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IT'S ME!!!

Yep that's me, H-C-H, Hardcore Hecxz, the webmaster of all you see before you! As you notice that is a pic of me above with my cool X & Zero T-Shirt i got from Capcom along with my Collection of Megaman games over my childhood up to my teen years and it's still growing. Of course don't ask to get them from me cuz i'm not selling any of it. Let me tell you a few things about me.

You guys on the net know me as Hecxz, but back at home my friends know me as Mike! I'm 17 right now and of course am a Childhood fan of Megaman. My first Megaman game i ever played was Megaman (1) on Nintendo when we first moved into my new home when i was 6 years old. My brother rented it from the local Video store they had in town, after he had his shots at the game, i took over and sure enough I knew i had a solid hit on my hands, thus a Megamanfanatic was born! Me!

My involement with Megaman in the Megaman Community today is big, really majorily I'm working with a solid team to create the first ever Megaman Total Conversion mod for Quake 3 Arena called "Maverick Hunter". I'm work for them as their sound artist as one of my talents is i can do various voices easily. Plus I have been the guy who has send those Rockman EXE Anime summaries to Megaman Outpost you see, which doing that lead to the creation of this masterful website. Although i know the layout maybe basic, but still I enjoy it, and i know you the fans do as well.

In my spare time (which is little considering High School, a girlfriend who i love so much, and working as a Bus Boy at a local Restuarant) I'm a fan of Wrestling, and I run my own Backyard Federation in my town. Me and my friends have been doing this for the longest of time and we all have been doing well on it. It's been one of the most fun i have in the childhood. Also even though i'm a huge fan of the Blue Bomber I like other things, I'm also a big fan of Animes, besides Rockman EXE my 2 favorties are the Dragonball series (Original, Z, and GT) and Cowboy Bebop. Dragonball gets my attention with it's fight scenes, it hold ya to your seat what is next and what to expect, that's i'm guessing why the many fans the show loves it. Plus the stories are just great, plus there is some humor in it that most of the time makes me laugh. Cowboy Bebop is a example of a well-done Anime. No other Anime has been so deep with the story telling revealing secret after secret of the characters in each episodes. Plus the excellent drawn out, fast paced fight scenes are excellent. Spike just literally kicks butt. The show i mean doesn't go Mystical on you, they try to keep it Urban, like also like real-life, just trying to based it into the future. I mean really the show is just awesome, even with 26 episodes and 1 movie, no way i get bored over watching it.

As for my collection, I have over 30 MM Titles displayed on my shelve including items like Cards, Magazines, Toys & Models, Collector's Pins, Videos, even a big ass X Poster :) I just take great joy in it.

Now that you know who I am, you know i'm not some nobody who doesn't know what i'm doing, or some corporate dumbnuts who made and provided you this site, nope just little old me, just like all of you, I'm just your typical Megamanfanatic!

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this site is just for informational purposes.