In early July, the fourth expansion for the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game will be released, titled the Androids™ Saga. The set focuses on the arrival of the Androids, the appearance of Cell, and the dark section of the Dragon Ball Z Timeline. Two new card types are introduced, and other major deck themes are reinforced. Overall, this is going to be an amazing set.
New Look
All of the cards are getting a new technological look, which will be different for every card category. You can really tell that these cards came from the Android Saga compared to any other saga. Since the card type hasn't changed from the beginning, Score has now changed the look of the Android personality cards. The Cell Preview cards look very impressive, pushing the limits of the card face design.
New Foil
An all-new foiling pattern is being used on the rares in the Android Saga. It's called "Thatched Chromagen," and it helps the parts of the card that aren't foiled to really stand out. Thatched Chromagen hasn't been used in any other CCG yet, so it's going to look pretty impressive. The rest of the commons and uncommons are coming with the same Rainbow Foil as they have been since the Frieza Saga, and they will look amazing.
Expansion Symbols
The Android Saga focuses around the storyline of Androids 16 to 20. But information based on the History of Trunks movie, we have 2 different set symbols. We have the Red Ribbon Army symbol for the Android Saga cards, and a special Conji symbol that is set on fire for the History of Trunks symbol. Both of them look really cool.
Tokui-Waza Boost
If you thought Tokui-Waza decks got a boost from the Trunks Saga, just wait until you see what they get in the Android Saga. Tokui-Waza becomes a major emphasis of the set, with many cards have amazing effects if you declare a Tokui-Waza. Take Blue Terror, for example. It's just a regular energy attack doing three Life Cards of damage. Normally it isn't a good attack. But, if you declare a Tokui-Waza, you get to search your life deck for any card and put it in your hand. And that's just a taste for what you'll get in the Android Saga.
Battlegrounds and Locations
The two new types of cards in the Android Saga are Battlegrounds and Locations. Both of these cards have special rules about them that are printed on those little mini-flyers that come in each booster. Basically, you can only have one Battleground or Location in play. These cards affect both players equally as if you were actually fighting at those places. Battlegrounds are places where battles were fought in the show, while locations are other famous fun spots from the show, like Roshi's Island. To show you what kind of impact these cards will do, look at City In Turmoil. Neither player can use Non-Combat cards! A whole type of card becomes useless while City In Turmoil is in play. The only way to get rid of it is if you play another Battleground or Location to replace it. Needless to say, Battlegrounds and Locations are going to have a major effect on how the game is played.
Android Peek
There are just so many good cards coming out in the Android Saga, it's hard to resist telling you about them. I can tell you about one of them, though. It's called Android 20's Energy Dive. It's an energy attack only villains can use, and it is a normal energy attack that does +3 power stages of damage. Even better, it only costs one power stage to perform. You're doing seven damage to your opponent and it only costs you one power stage to do so. That's amazing!
Overall, the Android Saga is going to be great. New types of cards, new mechanics, and an all new look in the cards and foils will make this one of the best sets yet. So save up some of your money and be prepared for the Android invasion!
Source: Beckett Dragon Ball Z Collector, July 2001 Issue, pp. 62-63, by David Eckhard.