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The Sayans arrive just as told and Yamcha is the first to die. He gets killed when one of the Saiyans plants five "Saibiamen", which are little green men, and one of these easily kills him. After Yamcha dies, the little green men are all killed. Goku has not yet gotten been revived. The two Saiyan's names are Nappa and Vegeta. Vegeta does not fight at all, but just watches and gives orders to Nappa. This is when Piccolo first finds out about who he really is since the Saiyans call him a "Namek". The next to go is Chaozu when he self-destucted in an attempt to kill Nappa. But this did nothing to Nappa. Tienshinhan is enraged and goes for Nappa, but gets a limb cut off and later dies. Then Piccolo and Krillin come in and attack him in mid air when he is not seeing. As Nappa is heading to hit the Earth, Piccolo and Krillin both scream at Gohan to finish him off, but Gohan shows his coward ness and does nothing. This might of been their only chance to defeat him. Vegeta tells Nappa to stop messing around, but to wait a while longer for Goku for the fight to really start. After Goku is revived, he first goes to Karin tower to pick up some Senzu beans and takes off in his "Flying Nimbus". Gohan gets extremely angry after Nappa knocks Piccolo unconscious in an attempt to grab his tail, which is supposed to be a Saiyan's weak spot, but Nappa had over come that already. Gohan attacks Nappa, but does no real damage. Then Krillin attacks too, and too has no real damage. Nappa gets angry and sends a powerful attack towards Gohan, but is blocked by Piccolo, and so Piccolo dies. Goku finally arrives with a power level of 5,000 and increasing. He comes to find out that all of the Z warriors, except for Krillin and Gohan had died and attacks Nappa. Nappa is astonished at Goku's power. Vegeta then says that he will personally kill Goku and so Nappa goes towards Krillin and Gohan. Goku does the Kaioken attack which leaves Nappa on the floor. Nappa asks Vegeta for help, but Vegeta kills him in cold blood for being weak. The fight between Goku and Vegeta begins, Vegeta is then astonished at Goku's power. Since this proves to be a hard match for Vegeta, he decides to turn into Oozaru.

Goku decides to do the Spirit bomb, but he needs time to do this. So he does the "Solar flare" to blind Vegeta for a little while. But Vegeta is too quick and tortures Goku up to the point where he is almost dead. Yajirobe, which had been in hiding all along comes out of no where and cuts off Vegeta's tail, so now Vegeta goes back to his normal size. Gohan steps into the fight now although he knows he is no match for Vegeta. Goku, now badly hurt, calls Krillin and tells him to do the Spirit Bomb for him (Goku had still been collecting energy during this time).

Krillin gets the energy and waits for just the right moment to use it. Krillin fires it, but misses, Gohan gets it back and throws it again and this time hits Vegeta. This sends Vegeta through the air, but is not defeated yet. Since Vegeta had made an artificial moon to turn into Oozaru, Gohan happens to look at it and then too transforms into Oozaru. Now the tables have turned. Gohan, as Oozaru, lands on Vegeta and is now defeated. Krillin, now really weak, finds his last strength to finish Vegeta off by killing him with Yajirobe's sword, but Goku decides not to kill Vegeta and lets him go. Vegeta leaves swearing vengence.


After the fight against Vegeta, Goku is recuperating at the hospital, while Vegeta is going back to Frieza's planet and also recuperating. Mr. Popo comes into the hospital and tells them about some other Dragonballs in Planet Namek, the Namek dragonballs. Having heard this Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin decide to go to Planet Namek to gather those dragonballs and revive their friends that were lost in the battle against Vegeta and Nappa (Tienshinhan, Chaozu, Piccolo, and Yamcha).

