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This page will be for when I update the site so that when you
come here you'll know what's new.

10 August 2002, 10:25AM: Gomen, gomen for my lengthy time of non updating, but I'm back once again. Only two things for now...I won a new award and added a new Izumi x Kouji link . That is all for now. I am hoping to add more later on today.

6 July 2002: Sorry I haven't been keeping up too well, but I finally had time
and something to update. I've got 2 new
affiliates , have given away one award ,
and have booted up the kiriban number....that's all for now...I hope withen a few
days or so or at least by my next update to have some pics to upload.

19 June 2002: Sorry that it has taken me so long for an update, but I've
recently gotten a job and joined the working world and that has left me less time
than I would like, but I've finally updated, so I feel as long as I update at least once
a month (hopefully more than that) I'll be okay. I have to admit to you that I have
been working on this update for the past few weeks so I don't quite remember
exactly what's been updated, but I think I have more links somewhere and a new
junzumi fan art and I believe I also handed out an award or two. Just browse
about the site and if you've been here before I'm sure you'll find something that's
new that was not there before.

29 May 2002: 10:15PM: I've added a new link to a new Izumi shrine, so go check
it out cause you know you love Izumi.

27 May 2002: 11:00AM: You guys probably though I was never gonna update again
I missed so many days, but not true. I've been busy, and not just on this neato
new layout. Okay so It's not to fancy, but I really like it. Not only did I work on this
layout but I also drew a new Izumi / Junpei fan art, I won Pepper's kiriban, no one
has recently claimed this site's kiriban and I'm still working on the last claimed one
but I've booted up the kiriban number. See now that's all site business...other
things that kept me busy and from updating the site were stuff like graduating
from high school (yeh, I graduated) and going to an awesome club to hear some
local bands play who were all good, but one especially (they're called Atention Deficit
and they're totally awesome so if you're into rock music keep a lookout for them
even if you don't live anywhere near me becuase they have total famous rock band
potential, and while your at it, if you've ever heard of them, or even if you're just
curious, you can visit
their website and you could join
street team (which I'm a moderator on) ). Yes I know a lot of what I just
said related nothing to Digimon or this site, but I felt like saying something
and doing my promotional street team job.

23 May 2002: 9:40PM: Alrighty a few more things to add to an update for today.
I've added 3 links to the
Izumi and Kouji Links, 2 new Izumi and Junpei Pictures,
and 6 new
Izumi Pictures. That's all for now.
11:50AM: I've got a new
sibling site...It's called Shibamoto Oriyama and it's a couple
shrine to Izumi and Junpei. It's one of my best friend's sites so that why we
became sibling sites so quickly since she just opened.

17 May 2002: 12:00PM: I believe that this is the longest I've gone without an
update so far...lots of random stuff going update is basically that I
fixed some information on izumi's
profile becuase I had been in some great
confusion and finally figured it out...and the fun thing is is that I finally got
to see the 2nd episode of frontier all the way through and I found out that
Izumi's b-day is in May and that adds to things that Izumi and I have
in common and why I like her soo much...I should be updating hopefully
later today but if not today then tomorrow becuase I've got some new
pics, an award to give out, and a sibling site to add since my best friend
is opening and new frontier couple shrine, but she hasn't quite got it all
up yet...that's all for today I suppose. Except for this...everyone should
go and see Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones
cause it is one awesome movie.

14 May 2002: 1:40 PM: Nothing except for updated the kiriban number.

13 May 2002: 11:55 AM: Not too much of an update but finally an update
after so many days...I've added a new link on the
links page and another
site has won the Purple Fairy Award of excellence, so you can surf on
over to the
awards page and see who it is.

9 May 2002: 11:33 AM: If you can't remember the site's kinda long url,
just type in now and you'll get here
just as quickly with less typing time.
11:13AM: I have added 2 new fairymon

8 May 2002: 2:17PM: First of all Yeh! today is my birthday! Second
of all I have updated my
Izumi's profile.

7 May 2002: 4:15PM: I made yet another new button you can link to me
with (gosh aren't I a button crazy maniac, soon I'm gonna have to take a few
down) . Also I was looking at my guestbook and noticed a
rather rude entry and all I have to say is that I don't know what the
person was trying to intend to accomplish with it but it didn't work, and
I please ask that if you're going to sign my guestbook, don't be a rude idiot.
12:05PM: I've added 11 Izumi and 12 Fairymon pics to the

6 May 2002: 2:00PM: Not too much new, just added a last updated
thingy to the index page and I have a new button you can use to
link to me is all.
5:45AM: The 2000
kiriban was won so the number has been booted
up and I added a new
Izumi & Tomoki link.

3 May 2002: 12:19PM: Right now today for you wonderful people who visit
this site I've got 2 new izumi pictures and 1 new fairymon picture which
you can locate on the
pictures page.

1 May 2002: 12:22PM: There's a new izumi picture and a new fairymon
picture on the
pictures page.

30 April 2002: 2:03PM: Okay well I got a sibling site and I've changed the
affiliates page to an
affiliate & sibling site page. That's all for now, though I will
have another update in a few hours I believe.
6:19AM: Okay right now the only thing is that I won another
and there's 1 new Izumi
pictures and 1 new Izumi & Junpei picture.

