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Trowa Barton (Triton Bloom)

If you can fill out this chart then you gotta good skeleton for Heero. Somethings may be easily altered for your story. Those are highlighted in BLUE. Several that can be altered based on what story you are writing are in YELLOW. Hard to alter things are in RED. These are pretty central to the character. You alter the RED you can slip into OOC!
*I'm not going to argue what shade of green or brown Trowa's eyes or hair are. Dark green is common, but I put green to avoid conflicts.
**I'm not going to argue what Trowa's personal beliefs on Religion are. There was no reference in any episode or Manga that he cared. If you want tips on how to write Religious then click here.

Name: Trowa Barton/Triton Bloom
age: 16-17
*eyes: green
*hair: brown, big bangs
special abilities: acrobatics, fist fight, spying, keeping secrets, animals, guns, analyze fighting strategies
education: Highly
occupation: soldier, Pilot, clown, spy
**Religion: none
Ethnicity: Latin/Hispanic
hobbies: flute, gymnastics,circus performing
martial stats: single
Friends: other 4 pilots, Catherine, Dr. S
Ambition: complete mission, find true identity
family: one sister, Catherine Bloom
Personality Traits: quiet, thoughtful, insecure
Disposition: sad, mysterious, serious
self-image name-less soldier, nobody

Trowa doesn' a lot. open himself up right away. make friends quickly. Suddenly remember everything. (Just cuz you know, doesn't mean he does. ;) allude to have any religious preference. chase after girls. crack a joke. (but he does laugh hysterically). cry or spout love poems.

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