Submitted by Alex Clucas

Konnichi Wa! Tales Of Insanity!

Revised rundown of characters!

that's me. A 17-year-old, clinically depressed bisexual college student with drinking problems. a friend of mine and alter ego in my Internet life. He is a twenty-something drop out and regular cat-rapist another friend and former Internet alter ego. Owns a dart gun and is often found laying traps for Rodrigo. Hates anime with a passion. perpetually pregnant, psychic cat. Suffers from regular mood swings and lives with my other two resident cats, Tremble and Eyebrow. <3\/1L |\/|4St3r l33t> a small, four inch tall, demon who has the bizarre ability to make me speak l33t for twenty minute intervals. four inch tall representation of my "good" conscience. Has troubles concerning his sexuality. Shinji’s interpretation of his “bad” conscience. Constantly trying to get Shinji into fights. Likes Shinji but would never admit it Representation of Shinji’s “good” conscience. Seems a little distracted most of the time. Has personal issues concerning her origin. Another admirer of Shinji although much less obvious than Asuka’s “tough love” approach. four inch interpretation of my "bad" conscience. Due to his demonic nature, everytime I catch even a glimpse of Cthulu I go temporarily insane and start singing anything that is in my mind. Cthulu’s interpretation of his “bad” conscience. Calls absolutely everyone he ever meets “kakarot” for some inexplicable reason. Cthulu’s interpretation of his “even badder” conscience. Always coming up with the best way of getting the entire gang into trouble. Doesn’t show it but he cares for the entire group like a family. Christ reborn and earth's last hope for redemption.... Outlook not too sunny.... And finally, basically the antichrist and arch nemesis of Bob. Contains incredible powers, which are wanted by the government.... Guest starring…. Alex’s best friend from his college. Started a “war for peace” in Bournemouth several months ago but disappeared shortly after one of his comrades was injured. Episode 3 Unexpected Guests… After the commotion of the previous episode the gang are chilling out around the living room, unaware of the incidents about to unfold…. so, what are we watching? it’s a documentary on the depiction of angels throughout the common religious texts. and why are we watching this? Wingy and bob wanted to watch it. It’s quite interesting really. (arguing with Wingy) the only reason they say angels only have two wings is because the illustrators got bored drawing all the original designs of angels who had sets of up to 32 wings! just goes to show the lazy bastards you got on your side doesn’t it! no need for that… you tell him! Whup his ass! Asuka…have you looked at me recently? (Holds up bandaged and plastered arm) you ain’t gonna let a little thing like that stop you are you? (sighs) perhaps we should let Shinji rest for a while before you coax him into another fight pilot Sohryu? Ahh whatta you know wondergirl? I’m the leader around here! You should all listen to me! (Shinji groans as a small argument breaks out between his consciences and the scene shifts to another small conscience on Alex’s other shoulder.) hmph. They bickering again? Weaklings. You should kill them all kakarot! I agree with the puff in the jump suit… shut your mouth kakarot! he call everybody that? yeah I dunno why. I think he’s a little funny in the head. (Another shift of scene takes us outside to where Mumm-Ra is sunning herself outside on the patio) more sun than usual today…very strange. (Eyebrow appears from over the fence with a fresh mouse kill in her mouth) ah! Another present for the monkey’s eh eyebrow? (Eyebrow tilts her head slightly and gives off a muffled purr) (sighs) its frustrating being the only talking, psychic cat in the street… (Meanwhile in the basement, night on Bald Mountain is playing. Rodrigo is laid out on the table and Mr.Floppolom is wearing his “special” apron and mask) Now. With this new treatment I’ve devised, I’ll have restored your original personality. No more Vietnam flashbacks for you my friend!…now for the dosage! (As we leave floppy to administer his “treatment” to Rodrigo, focus is drawn to an unusual speck in the sky…apparently falling at great speed…) Uhh has anyone seen where floppy and Rodrigo got to? I thought I heard music? (The lights in the house dim and a slight yelp is heard from the basement.) ah. Never mind…. can anyone else hear that? Sounds like someone yelling…. (Everyone shuts up and listens. Night on bald mountain can be heard faintly from the basement and a distant voice can be heard) someone fat get in my waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! (A tremendous crash sounds out as a familiar figure bursts through the roof and lands on Wingy, much to the amusement of bob who promptly suffers another sleeping bout mid laugh) Tim? What the heck are you doing here? I thought you disappeared after the war for peace in Bournemouth? Fire Engine! huh? it appears that he has lost some of his sanity. the ever observant wondergirl eh? shut up guys! Tim? Where have you been all this time? The gangs been worried! we have? not us kakarot! He’s talking about his friends! he has friends? (e.m.l. Chuckles and bob is asleep in the corner…probably for a while. Tim is bouncing up and down on wingy’s head obviously oblivious to the situation he’s in.) where Tim been? Tim been noweaso! yep he’s definitely lost it… 71|\/| \/\/ |-| 47 15…l33t!!!! heh heh sorry. (Before Tim has a chance to try and explain his appearance in the house, a ball of light is forming underneath him…) get…off…my…head…you…fat bastard! \/\/ 1 |\| g y, |\|0! it broke oooooooooffffffffffff!!!! (Tim’s frame is sent hurtling up into the air again creating an even bigger hole in the roof, meanwhile Bob is still asleep and Mumm-Ra is rushing in with some interesting news) \/\/ 1 |\| g y! \/\/ |-| Y d1d j00 |-| 4 \/ 3 2 d0 d47? 4|\|d 570p 1t l33t! ok, ok (rubbing his head) well the bastard shouldn’t have landed on me! I had to get him off me somehow! by vapourizing him? uh, guys? I barely scratched him! YOU BLEW HIM THROUGH THE ROOF! guuuuys? (Mr. Floppolom runs out of the basement still wearing his “special” outfit) Guys! What’s happening outside? HE WAS CRUSHING MY WINGS! HE DIDN’T KNOW! HE WAS INSANE! doesn’t look like they’re going to notice anytime soon… Alex? ALEX! what? (Shinji points up and Alex and Wingy follow his finger up to see what everyone was shouting about) why the crap are there trees coming in through the roof? oooooh crap, I don’t like the look of this. (Rodrigo appears from the basement apparently cured.) it’s so dark here…why’s it so dark? that’d be the trees surrounding the house, blocking out all the light and coming in through every nook and cranny… I’ll get the swords and flame-throwers then? if you would… hey, why’s it so dark in here? And where’s Tim? no time to talk now, Jesus boy. Just grab your spatula and help us out! (The gang is trapped in the middle of the living room, surrounded by plantlife. Rodrigo barely makes it through the door with wingy’s stash of weapons clutched to his chest. He hands out a selection of scimitars and katana’s to the group and they all stand back to back.) so what are we going to do now kakarot? no way are these bastards going to get my playstation! WHATTA YA MEAN YOUR PLAYSTATION!? somehow, I don’t think this was the ideal time to give them both weapons… I would have to concur, feline one. For now though, let us protect this house and those who dwell within it! what he said… ditto! okay people! Let’s go to it! kill the bastards! (The gang flies into battle and we leave them for now…)

To be continued….

Everytime I write that I hear a little theme song in my head…. Just need to find one mad enough for Konnichi Wa….