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Image of the US logo from DVD liner notes
Dual Parallel Trouble Adventure!
© 1999 AIC / Pioneer
Distributed by
Pioneer Entertainment
(USA) L.P.

Genre: sci-fi (includes a great deal of Tenchi Muyo! style comedy)
Length: 100 minutes (4 episodes) Audience Age: 13+

Opinion: One of the better cutting edge titles.

This is a review of the DVD release.

From the creator of Tenchi Muyo!

It maybe that I have not had the same amount of cash to spend on overpriced videos. It maybe that the previews on the videos I do buy are not enticing enough. It maybe that I am spending my cash on the recent ECW, FMW, and XPW videos (this is not a wrestling web site, but look for the first company's tapes first). Maybe it is all these reasons, but I am having a problem finding Japanese animated videos to buy.

Since I got a DVD player for Christmas, I figured it was time to seriously restart my anime collection, but where to start? While flipping through the discs at SunCoast, I found Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure. If you have seen Neon Genesis Evangelion, you should instantly become a giant robot fan, and Dual! has them. The disc also had a sticker on its wrapping which boast that it was "From the creators of Tenchi Muyo!" (specifically, writer Masaki Kajishima), and I am a big Tenchi fan. So far this anime was irresistable from this buyer's standpoint.

IntroductionStoryReviewProduction CreditsLinks
DVD Extra

Image of Misuki from the DVD cover.It would seem to be just an ordinary day in Tokyo, but that is not the case for Kazuki. For him, he has to continue to question his sanity as he constantly sees visions of giant robots using the city as their battleground.

Despite these visions ability to drive Kazuki crazy, he has been able to create a popular web site from his accounts of these battles. This site even gets repeat hits from the most popular girl in school, Mitsuki, who is so intrigued about the robots that she approaches Kazuki with questions about them.

After saving Kazuki from a beating by the high school's athletes, Mitsuki (this may not be the correct name; but this is what I have picked up as her name after watching this DVD thrice) takes her to visit her father, an assistant University professor, who is also a huge, possibly larger enthusiast of the boy's visions. Such an enthusiast that he offers Kazuki an explanation for his visual stimulants.

The professor explains that Kazuki's visions are actually the reality of another dimension that he wants to prove the existence of. Fortunately/Unfortunately, we find out he is correct by accidently sending the main character to another dimesion and in the center of a battle none the less.

So to solve his even deadlier dilemna, Kazuki must find the professor of this dimension and pray that he is a little more responsible than the one from his dimension.

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