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    Who is the girl behind this site?  Well, no one cares!  If you do, you clicked "me".  If this was an accident, please don't leave!!!  Read up on me!  Check it:

Name:  Nikki

My current Avatar.  Thanks MiraiTrunks!


Favorite Color:  I have 2.  The shades of purple and blue!
Favorite Food:

Cucumbers and Italian

Snack: OREOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BAND:  None... I like the music, not hardcore fan of any.  I just listen to music.  But lately, you could say, Linkin Park, Sum41, and Blink 182.
Movie: Toughie...  None again. I like almost every movie I see!

  Well I like Animes like Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z,  Cardcaptors,  Tenchi, Cowboy Bebop, Macross Plus, and I like magnas, too. read Potter, comics, magazines... Next question!  I love to draw!!!!!! ^_^ I like to dance and I'm on the dance team.  I love music.  I play piano and clarinet.  I'm learning guitar.  I don't really have a favorite band because I like music when I hear it and I don't know every single useless fact about musicians (I leave my memory for anime things ^_^)  but I do like a lot of songs, like the midis I use in the background of the site?  That is the type I like.  Ok!  I love to go to the MOVIES!  I just recently saw The Fellowship of the Rings and it KICKED @$$!!!!  I loved it!  I like those action, magical movies and I like animated movies like Disney and I loved SHREK!  I like to watch Nick at Night when I'm not watching anime, cartoons, or MTV shows (Mandy and Say What?).  My all time favorite is I LOVE LUCY!  Always hilarious! ^^  I like the Jefferson's too.  Ooh! AND Diff'rnt Strokes!  AND, THE FACTS OF LIFE!  I also like to watch the Disney channel.  They always have cool shows and movies.  Oh!  And me and my buddies are starting a Band!  We are currently debating on what it should be called.  There's LOADS more about me but I don't want' ya'll to get tired of hearing about my life.

Things at least I find interesting: 

  • My uncle's friend has been in a magazine (no, not a teen one...some business one).

  • My mom's cousin was high school music teacher to Bionce and Kelly from Destiny's Child.  

  • My parents have seen a play with the dude who played Dumbledore in Harry Potter.

  • I have gotten a pep talk about college from a Harvard Student

How'd I get into DBZ?  

Well, a few years ago I was staying up late.  It was 11:30P.M. and (here at least) they were showing DBZ.  I was bored so I decided to watch it.  It happened to be the first episode.   I got interested.  I asked my bro about it if he had seen it before.  He responded, "Yeah...It's Dragon Ball Z.  It's really cool!" So, I got into a habit of watching it every night until I found out about Toonami.  I watched it during the afternoon from then on.  I miss the midnight weekend Run.  They used to show it on Saturday nights after 11:00....

What about Trunks?

Well, that I found out about two years ago.  Yes.  You see, my friend had a lot of extra DBZ cards and gave me some. He had a holographic of each image, as well as card form on the other side.  I had to pick which ones of each I liked better.  Well anyways, I it was then I remembered that once I had gotten a notepad (from downtown...kind of messed up) of DBZ (I was ignorant and thought that Goten was Gohan -_-)  So I took it to school and gave some guys a page from the note pad.  Then,  this boy, one of the people I despise, I gave one to said "Look at Trunks!" *copied what Trunks was doing in image* and I was all " he is Trunks"!   Of course, it wasn't till they showed the Trunks saga that I had learned more about this Hot Hero.He soon became my favorite.  By then I already knew a lot of background info on him and was confused by that he traveled in time until I saw it.  Well, the rest is history!  I learned more about the Purple Haired Wonder and he ultimately became my favorite!  Though only a couple of my friends agreed with me...  -_-...  Sometimes I would go around with my trusty pencil box (when ever I get a scanner I'll show you)  and show a picture to just some one I know who doesn't really like DBZ and ask "Who do you think is cuter?  Him? *pointing at Gohan* or HIM? *pointing at Trunks*"  usually they wouldn't care.  Ok.  I've written more here then on any other section so I'd better shut up...

Well....That's as much as I'm going to type because my fingers are tired!


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Current Clique:
M * A * S * H

Nikki will marry LEGOLAS from Lord of the Rings, live in an ancient Elven palace in the middle of the forest, and spend her days walking on top of snow and rowing ivory boats and just being beautiful.

What's YOUR M * A * S * H  future?