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Zoid Units
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The Zoid Units (Lightning Saix)

The Lightning Saix

The incredible Lightning Saix made its first appearance in episode #5 as the Zoid belonging to the mercenary Jack Sisco. Later in the series Jack teams up with Chris and Kelly Tasker and their Lightning Saix. The Lightning Team actually handed the Blitz team one of their few losses in episode #11.

The Lightning Saix excels in high-speed battles. With the use of its boosterpack, this Zoid can effectively break the sound barrier. It's equipped with 2 pulse laser rifles and a double-barreled Vulcan gun as well as 4 strike laser claws. One drawback to this superior Zoid is its difficulty in making tight turns. Jamie's overtake strategy would have worked perfectly had the Lightning team not predicted their moves. Oh well, can't win them all!