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Trunks Speical

The Trunks special starts off with Gohan rushing home only to find his father dead, after dieing from his heart diesies. Gohan then starts to cry and the z-fighters standing not believing Goku gone.Not even Vegeta.The story then goes 13 years later.The androids have already killed all the Z-fighters except Gohan and Trunks.Trunks is riding home with his mom(Bulma)He then hears the radio saying that the androids are destroying another city.Trunks gets mad and takes off to track the androids down.When getting there, everything is destroyed.Then out of nowhere Gohan appears.Trunks then asks Gohan why they did this and Gohan can't answer.Then Trunks asks Gohan to train him.Gohan says yes.Gohan and Trunks then go to Trunks house.Bulma comes home and greets Gohan.Bulma then gives both of them some food.Then it shows Gohan and Trunks.Trunks is trying to go Super Saiyan but sadly fails.Gohan then trains with him.Both of them hear the androids are once again destroying a city.They go to fight.Gohan goes SSJ(Super Saiyan or Super Saiyn-jin)He then starts to fight android17. Trunks then attacks android18.He is no match for her and is badly hurt.Gohan then runs away with Trunks in his arms.They then hide.The androids then blow up the whole carnival that they were fighting at.Gohan and Trunks are badly hurt.Gohan even loses his arm.Gohan only has one senzu bean left and gives it to Trunks.Trunks flies Gohan to his home.Bulma treats him.The androids once again attack.Gohan tells Trunks to stay behind and knocks him out.Gohan can not handle both androids with only one arm and is killed.Trunks then finds him on the ground dead.Trunks then goes Super Saiyan for the first time.3 years later Bulma is working on the time machine.Trunks hears the androids are close and goes to attack.Sadly Trunks loses and has to be healed back by Bulma.He then goes back in time in the timemachine

Anime Style
Fansub Heaven
The Anime Files
Dragonball Masters
Anime Genocide
Gundam Wing RPG

AnimeInfest Type R Network

Esperonline Topsite
The Village

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Opened:June 2001
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