Recently, a few points were brought to my mind. It would appear that Session 6,
"Sympathy for the Devil", appears to have several foreshadowing points which link it to Sessions 25 and
26, "The Real Folk Blues, Pts. 1 and 2". There aren't many right now, but I'm seriously investigating
this theory, so for now, enjoy!
- In both "Sympathy" and "RFB", Spike points at an object and
says "Bang" towards the end of the story.
- Spike has a similar bulletwound on his right cheek in both episodes.
- Bonus! Notice Vicious has a similar wound as well in "RFB, Pt. 2",
only his is on the left cheek.
- At the end of "Sympathy", Wen comments on how heavy he feels, and yet
he is at peace because he can finally die. The end tagline to "RFB, Pt. 2" is "You're gonna carry
that weight", referring to Wen's comment about feeling heavy.
- The farewell scenes as Spike heads off are really similar.
- Bonus! Take note that Ed was conviently absent from the Bebop during "RFB"
(Ed hadn't been introduced until after "Sympathy")
That means "I wanna go back to the Main Page!"...