But...She's His Mother!

Yep, that is infallibly a reason why anti-Shinji-Rei people think the couple wouldn't work. There's a bunch more, but Rei being a clone of Yui Ikari always comes up. I've taken the liberty of handling these problems with this part of the site. Enjoy.

If you've thought up something that you think belongs in this list, send me a mail. I'll read any suggestion once ^_^.

By the way, these are in no particular order.

Popular reasons why people think a Shinji-Rei relationship will never work, and my retorts to them.

-Rei is a clone of Shinji’s mother. Retorts: 1.) She’s not a perfect clone. Anyone who’s seen Episode 24 will agree when I say Rei is not an average human being. 2.) Anyone who’s seen the first few episodes will remember that the Angels are ninety-something percent human. Rei is part Angel, from what I’ve seen. Even if Shinji’s mother is part of her DNA, it’s not all of her DNA.

-Quote from the Red Cross Book: "[Rei's] body was actually salvaged from what was left behind of Yui's body inside EVA." Therefore, Rei is in fact a perfect clone. Retorts: 1.) Ah, the RCB. It's always so mysterious. Do you know "what was left behind of Yui's body"? We never find out. It could have been anywhere from her entire body to just a few irradiated strands of DNA. 2.) Saying she was "salvaged" could also mean anything. She may have started with some of Yui's DNA, but whoever made her could have thrown in anything along the way in order to repair damaged DNA and to make Rei into what Gendo wanted (i.e. something that could start 3rd Impact).

-OK, she's not his mother. But she's his cousin (or sister, half-sister, 2nd cousin, aunt, niece, etc., etc., etc.). Retort: Do YOU know Rei's exact genetic makeup? I'd suggest you find out before you start guessing how she's related to Shinji.

-Rei is 100% Yui. Her blue hair, pale skin, etc. comes from minor gene alterations. Retort: Whatever. I know very little about genetics. However, I doubt a projectable AT field and the other non-human abilities Rei exhibits can come from "minor gene alterations".

-(corollary to the above)Rei is 100% Yui. The AT field, regeneration, etc. come from her soul, which is "somehow derived from Lillith"(quote courtesy of the RCB). Retort: Unit-01 has Yui Ikari's soul in it. If you want me to believe that the powers of the Angels come from their souls alone, then Yui Ikari must've been able to project an AT field, and regenerate lost body parts.

-(corollary to the above)But, Yui COULD do all that. Kaoru says himself that "everyone has an AT field", therefore Yui also had one. Retort: The only beings that have shown they can project an AT field are the Angels and things that are closely related to the Angels (i.e. the Evas). Rei can project an AT field. Therefore, it follows that she is closely related to the Angels. Since Yui was not an Angel, then Rei probably has some Angel DNA in her, i.e. she IS NOT 100% Yui Ikari.

(yet another corollary)Angels and humans have different types of souls. Putting a human soul in an Eva might have completed an already-present Angelic soul. Retorts: 1.) Another RCB quote: "It can be said that "Angels" is just another form of human, with the same probability of appearance as human. Human is thus the 18th Angel." It seems that although humans and Angels have different bodies, they have the same type of soul. 2.) Also, Adam was the 1st angel and the first human. What kind of soul did he have?

-Shinji himself says in Episode 23 that he gets a feeling around Rei like his mother. Retorts: This would actually be convincing if Shinji had not just learned what happened to his mother. He now knows that Rei and his mother were both tools of NERV, to be used and then discarded. I offer that as an alternative to you incest-minded freaks.

-Rei holds the cleaning rag like a mother would; Shinji says so himself. Retort: You're making judgements on family relations based on how she holds a RAG? Maybe that's just the way she was taught to clean the floor.

-Rei dies...sort of. Retort: 1.) Not only is she resurrected, she (partially) remembers her past self. In End of Eva, she remembers her affection for Shinji and ditches Gendo.

-Rei just isn’t a believeable character. People like her don’t exist. Retorts: 1.) Yes, they do. I'm friends with several people who could give Rei lessons on being introverted.

-Rei has no emotions/can’t understand her emotions. Retort: I’m not going to waste the space arguing this point. Watch the series again and see if you can honestly tell me Rei has no emotions. And so what if she can’t understand them? In case you missed the battle with the Fifth Angel, Shinji helps her understand.

-Rei is an Angel. Angel’s can’t fall in love. Retort: 1.) I can’t believe you said that. I’m going to go watch Episode 24 and laugh at you. A lot.

-Whenever Asuka (or anyone else) makes a crack that Rei and Shinji are close, Shinji calmly denies it. Retorts: 1.) Working off his experience from Touji and Kensuke, Shinji knows telling someone like Asuka about your love interests will just mean endless ridicule. The only way to throw off suspicion is to act like there’s no relationship. 2.) Rei is not very forward with any kind of emotion. Shinji may like her, but he doesn’t know how she feels.

-Rei starts 3rd Impact and kills everyone in the world. Retort: She does it to be with Shinji, according to EoE. She doesn’t give a damn about other people (you gotta respect someone like that). In any case, it’s not permanent. We hear that the people will come back, if they’re willing.

-Rei disappears at the end of EoE. Retort: She did that in Episode 1, too, and in case you forgot, she wasn’t gone for good.

-Rei is already f***ing Kaworu (or Gendo, or Maya, or Asuka, or...). Retorts: 1.) Show me some evidence, and I'll think about it. Kaworu got a 10-second scene with Rei, and you say they're hot on each other? 2.) OK, about the Gendo thing...you people are sick, if you think he'd screw Rei. Please remember if he'd had a daughter, he'd have named her Rei. He treats this Rei like a daughter.

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Why Shinji and Rei?
Why not Shinji and Asuka?
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