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Guardian Force: Episode 42

Episode starts out with a Godos being stolen and ised to destroy its own base with a black organoid. In the morning, Van goes to check out the base, or whats left of the base. Van looks around the base and sees that it was a thorough job. Whoever did this didn't want a trace of anything to be left behind. Then a survivor tells Van that this was done by a black organoid. In the back of his mind Van thinks this couldn't be possible. He calls in Thomas Raven piloting the Godos. He is just a psychological affected kid after he lost to Van.Shoobaultz. Van and Thomas had a talk with each other and Van filled in Thomas with all the details about the black organoid and Raven. Van thinks that that it might be a mistake bringing Thomas into this mission. Meanwhile, in the desert at the time Raven was walking alone and a Gustav pulled up and gave Raven a ride and some water. Then Thomas says that taking Raven down would be a piece of cake, and that he would win. Raven isn't the Raven that Van and Thomas are fighting Raven, while Raven attacks with the Dark Horn.Van knew back in Chaotic Century, he has been psychologically effected by the loss he received to Van with the Blade Liger. The Raven that he once knew was sleeping now. During the night, he eats dinner and drinks his coffee. While Reece and Hiltz look on from a cliff above. A Redler goes to check out area and is commandeered by the black organoid. A Redler comes crashing down and Raven shows up in a Dark Horn. Van slices the leg of the Dark Horn and Thomas provides support fire. Then Raven comes out of the Dark Horn and Van opens the cockpit to the Blade Liger. They stare at each other for a while and that's whne the confident Raven that was sleeping in his head awakes. He calls Shadow and leaves with him. 

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