Bee-chan feels The current mood of at

       new links are always at the top of each section.
Word links = **
Banner / button links = red border

Wanna link to me? Click here for some spiffy banners!

Wufei links
Other Gundam Wing related links
Non-GW links **yaoi and non**
Mailing lists
Sites that helped in creating H&K

Navigation bar to the rest of H&K


                      WUFEI RELATED LINKS
**grrr.... there's gotta be more Wu-chan related sites somewhere!!!
        Know of any that aren't here? E-mail me and let me know!**

 A specialy made LJ community just to drooly over our Wu-bear ^_~!

japanese only! So pretty! japanese only! 13x5 fanfics though it looks to be ^_^!

Japanese only!  japanese only! MEEP! Some of the cutest Wufei artwork you'll ever see! =3!

sorry, Japanese only, but the 3x5 is there! And it is so sweet! Japanese only, but some VERY cute Wu-bear fanart!


adoptable kitties!! Kawaii adoptable kitties!!!

Okashi-chan's shrine to Wuffie-chan! a  Wuffie-chan x Shinigami shrine!

Tzigane's shrine to Wuffie-chan!  WHAT?! Whada ya mean society to help Wufei get some?!?!?!?

E-kitten's and E-sama's shrine to my favorite GW couple, Wuffie-chan and Trowa-kun!  



other Gundam Wing related links:

Gundam Wing is a Victim of Fan Rape
**read the Wufei essay! READ IT READ IT READ IT!!**


The Wild Wing Alleyway

Flame of Innocence! A Quatre Reberba Winner shrine

1x2x1 fanfiction contest

Fablespinner's Gundam Wing Fandom Paradise!

1x2 Fanfiction by Aphrodite

GW fanfics by tons of fanwriters! 

 Neko-chan's shrine to ALL the GW boys!

Come on in and torture Releena!!! WEEEE!!!!

Come on in and join in the Duo Show!

Babaca's GW Fanfic      DRAGON LOVE - Azzie's GW fanfics page

Uruchan, Reishin, & Zazreil's GW fan works page! Welcome to Utako's little GW page.

Uruchan's yummy page to GW fanfics and galleries! Kitsune's YYH and GW artwork!

Welcome to Nanashi, the annual Gundam Wing fanfiction contest.

Himi Kanzaki's GW artwork, mostly Heero!


Non-GW sites **yaoi and non-yaoi**

the ULTIMATE of yaoi galleries!
WAAAHH!! **bawls!** Sadly, Mel's decided to permanently
take down Smoochies, but its very understandable, what with
having to move from one server to the next. But in memory of my
all-time favorite yaoi website, the banner will remain here for all to
remember the site by!
Thanks for an awesome run, Mel! **hugs!**

          I support the PPP! The Plagiarism Police Patrol.


   Oh puuurr! Real live bishonen!! No naughtiness, just beautiful men! I saw this guy on DA, and fell madly in love with his photography ^_^!                  COMIC BOYS               deviantART dot com; where ART meets application

Carrots & Cheese: Aida's page o`naughtinesh! XD! meow-ft! They have Yukka Nitta! =3!

MY FIRST LOVE! BLUE SEED!!!!!! okay, so the links not entirely new to the site... it just hasn't been in the actual links page yet ^^;;!

formerly known as  Vegeta's & Goku's Bedroom

The artwork and fictions of the girls of PASSIONATE KISS! UMBRELLA STUDIOS!! The mommy site to PK!

Shoujocon: A Different Kind of Conn! come in and become an Official Glomper!

AVID Anne Rice fans!! Very beautiful pics of Lestat, Louis, Akasha, Marius, and the rest of the crew from the Vampire Chronicles!

MANGA WORKSHOP.NET yaoi fan fiction and adoption center

A shoujo, yaoi, shounen-ai  community!

WHISPERS IN THE DARK. focsfyr's yaoi / bishonen artwurk!

Bishonen no Miko's Shrine of Bishonen


CONTEST IS OVER! Just awaiting the judges decisions... and waiting and waiting and waiting... ~~;;

The Art & Fiction of PL Nunn!

A beautiful Ronin Warriors yaoi shrine!


'Pure. Love is pure. Desire is pure. Pure is what yaoi fans long for: the pure and simple expression of love and lust between beautiful young men.' The best FAKE fansite out on the web! (she's got pics from the final book!! WOO HOO!!)

check out the squeek files!! OH DEAR GOD!!!!

Bulma and Vegeta fan ficcies! Sweet!

uhhh.... self explanatory, I think!

Bishie yaoi fics! Bishie yaoi fics!


mailing lists I'm on:

H&K: the Chang Wufei ml **updates for this site**
the 3x5 / 5x3 ml **Trowa / Wufei ml**
the Bishonen Art ml **we draw much bishie
                                                        art here! WAI WAI WAI!**
the wuml **Wufei ml**
the TU ml **Terror Unknown**
Fei_koi ml **small group `o Wufei lovers**
Enigma's Fanfic Updates **hee! Yes, I like
                                           to keep up to date on E-sama's
                                           newest fanfics, GW or no!
                            **we miss you on the GW lists, Enigma!!**


YAOI_UTOPIA ml - everyone's quiet as mice here it seems, but that's
okay! There's plenty of yummy pics in the Photos section for me to
drool over X3!

Jrock Haven ml

The Official Shoujocon Chat - discuss the ONLY anime convention
that centers around the wonderful world of shoujo
**women's anime and manga**

AnimeFansWorldWide - used to be known as DelawareAnimeFans.
Basically talk about anything japan related, especially anime, manga,
& jrock and jpop. ^_^!


                                 gomen... need to advertise the
                           sites that helped w/ the creation of
                                        Hugs & Kisses.

     What's YOUR mood? OK COUNTER!!  50  MB of free web space!

               Home to my own babies! My original and fanart!


            aww!! you wanna link to
           HUGS & KISSES?
       just right click over a banner
              below & hit "save as".
                Please link it to:

              212 x 126 Wufei tiger cub transparent banner. Works best against a dark background.

        265 x 187 bashful sexy Wu-chan banner.

148 x 323 Wufei x Trowa banner.    143 x 335 Wufei x Trowa pink banner.



  What is YAOI?! / images / Fictions / Fanart / H&K: the Chang Wufei ml /
         My Adopted Family / Web Rings / Awards Won / Links /
         Contact Bee-chan! / About the 'lil bee' / About Wu-chan /
                                     Flames to giggle over ^_~

                     Sign the Dreambook / View the Dreambook!
