So, you want your site to become an affiliate to Tamashii no Chikara? Well, here's a few rules and things I expect (but nothing very strict, hopefully by your standards).
1. Your site must have content. This doesn't mean necessarily a bunch of text, especially if your site is specifically an image gallery or something of this nature.
2. Your site must look nice and have an easy to follow menu. I don't like sites with maybe 5 pages that have no tables or formats and could take 10 minutes to slap together. It would also be nice if you update your site at least every 6 months, even if its just to let everyone know that your still alive, unless your site is so awesome or about something so specific that it doesn't need to be updated often or can't be.
3. I don't want nasty, horrible or disgusting, perverted sites as affiliates. I'll let a lot, and I mean a lot of stuff slide, such as foul language and a few other minor things, but don't count on your luck on becoming an affiliate if you think I'll find your site gross. I will not affliliate with a site that is distasteful and is only in existence to be just perverted.
4. I would really appreciate becoming affiliates to comic/animation sites, especially ones that are anime/manga oriented.
5. Please provide me with a 88 wide, 31 height pixel button. Don't worry too much about this though; if it's off by a couple pixels, I probably won't care.
I don't want to offend you guys, but if a site is submitted, and I don't like it and it doesn't meet my standards, I WILL refuse to become an affiliate with your site.