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Chaotic Century: Episode 12
The Black Organoid

After getting away from the treacherous Mount Isolina, Van and the gang made it into Republican Territory. They make it to a village only after going through a zoid What are you doing? If you wanted to go on a date, at least wait until I came over your house! LOL!!!graveyard of 30 Guysacks. Van and the gang get in trouble as a few soldiers try to arrest them because they think its someone else. Van and Fiona escape but Irvine, Moonbay and Zeke are caught. Then they are chased after until they come across a boy lyind down. Then that boy rescues them from the Republican Soldiers. Then more of them come, as they are about to reach them, Fiona grabs the boy (who is just as old as Van/Fiona) and they make a break for it. Then both Moonbay and Irvine are released do to the misunderstanding. Darn Zoids, How Raven hates the site of these Zoids!Major Ford, leaader and commander of this unit fills both Irvine and Moonbay in on the details. Two days ago, an entire sleeper battalion was wipped out and it was do to one Saber Fang and a black organoid. A black organoid similiar to Zeke attacked them except it had wings instead of boosters. Raven (the boy) leads Van and Fiona to the fresh water and asks htem how is he going to rescue their friends. Irvine gets to Van and warns him about Raven. By that time, the Republican Army came in a small battalion of Godos's. Raven took care of all of them. And then Van took on Raven and fought him, Raven the much superior fighter had defeated him but had enough sympathy to leave them be. He leaves Van with his broken pride.

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Credits: Red River Base (Much Thanx For The Raven/Fiona Scan)
Credits: The Saber Fang Scan, is copyrighted work of Zoids' Eve, if you would like to take it, Please Give Us (Zoids' Eve) Credit.