< ~*~Magical Nights*~



Submitted by Alex Clucas

Konnichi Wa! Tales of Insanity!

Episode 2

Consciences can’t fight.

Uhh… wha hoppen? Sorry about that, I had to sedate you, rodrigo was almost dead when I tracked him down. You had your hands firmly clasped around his larynx. He’s recovering in my lab, and foaming at the mouth a lot too… Grrgl… of course I tried to kill him he blew up the p.c.! you tell ‘im! I think we should stay out of this Cthulu! get bent! At least I do my job! (Shinji takes offense to this {obviously} and a small red headed girl appears on his shoulder) Punch him Shinji! Hit that demon! I think I should consult my good conscience too before I make a decision Asuka. Rei? What do you suggest? The Sun. One of many, yet isolated. Alone. Loneliness. huh? oh. Yes. The darkness that exists in this world will be smoten by the power of good. soooo…. Punch him? punch him. (A fight breaks out between Shinji and Cthulu. Meanwhile, Alex is trying to break through Rodrigo’s defense line, which basically consists of floppy and bob, narcoleptic wielder of the spatula, trying to hold his enormous frame against the wall.) I don’t think he’s going to listen to reason, unusual one. me neither, he’s starting to swear in other languages now, never a good sign. verdammt schweinhund! Anata wa baka! Kusou! Mutti fichen! Pa’tak! was that Klingon? (Wingy walks past, rubbing his eyes after a marathon playstation session with e.m.l. he proceeds to raid the fridge and goes back upstairs completely ignoring all the commotion.) (back from mouse hunting) he still going? Rodrigo…you…bastard…I was…gonna…have that…published! perchance, you may use your abilities to assist us, feline one? (sighs) fine… (Alex is suddenly immobilized by an invisible force and floppy goes to check on rodrigo who’s making some unusual gargling noises.) I’ll be back in a minute, Bob. Stay with Mumm-Ra and try to calm Alex down…Bob? Bob? BOB!!! huh? Wha? Oh, right. Shoot some squirrels. Got it. no! Calm Alex…. Oh whatever. Do what you want! (Bob heads for the local park with a shotgun from wingy’s “secret” stash of weapons while muttering something about how cinnamon messes up his digestive system.) (looks around) Well! Seems it’s up to me seeing as Shinji is having his head slammed in the fridge door repeatedly. C’mon Shinji! Ach! Ein dumkopf! Schnell! Schnell! existence... to be... to exist… I mustn’t run aw-ACK! I mustn’t run aw-ACK! I mustn’t run aw-ACK! mwah haa haa! Take that, bitch! hmm I wonder…can a conscience be killed? let me at the bastard! I just want five minutes alone with him! oh, settle down! Here, I’ll release endorphins into your bloodstream. It’ll make you feel better! Ahh. Very nice. Please, you can release me now Mumm-Ra. I realize now that it was all an accident and I wish to apologize to rodrigo personally for the way I acted. (Short pause) you ain’t fooling anybody, boy! You forget a little gift of mine called telepathy? damn your psychic prowess, cat! Let me at the sonovabitch! (Upstairs, Gitaroo man is being played at the loudest possible volume that the little t.v. will produce, and e.m.l. is sat at the door.) Kryen Madiera! They still goin at it down there? yeah I think that Alex is venting anger from another source. I wonder what he’s angry about? (Wingy farts into Alex’s cushion and throws an empty crisp packet across the room onto a pile of old underwear.) Uhh, I got no idea boss! fancy more Doritos? (sickly burp) oh, god no! I think they’re givin me the shits! (A bang is heard from the park and a faint voice can be heard shouting “got one!”)

To be continued! (Maybe)