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Tamashii no Chikara: Updates

A wounded, but ready Inuyasha


07/02/03, 11:56 PM: This site will be going down by the end of the month. I no longer have the time or interest to run it, and let's face it; a good amout of what I know about Inuyasha (especially new info) comes from other sites who have many more resources than me, such as the original manga installments straight from Japan and translating skills. There is by FAR better Inuyasha sites out there than my meek one, and updated more often. And there are so many Inuyasha sites out there anyway! So, take what you want from my site; I don't care, take whatever! It'll all be gone by the end of the month. It's a little sad for me since this is my first site to ever close, but I've seen it coming for a long time. Bye and have fun looting! LOL If you want to see anymore of my views on Inuyasha, visit Holli the Genet, where I do and will have occasional comments on Inuyasha, as well as on other anime/manga.

04/29/03, 10:53 PM: Just came to say, I'm not dead! College has been hectic, and with my 5 other websites, my time is split up haphazardly. Anyway, I'm not planning on updating again for a little while yet, but I will try to update at least the most basic information for this site this summer when I'm out of school. By the way, don't send fanart anymore; I'll probably take it down, since I had so many submitted, I'd never have enough room to display them all here at this small angelfire account. So, when I do update again, the fan art section will be gone, including my own. Till then, see ya!

11/04/02, 2:46 PM: New mp3! It use to be up at Sengoku Jidai, and I love it, so I put it up here. I took down the Ending song that I had, but if you still want it, you can get it at Sengoku Jidai! That's it!

10/30/02, 2:01 PM: It looks like Viz, (the company with the rights to Inuyasha in making the English translations and dubbing) if finally updating their freakin' section on Inuyasha! It's about time, especially since the anime started, and their section still only had info on the manga. I'll be glad to see the improvements, which is also happening in their other sections, such as Ranma 1/2 and etc.

10/20/02, 2:35 PM: Hi, hi! New MP3 of the Inuyasha Ending Theme 5 (Shinjitsu no Shi) at Media, as well as a new Video Clip section there! Also, for futher Inuyasha reading, check out my Inuyasha anime review at my mini-site, Puffy's Reviews. Be warned: this mini-site has strong opinion and foul language! Enjoy!

10/10/02, 3:48 PM: About Webmistress has been updated again. That's about it! Maybe I'll try getting more fan art up soon...I'll be working on profiles and getting images soon. Also MP3s! Bye!

09/25/02, 11:53 PM: Wow! WARNING SPOILER: It seems Kikyou finally "died", stabbed through the chest by Naraku! This migh mean the Inuyasha manga is going to ended (or start wrapping up in the next few years)! (weep!) Sigh, it's about time actually. After all, the manga has been running for 5 years (major Rumiko Takahashi series go for about 9 years)!
Source: Sengoku Jidai

09/24/02, 9:37 PM: New fan art by me up in the Fan Art Section of Visual!

3:47 PM: Konnichiwa! Well, a lot has gone by since I last updated and moved into my dorm. My dorm room is great (good enough for me) and I bought myself a tv ^_^! There's an Anime Club here at Truman University (my college, as you can see) and I've been having loads of fun with the people in this club, staying up till 4-6 in the morning every Friday and Saturday night just talking and watching loads of anime I've never seen before (and now I have a lot of new favorites! Trigun, Cowboy BeBop, Hellsing, etc.)! I even have lost my voice from talking so much since Friday! Wooh! Anyway, my sissy Ang loves me, so she bought a scanner, so anytime I go over to her house (which is often) I can scan new material! Wooh! That means new fan art! Because of that scanner, I opened a new site two days ago called 366 DAYS! Go check it out! I will have new art up on this site very soon, probably later today! So, look forward to a lot of updates now! I even updated Bye, and I love you all!

