Fan Fiction

Well, here we are again. From what I've heard, this is the part of the site that keeps getting me taken off the web. So I'm going to be more careful with what I host here.

Still, this is the part of the site I'm most proud of. Enjoy going through this newly-rebuilt collection of fics, which has been alphabetized by author (with the exception of me). If there's something you'd like to see here, write me.

Fics last added: August 11, 2003

Note: fics that are unfinished, and look like they're never going to be finished, have been noted as Unfinished.

By Ryan Xavier (ME):

-"A Killer's Heart". This was my first fan fic. It's decidedly different from my others (for one, it's set in the world of Bubblegum Crisis, not Eva). What's it doing on this page? It's my page, that's why. Anyway, I've had a surprising number of people write me and ask me to re-post, then finish out this fic. So here's what I've got. Sorry, the last chapter is still listed as "coming soon".

-UPDATED 5/27/04:Angels of Armageddon. My latest fic, which is ongoing. A continuation, taking place after the movie End of Evangelion.

-An Unwilling Angel. My first Eva fic. A divergent, in which Rei survives the destruction of Unit-00.

Prologue: Hold Me Again
Chapter 1: Is This a Tear?
Chapter 2: Battle of the Angels
Chapter 3: No Longer Alone

A note: My fics are now indexed at Go check out that site to see what else they've got.

By Mika Babe:

-An Encompassing of Souls. When the Children have to deal with that problem every teenager fears: going to prom.

By Chewy:

-What Happened to Gendo. Rather humorous. The prologue to his next fic:

-Forever United. The fic that showed me indisputable proof that you can have too much WAFF (Warm and Fuzzy Feeling) in a fic.

By Daryl:

-Crimson Resurrection. A divergent fic, in which Rei survives the destruction of Unit-00. Though not in the manner of my own fic. Unfinished. Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

By Doug Dennis:

-A Reunion of Friends. A continuation fic, taking place after the series.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

-Of Comfort and Kindness. A divergent, taking place around the time of the Fifth Angel.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

By Godsend:

-A Touch of Love? A divergent.

By James Grabowski and Geoff Upchurch:

-"Resolutions". Actually, only Grabowski wrote this one. In any case, a very sweet one-shot, my second favorite (a close runner-up to "Rain").

-Variations on a Theme. Finally, one of the most well-known, best-written S/R fics has made it back onto the site. I highly recommend it. Unfortunately, it is unfinished.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

By Andrew Huang:

-Neon Genesis Evanjellydonut. A spoof. Blatant, very intentional OOC. Hilarious. Also one of my favorites. Unfinished.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 1/2
Chapter 4

By Jim Lazar:

-Garden of Eva. Very limey (i.e. sexual references, without being too explicit), turning over to lemony (explicit sexual references). Very funny, if you have a sense of humor regarding Eva. One of my favorites. The link is to the author's website.

By Steve Pardue:

-Misato's Christmas Party. Another one of my favorites, taking place during the Christmas season. Rather funny in a few places, though definitely not a humor fic.

-The Day After Misato's Christmas Party. As the title suggests, the sequel to the above fic. Implies that more is to come, but the author hasn't done anything more, as far as I can tell. This chapter is significantly darker than the first, and shows signs of the fic possibly becoming an S/A fic later on, should the author ever continue it.

By Random:

-Crimson and Azure: A divergent, using an original angle: the Children's use of musical instruments. One of my favorites. I also helped preread this one.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

By Rina-chan:

-Rain. A one-shot. Despite errors in the translation, this remains my personal favorite of one-shot Eva fics.

-Only Away Memories. This fic again has some translation errors, but gets by all the same. An interesting theme: just when did Shinji and Rei first meet?

By Rojo the Great:

-The Bet. Rei is the target of an evil plot. But SEELE has nothing to do with it...

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

-Brave Nurse Shinji. What happens when Rei gets sick?

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

By Shinji Ace Ikari:

-Genesis of Ikari. Yet another fic taking up the subject of the 16th Angel's attack. Unfinished.

By Spike:

-Cold Hearted. A one-shot, in which Rei reaches out for help.

-Spirit Angels. A humor fic. Crossover with Sakura Wars.

The Rest of this Site:

Why Shinji and Rei?
Why not Shinji and Asuka?