Along they way, Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan get introduced to many different characters, some minor and some major. They arrive on Namek and come to find that Frieza is there as well (they learned about him through some of the minor characters along their journey). Frieza is also there in search of the Dragonballs, but he wants to wish for immortality. Vegeta arrives on Planet Namek as well, fully recovered from his injuries, and stronger than ever, and also in search of the Dragonballs (he too wants to wish for immortality). On planet Namek there are four villages. In each village there lives an elder possessing a dragonball. Fully prepared, Bulma sends news to Earth through this portable satellite phone (Master Roshi is on the other end on Earth). Gohan and Krillin curious about how Frieza looks, hide and take a look at what they (Frieza and his goons) are up to. Gohan makes a comment that they (the Nameks) all look like Picollo (Remember: Picollo first discovers he is a Namek after being told by Vegeta and Nappa). Since Gohan and Krillin where spying on Freeza, they couldn't help but join in and help the Nameks when they were being attacked by Frieza.

This is when Gohan meets Dende (a young Namek, Dende and Gohan become great friends), Gohan and Krillin save him. Since Gohan and Krillin where helping the Nameks, Frieza ordered his"left-hand" man, Dodoria, after them. They were too fast for Dodoria and they escape him (this is while they are saving Dende). After they escape, Dodoria comes upon Vegeta. Dodoria bargains for his life and tells Vegeta the truth of what really happened to Planet Vegeta (when he was younger, Vegeta was told that a comet had hit his planet, Vegeta was away capturing a planet at that moment) (Vegeta is the Prince of Planet Vegeta, his dad was the King). Dodoria tells him (Vegeta) that Frieza was the one who had destroyed it, and Vegeta kills him (Dodoria). Back on Earth Yajirobe arrived at the hospital and visited Goku to give him some senzu beans. Right after eating it Goku was complety recovered and left to visit Dr. Briefs to see if the spaceship was ready (the spaceship that Goku had come to Earth in when he was a baby, Dr. Briefs was working on it to improve it, and added a gravity machine for Goku to train in). Since the spaceship was partially ready (it didn't have the cappuccino maker installed yet), Goku went on his way to Planet Namek. King Ki telepathically tells Goku that Tienshinhan, Chaozu, Yamcha, and Picollo had arrived and were to receive his training. During the battle, Krillin and Gohan arrived to Guru's lair to retrieve a dragonball. There, Guru also unleashes the warrior's hidden powers. (Gohan had also used Bulma's dragon-radar to track down a local dragonball- the one that Vegeta had stolen and hidden in the lake.)

Vegeta follows Gohan and Krillin while Zarbon follows Vegeta. All stop at the cave where Bulma created a house. Vegeta becomes aware of Zarbon and the two fight once again. Zarbon is killed.

Vegeta meets with Krillin and Gohan and offers to make an alliance with them, as he senses the arrival of the Ginyu Force. The dragonballs are gathered at once as Vegeta prepares to wish for immortality so that he can become powerful enough to defeat the "unbeatable force". They become too late; the force has arrived. Ginyu, Jeice, Burter, Recoom, and Guldo stand before the three. The Ginyu Force quickly steal the dragonballs and Ginyu flies away with them. A huge battle follows. Vegeta manages to kill Guldo, but is of no match for the others...

Goku finally arrives. He quickly beats Jeice, Burter, and Recoom. Vegeta takes this chance and kills off the injured members to Team Ginyu. Vegeta, no longer a threat to the heroes (for now), joins in the battle on Goku's side. Ginyu arrives. Ginyu does his body transfer ability on Goku and he swaps bodies with Goku. Vegeta beats Ginyu (in Goku's body). Ginyu switches bodies again. Goku is badly battered. Ginyu, again, attempts to switch bodies with Goku. Goku throws a frog to intercept the beam, and Ginyu permanently swaps bodies with the frog.

Goku is taken to recuperate in a Saiyan stasis pod. Vegeta gave Gohan and Krillin, Saiyan armor suits. The dragonballs were gathered and Porunga was summoned. Three wishes were granted. The first wish revived Piccolo. The second transported him to Namek to join in the fight. At the third wish, Guru was killed so the dragonballs turned into stone. Now, the heroes must face the wraith of Frieza...