29 April 2002: 5:33AM: Wow I actually went a few days without updating...
I don't know about anyone else, but to me taht's a little shocking...not too
much to update though...the site has won some
awards so you can go and
check those out if you'd like and that's really about it.

26 April 2002: 6:10AM: Okay here's the current update: There's a new
picture in the
Izumi & Junpei picturespage in the couplings section and
also in that same section there is 1 new
Izumi & Kouji fan art and last but
not least there is a new Izumi
fan art in the regular fan art section.
That's all for now and I'll be back when I get something else to add.

25 April 2002: 12:02PM: Okay sitting in my graphics class once again
I have gotten bored so I have made yet another button ().
11:23AM: There are 4 new Izumi pictures on the
pictures page.

24 April 2002: 6:14: I've got 9 new pics for ya on the pictures page, I got
bored yet again and made a new button (), and I also
finished the 500

23 April 2002: 11:55AM:Alrighty then...There is now a Link to Me page so
now my link info isn't jumbled with the other page of links and stuff and I was
sitting here being bored in my graphics class so I made a new little
non-animated button ()and I think that's it for now.
6:03AM: Alrighty then...there are 23 new Izumi pictures and 1 new Fairymon
picture on the
pictures page and I made a new button ()that
you can link to me with .

22 April 2002: 6:16: Okay all I've done as of now is boot up the kiriban number.

20 April 2002: 7:05PM: Okay fairly large update today. There are 2 new
pictures, pictures in all the picture pages on the coupling page, I
made a new button you can link to me with which you can find on
links page. and I updated the pictures on the about Izumi page...I think
that's all, but if I've forgotten something I'm sure you'll find out what it is.

19 April 2002: 11:12PM: Sugar and Spice" has won our award
12:09PM: Got a new
affiliate, Conflicts, and I also but a new little logo
thingy on the index page if you haven't noticed which was
made by our 500
kiriban winner, Cat
11:02: Haven't done much except for boot up the
kiriban number...and
we actually have a winner for our 500 kiriban.

18 April 2002: 1:40: Well there's a new affiliate, Blond Italian, and there
are now 9 new
pictures (8 of izumi and one of fairymon)

17 April 2002: 4:07PM: Digimon Frontier HQ has won the site's award.
11:25AM: I've got 2 new
affiliate and I booted up the kiriban number
yet again becuase no one has ever claimed one yet.

16 April 2002: 6:22AM: I've got a new affiliate (Pepper the english Izumi
shrine) and the owner from there also edited one of my buttons and I
really like it so I've put it as an optional button you can link to me
with and you can check it out on the
links page.

15 April 2002: 5:39PM: Added 3 new Izumi Pictures and 1 Fairymon
picture in the
Pictures Section, added a new fan art I cooked up in art
today, and also raised the
kiriban number yet again today.
11:50AM: Not much of anything really, but I updated the
kiriban number.
Hopefully someone will claim it soon.

13 April 2002: 2:41PM: Okay well first of all since I keep updating more
than once I'm keeping tabs on the time now. The time is in US Central update so far today is a
new button I made this morning
for the site. I plan to be back a little bit later today with
some fan art, so look forward to that.

12 April 2002: WAAAAIII! I just got a new Affiliate. Beautiful Alone the
first English Kouji Shrine. I'm really happy cuase I've got an affiliate and
so far Kouji is my fave guy from Frontier....hey I just noticed again
another day in which I've updated more than once.

12 April 2002: Okay, I now have an affiliates page and in case you
dropped by this afternoon and the menu on the
main page looked a little odd,
well it was because I was tinkering with the page at school but I had to leave
so I didn't get the tinkering finished until I got home...I have also
started, as you can see, linking words here on the update page to other
pages of the site that have been updated...You can also check out a sample
of what the award this site gives out now on the
awards page...That's all I guess.

11 April 2002: Well, I did it again and managed to come up with
yet another update on opening day (I'm on a role here folks)...I found yet
another Izumi shrine and added a link to it which I do now believe that Purple
Fairy is the 5th one cause I have yet to find anymore...I also updated the
coupling page so now all the little mini-shrines are fully active though there is
not really much there at the bored during school today and drew
some stuff of Izumi and added 2 fan art pics, so you can go and check those
out too...and I also got a guestbook, so you can drop off any comments
about the site there cause I'd love to hear them. I believe that that's all
for now. I highly doubt that I will update again today, but who
knows, depends on how much time I've got.

11 April 2002: Okay well I've actually got an update on opening day. I
have added 2 other Izumi shrines in the links page. The three that are
there are the only other Izumi shrines I have found although I think there
may be one more for some reason so I beleive that Purple Fairy is either
the 4th or 5th english shrine to Izumi. I also added a
little bit more info on Izumi's profile.

11 April 2002: Today we open and are now officially an Izumi Orimoto shrine.