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Liger Zero!


Episode Guide/Pictures
Zoid Units
Zoid Battle Modes
Fan Work

Anime Admirers
Zoids Plus
* Main Menu *

* Zoids *


This is the area that I'll call my catch-all. Things will be added here and there.

Animated Gifs

Check it Out. If you want any, please go HERE to read my rules first.

You may be wondering why I make gifs instead of clips. Well there are several reasons. The main one being I don't have the equipment to make clips, and this is the next best thing. A little motion picture which takes up very little space. It may take a little longer to load. This site is very limited on space so I could only display a couple gifs at a time. Thanks.

Roaring ShadowFox!

I know our show was taken off CN Leena, but don't take it out on me!