Notes: For the English songs, we'll just say that they can understand them just so that we can sit back and enjoy the show!
Early one afternoon in the Sengoku Jidai, Inu Yasha hopped down from his usual perch near the Bone-Eater's Well. His keen nose told him that Kagome was back and he didn't want to waste another minute to go searching for Shikon shards.
Kagome poked her head over the edge of the well and hauled with her something Inu Yasha vaguely recognized from her world. He had heard music, or rather, what Kagome had called music, come from this strange device. What had she called it again? Something with 'boom' in the name…
"Oi, Kagome!" the grumpy hanyou roughly helped her out of the well. "What did you bring that noisy thing with you for? I thought you had to stick it's tail in the wall to make it work!"
"It's called a boom box, Inu Yasha." she said standing upright and regathering her things. "And it doesn't make noise, it makes music."
"Who cares!?" Inu Yasha effortlessly hauled her bag onto his back and started toward the village. "We've wasted enough time! Let's get started looking for more shards already!"
"Now hold on a minute!" she stamped the ground irritably. "If I'm not mistaken, tonight's the new moon! That means it's too dangerous to go shard hunting and we're staying put for the time being. I brought the boom box so that we'd have something to do for the night!"
"Aren't you forgetting something, wench?" Inu Yasha gave her a very annoyed glare. "The new moon was last night! You went back late, so you came back late. You just lugged that stupid thing with you for nothing!"
"WHAT?" Kagome stared down at her watch and thought hard for a moment.
He was right. That encounter with Kouga on the way back last time had delayed them a day, but she still insisted on staying at home for 3 days before returning. In her original plan, however, she had meant to bring her boom box with her because there would be a new moon when she came back. In her rush and confusion to return before the hanyou came to get her, she had forgotten about the time delay and brought her boom box along to share with her friends while Inu Yasha dealt with his monthly problem.
Grudgingly, Kagome followed Inu Yasha back to Kaede's hut, where the others were waiting. As she set down her things, the others immediately took interest in the strange device she had brought with her.
"What's this thing, Kagome?" Shippo asked as he sniffed it cautiously.
"It's called a boom box, Shippo." Kagome smiled, glad to see that someone had appreciated her surprise. "It makes music."
"Music?" the fox blinked curiously. "How does this thing make music? Is it like a drum? What about a rattle?"
"Probably like magic, just like a lot of the things from Kagome's world." said Sango.
"It looks rather expensive, even for something from your home." Miroku traced a finger over the surface. "So…how does it make music exactly."
"Feh!" spat Inu Yasha. "We don't have time to be playing with Kagome's stupid noise-maker! We have Shikon shards to find!"
"Aw… Inu Yasha!" Shippo whined. "At least let's see how it works! C'mon! Just for a little while? Please?"
"Not a chance!" the hanyou growled. "While we're sitting here on our asses listening to Kagome's noise-box, Naraku is probably getting a hold of more shards!"
"One night won't make that much of a difference." said Sango. "What harm can a little music do?"
"I agree." Miroku added. "Besides, I'm curious as to what kind of music Kagome's world has to offer."
"You're all idiots!" Inu Yasha threw his hands up in the air, defeated. "I can't believe you morons would rather sit here and listen to that shit while Naraku is-"
"Bitch! What was that for?"
"For not even appreciating the trouble it took me to get this thing here!"
"Let's get this thing set up, shall we?" Kagome smiled to the others as she left Inu Yasha cursing in the dirt.
Shippo cheered as Sango and Miroku helped Kagome carry her things onto the front porch of the hut. Digging through her bag, Kagome pulled out a bunch of batteries and a case full of CDs. While she was putting batteries into the boom box, the others admired her music collection.
"Ranma ˝?" Miroku puzzled over the encased CD he was looking at. "What are these things, Kagome?"
"Those are compact discs," Kagome explained. "CD's for short. When you put them inside the boom box, they make the music! Depending on which CD you pop in, a different kind of music comes out!"
"Wow… Sango breathed as she looked over a Do As Infinity CD in amazement. "So, there's actually music inside these things?"
"Yup!" Kagome slipped the cover over the now full battery compartment and set the device upright on the porch. "But the only way to get the music to come out is by playing it in the boom box. Here, I'll show you guys!"
From his perch in the nearby tree, Inu Yasha scowled as he watched Kagome fidget with the boom box. He flattened his ears against his head as much as he could, anticipating the annoying sounds he knew were coming.
Kagome rummaged through her case until she pulled out the CD she was looking for and promptly popped it in. Her friends watched in wonder as she operated the strange contraption with ease. Even Kaede and Inu Yasha, who normally didn't show much interest in the modern day things that Kagome often carried on her person, were paying attention.
The boom box made a little whirring sound as Kagome pushed several different buttons and adjusted some knobs and handles. Dead quiet permeated the hut as everyone present waited anxiously for the fun to start.
This is Chapter 1. Where would you like to go next?