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Deck Garage


Card of the Day
Deck Garage
Model Decks

Also visit:

Deck Guru


Send your decks to any of the deck mechanics to have them fix it and give you their opinions on it.  Please follow the guidelines or your submission will be DELETED.

Guidelines for Deck Submission
1.  Look at the Model Decks section for a similar deck.  Then revise yours for any improvements.
2.  Put type of deck and a CREATIVE name in the subject heading.
3.  Provide a card list separated by Monsters, Magic, and Trap.
4.  Give an explanation on how you play the deck and what you want us to fix.
5.  We do not MAKE decks, we only FIX them.
6.  If you decide to use Japanese cards, please include a translation of those cards.  We don't want to hunt the net for translations.
Active Mechanics
bulletDark JeSTeR97 - Dark JeSTeR's Court


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Last modified: February 25, 2003