan transformations.

Chibi Goku transformed into a tremendous Golden and Purple haired monkey. It's the Golden Oozaru stage. As he controlled the stage, he was able to transform down into an adult again. He was in the Super Saiyan Level 4 Transformation at this point.

This specific transformation goes againt the basic rules of the older transformations and powerups. The Saiyan's hair grows to be very long and it's pure black. It's not quite as long as the Super Saiyan Level 3 Trasnformation though. Thier eyes become blood-shot red and their tails re-grow. Purple fur covers their bodies as well. The Saiyan basically takes a more monkey-shaped transformation. Their power level quadruples at this point.

The normal Super Saiyan Levels of Tranformation state the Saiyans having golden-blonde hair with turquoise eyes. Their hair gradually gets longer as well, instead of shorter and black. To many this transformation is a disgrace to the Super Saiyans, but it has eventually grown onto the fans of the series.

Anyways... Goku used this transformation many times against the villians and foes of Dragonball-GT. Vegeta cheated his way into this transformation by getting a family member to createa brute-ray. It was a device that simulated 17,000,000,000 brute waves. Once a Saiyan absorbs that many brute waves, they transform into the Golden Oozaru stage. Moons can only produce around 17,000,000 brute waves, which triggers the standard Oozaru transformation.

Super Saiyan Level 4 Vegeta and Super Saiyan Level 4 Goku fused once again to form Super Saiyan Level 4 Gogeta. This power fusion destroyed the eveil Golden Oozaru Bebi. He was an orignal Tsurfen of the old Planet Vegita.

As you can see, there were many transformations of a saiyan. Each time they used it, it would cause them a bit of damage to their physical bodies. Super Saiyans tended to not live a long life as each battle was almost their last.....

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