A battle follows. Frieza has killed nearly all the Nameks on the planet, so the Namek dragonballs have also turned to stone. The heroes are able to stand up to Frieza, so Frieza undergoes a power-up and enters a physical body change. As the battle intensifier's, Frieza does goes through more metamorphosis's stages until his perfect form is reached. No one is certain who will win. Vegeta has been killed. The only true damage done to Frieza was with Krillin's Destructo disc , which truncated half of Frieza's tail. In a final attempt to defeat Frieza, Goku prepares a Spirit Bomb. The fireball is cast and everyone thinks that Frieza has lost. However, Frieza survived...

Wasting no more time, Frieza does a blast that rips through Piccolo. Then, he engulfs Krillin in a fatal force field and crushes him. Goku see's the deaths of his friends and remembers all the innocent that Frieza has killed. Anger takes over Goku's body and Goku powers up. His hair turns gold and Goku reaches Super Saiyan level for the first time. Goku tells Gohan that Piccolo is still alive. Gohan takes Piccolo's body back to Goku's spaceship and then finds Bulma in his father's orders to travel back to Earth. Goku now goes on a one-on-one combat battle against Frieza...

Goku evades Frieza's attacks. Frieza, trembling in the chance that he may lose to Goku, an "inferior Saiyan monkey", a fireball aimed at the planet. Namek's core is destroyed, and the planet will explode in 5 minutes. Hurricanes form. Cliffs break off. Rubbish flies everywhere. An ominous look is set on what will happen...

Kami telepathically communicates to King Ki. He tells that he will make a plan with the Earth dragonballs and asks what wish to make. King Ki develops a plan to wish all those killed by Frieza. In turn, Guru and Dende will be brought back to life and the Namek dragonballs will become available again. Then, the Namek dragonballs can be used to make a wish to teleport everyone on Namek, except for Frieza, to Earth. Popo has gathered the dragonballs and the first half of the plan is followed. The Porunga is summoned and is awaiting to grant the third wish. Frieza see's his chance to be granted immortality and races to the dragon. Vegeta, revived from the wish, also joins in the race. Dende arrives, but is Frieza makes his wish first. However, Porunga ignores Frieza and grants Dende's wish, which by Goku's plead was changed to leaving he and Freeza on Namek.

All who were affected by the wish are on Earth. Dende heals Piccolo. Guru, dying, transfers his role to Rooli to become the new Elder so that the Namek dragonballs. Guru explains what has happened, and then dies.

Goku fights Frieza to a stand-still, but time eventually showed that Frieza was no match for a Super Saiyan. In Frieza's pathetic final attack, two disc beams are tossed at Goku. With skillful maneuvering by Goku, the beams slice Frieza into two instead. Frieza is dying and pleads for help. Goku gives him a bit of his energy to give Frieza a last chance. Frieza, unwilling to change and lose to a low-class Saiyan, Frieza does another fireball at Goku. Goku counters it and it overwhelms Freeza. The 5 minutes are up and Planet Namek explodes.

(This following selection actually is concidered the Cell saga, but I thought it was more appropriate if it went here) The ship lands on Earth. The Z warriors on Earth are no match for Frieza, and now they must face him in addition to King Cold... without the help of Goku, to which all believed was dead. Cold and Frieza believe in swift victory in the destruction of Earth, but a figure appears out of nowhere. Vegeta recognizes the aura of the man to be that of a Saiyan, and resents the fact that there is another stronger than him. The mysterious visitor charges up and reaches Super Saiyan mode. With a few slashes with his sword, Frieza is truly killed. Then, the figure shoots a fireball at Cold, which pierces through his heart and automatically kills him.

The stranger introduces himself as Trunks, the future son of Bulma and Vegeta. His story is told in Trunks Story. He tells that Goku is not dead, but escaped to Planet Yardat when Planet Namek exploded. Then, he tells that Goku should appear in a few seconds. The Z warriors are shocked, and Goku does appear. He really did take refuge in Yardat and learned how to teleport from its inhabitants. Then, Trunks introduces his purpose to seeking the Goku and the cast, and this leads to the Cell Series... With the Dragonballs all of the Z fighters that had died in battle were brought back to life and Planet Namek was restored. Once again the Earth was safe, but not for long.

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