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Guardian Force: Episode 37
The Blue Devil

Van and Fiona go to a nearby village, where Captain O'Connel and his men found a whole truck load of stone tablets which may lead to Zoid Eve. When Van had gotten Hiltz and Reice w/their organoids!there, a Godos had gotten out of control and attacked Fiona. Van jumped in his Blade Liger, and used long range machine gun to target the Godos, as he was doing this, he had a vision that showed him if he fired he would've killed Fiona. Zeke rescues Fiona and Van destroys the Godos. Later on, the Village was put under some kind of spell Reice and Specula!and they had emptied out. Van, Fiona and Zeke had gone to the bell tower and found a girl in blue clothes and had blue hair called Reice. She attacked Van and Van flipped her out and was about to knock her out when Fiona stopped him. Fiona told him that she was frightend and she didn't know what she was doing. Later, Van, Fiona, Reice and Zeke went by the ruins and they found out that the stone tablets were gone, and Van was attacked by some Blade Liger vs Double Swordersmall mechanical bugs. All the while a blue organoid appeared infront of Zeke and Reice had kidnapped Fiona, while Specula (Blue Organoid) distracted Zeke. Fiona was tied between the bell tower in the middle of the Church. When Van arrived, Specula fused with a Double Sworder, and Van had gotten his Blade Liger and attacked the Double Sworder, in strange battle Van had caused some damage to Reice's Double Sworder. And he then found out that he had to knock out the bell, but Fiona was tied in between the church. After some hesitation, Van launched it and destroyed the bell, with out hurting Fiona. And he then chopped up the Double Sworder into pieces. 

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Credits: Red River Base (Much Thanx For The Scans)