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Chaotic Century: Episode 13
The Battle of Chronos

After Van loses to Raven, he sits down and says he's waiting until Raven shows up. Some of the villagers warn them of the advancing Imperial Army. Major Marcus tells Yeah, Shield Liger whopped the Saber Fang pretty good! I hope you like the taste of defeat Raven!Major Shoobaultz of the new objectives and different strike plans. Major Marcus's unit will attack and capture the Chronos Fortress and the Shoobaultz unit will advance on to Mount Osa Base. After swooping and sneaking around Irvine learns even though the Republican Army is backed into a corner, they have a bold strategy. After several attempts by Moonby and Fiona, Van still doesn't want to go instead he is trying to Oh My God! I need to drink to some Pepsi..gotta love the stuff!pull the full potential of the Shield Liger out. Meanwhile, in the village Raven explains the strategy to Major Shoobaultz, and why they couldn't merge their forces together. It would be too overwhelming for the Republicans and which might force the President to negotiate a ceasefire treaty between both nations. After his talk Raven leaves with his Saber Fang and Shadow. Van finds him and says that he wants a rematch. Irvine as always was standing by, if Van needed help. For a couple of secs, it looked like Van had the match under control, but then Raven being the superior pilot quickly figured his strategy out and ripped the dual-gun mounted on the Shield Liger off. Then Irvine came charging in and Raven took him out easily enough. Then Van put up his Shield and charged for Raven and hit his Saber and Raven went down. He then fused with his black organoid, shadow. Then took Van out with one blow, after that Zeke was hurt pretty bad. The Chronos Fortress felland blew itself up along with the part of Marcus's unit.

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Credits: Red River Base (Much Thanx For The Scans)