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Card of the Day
Deck Garage
Model Decks

Also visit:

Deck Guru


Here are links to other awesome Yu-Gi-Oh! Sites.  Click on the image to go to the page.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon

  Awesome site, it has everything from current news to card databases.  One of the BEST Yu-Gi-Oh sources on the net.

Official Upperdeck Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG

  The official Yu-Gi-Oh page.  Come here for Duelist King Tournament info and official rulings.

Edo's Yu-Gi-Oh!

  Another awesome source.  Edo clears up almost all the confusion in English Yu-Gi-Oh rulings.  Not to mention all the translations of cards, and manga.

Deck Guru

A site to get your deck fixed and read up on current tips and strategies to put that extra edge in your game!


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Last modified: February 25, 2003