on everyone's favorite Wu-bear!
Real name: Chang Wufei
Nicknames **accourding to his fans ^_^!**: Wu-bear,
Wu-chan, Fei-fei, Dragon, Justice Boy, Wu, Fei-kun,
and Fei-koi **can anyone else think up more nicknames?**
Age: 15 at the beginning of Gundam Wing, 16 around the
time of Endless Waltz
Ethnicity: Chinese
Clan: the Dragon Clan
Hair color: ebony black
Eye color: also ebony black, but sometimes darkest brown,
violet, or gray... depends on who the fanartist is ^^;;!
Colony: L5 cluster
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Pilot of:
Shenlong and Altron
Mad scientist: Master O
Background info: believe it or not, our beloved Wufei was actually a
scholar before he became the Gundam pilot we all know and love today!
And... he was married **fangirl screams can be heard in the background**.
Yes, he was married, but not really by choice! It was an arranged marrage,
to a young girl by the Meiran. The two were truely like night and day ^^;;!
Meiran was a fighter from the get-go! She usually would be the first one
to jump up and say 'Let's go kick some Ozzie a$$!' or something to that
effect, taking up the name of Nataku, which was a godess of war,
while Wufei was content to stay back and study his beautiful
self out... or so it seemed! ^_^!
As per Meiran's ways, she went out into battle in an MS. When
Wufei found this out from Master O, he went out after her to stop
her. He finally caught up to her, but they were attacked and Meiran
was mortally wounded. Wufei managed to get her back to safety,
but Meiran knew that she was going to die. She asked Wufei
if he would take her to the field of flowers where he practiced his
katas, and there appologized for not being a good wife. She then
silently died in his arms. It was then that Wufei decided to take up her
fight and started to train as a Gundam pilot under the watch of
Master O. Though the Gundams that Wufei piloted were called
the Altron and the Shenlong, Wufei called them both Nataku,
out of respect and memory for Meiran.
I'm just going by memory, so I know some facts are off ^^;;!
If you'd like a better description of the whole Wufei x Meiran
history, you're best bet is to check out Kawaii's
Forever: a Small Shrine to Wufei and Meiran. She got the whole
history down pat ^_^!
And as soon as I find some pictures of Mei-chan, I'll put
them here, but I've searched all over the `net and have come
up with nada ~~;;! Anyone have any they'd like to donate?
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