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Chaotic Century: Episode 34
The Capital Ablaze

The episode starts out with Van and Fiona atfter they defeated Raven. It jumps to the city of Guygalos where Prozan is giving his speech after addressing the so called Storm Sorders Getting Rudolph Back to the Palacedeath of Emperor Rudolph. He then shows teh people of the Empire the legendary beast of destruction, the only zoid that elimnated a platoon of 1,000 zoid in one night, the Deathsaur. He demonstrates the Deathsaur's power, by telling the Deathsaur to launch the Charged Particle Gun at the "invading" republican forces. The Deathsaur does, and in doing so it wipes out an entire gaul of Shield Ligers. As the support from the Republic that Prime Minister Homalef requested arrived to the Imperial Capital. The Beast of DestructionProzan instructs the Deathsaur to elimnate the entire republican forces and if needed to, burn the captial on the ground. Van Flyheight and his Blade Liger tried several times to attack the Deathsaur, but was thrown away by the Deathsaur's tail. Finally a last ditch effort, they had stopped the Particle In-take fan mounted on the back of the Deathsaur, so now the Deathsaur couldn't fire it Charged Particle Gun. The Blade Liger made a charge to break through the core of Deathsaur. But the Deathsaur broke free and launched its Charged Particle Gun, and it hit the Blade Liger, but unknowningly to the others the Blades neutralized the Charged Particle Gun and the Blade Liger broke through the Deathsaur's core, destroying it. After the havoc was cleared up, Rudolph was crowned Emperor of the Glorious Guylos Empire. 

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Credits: Red River Base (Much Thanx For The Scans)