08/17/02, 12:11 PM: Well, here's the last update for a long time! Sorry! But hopefully it won't be too long 'til my next update. I'm moving into my dorm, and it's my first year in college. I'm not gonna have my own computer in my room (not even a tv), and I'll be lucky if I can come home every other weekend since I have no car. So, anyway, when I do have any chance to update again, hopefully they'll be big updates instead of small ones.

So, there is an update right now (and I might have another one this evening actually). There are several new Inuyasha adopties at the Adopt page. That's it for now! Bye-e!

08/07/02, 9:52 AM: Hi! This update was actually ready yesterday, but life kept interrupting my update. :P The Adopt section that I have had listed on the main page is finally open! Visit and adopt from our Adopt page, titled "OUR SOULS". There's not many adopties there yet, but I'll be working on that, plus I have to see how popular these adoptions get. If they don't get very popular, then there's no reason for me to strain my eyesight making new adopties! Makes sense, yes? Bye!

08/06/02, 12:49 AM: Wooh! Late! Anyway, nothing new really, just the page about me updated and a new affiliate.

I hope to open more information pages soon! Bye-e!

07/27/02, 8:33 PM: LOL, I finally went to sleep last night. Thank God. :P My email is different now; it's listed on the Contact page. So, if you want to email me, there ya go!

Also, regarding the Visual section. I don't have a scanner or the equipment necessary to get my own Inuyasha, I will be selective about what will go in the Visual section. This also has to do with my limited space. So, if you want to see a particular Inuyasha picture, email a request, and I'll see if I can find a pic with the content you want, and see if I can find a site that is willing to donate the picture to this site. Also, if you have Official Inuyasha pictures from the anime manga that you would like to donate to the site, don't hesitate to email me about them, and I'll see if I like them.

I now am accepting fan art, so check the fan art page out at Visual to read the rules about submitting. Bye!

07/26/02, 9:08 AM: Geez...I didn't sleep all night at all. I tried...stupid insomnia...:P LOL, I feel fine, but it'll catch up with me...oh, well. Anyway, being awake has made me productive, and now Kikyou's profile is up in the Profile section of Information. Bye, guys! I'm off to see my boyfriend and go see Austin Powers 3!

4:29 AM: Man, 4:30 in the morning and I'm still up...:D. Oh well, I finished writing the Story Synopsis in Information, so check it out! It's hefty, but hopefully very accurate. Check out my favorite Inuyasha site (which isn't my own :D) and what it has right now, Sengoku Jidai! You have got to download the MP3 in Brandi's Media section titled "Feelings that Transcend Time II"! It's a MP3 from the Inuyasha movie, and WOOH! It's sad, and makes me all emotional and teary-eyed...really! So, melancholy! Later!

07/13/02, 9:12 PM: Hi! Nothing new yet, just the opening of the H E L P ! page. It's a page about making money donations to help out my sites, including this one, but the page isn't just for that. You can also join the notify list on this page for free, and find out when all sites by me are updated, and what exactly has been updated. Enjoy the list!

07/12/02, 12:35 AM: Ooo! It's late! Well, anyway, welcome to the grand opening of Tamashii no Chikara, An Inuyasha Website! A few things are open, and more pages will steadily open in the coming weeks. Take a spin around the site and enjoy!



MAIN: 07/26/02, new affiliate and trying to join 2 Inuyasha cliques.

VISUAL: 09/24/02, new fan art by Holli.

INFORMATION: 07/26/02, story synopsis is now up!

MEDIA: 10/20/02, New MP3, new Video Section there with one Video Clip.

ADOPT: 08/17/02, Several new Inuyasha adopties to adopt!

LINKS: 07/12/02, a few links to other sites are up.

MISCELLANOUS: 07/12/02, adopted and bishoujo and bishonen stuff up. Soon will contain site information.

CONTACT: 07/27/02, email updated.


INU-YASHA (Inuyasha) and all related characters © 1996-2002 Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan, Inc./Sunrise Films/Viz Communications, Inc. All original content within site © 2002 Holly Lyons. INU-YASHA (Inuyasha) is a trademark of Viz Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.