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Guardian Force: Episode 43
The Emperor's Holiday

After the fierce bout with Raven, Van decides to take a break with the Emperor himself, Rudolph. 7 Redlers carrying the Emperor to his one-day holiday. While watching with his comrades, is Stinger. Thomas finds out that Van is slacking off. Unknowningly, he gives, Emperor Rudolph a noggie. Then Lady Mary Ann, the girl that is supposed to wed Rudolph shows up and starts yelling at Thomas. Stinger scopes the area out and sees that Van's Blade Liger is there. Mary Ann also learns that Thomas is in love with Fiona. She helps out Thomas in trying to get Fiona's affection, they try several methods and none of them seem to work. While all this is going on, Stingers' flunkies the two with the Desert Heldigunner zoids, plant explosives under the Redlers so when the lift off they would explode. They cause a distraction, and the Redlers lift off and explode. Then Van and Thomas hear the fire works, they try to head off to their Zoids. While they are running, Zeek is caught in a net but not taken away, and Rudolph is kidnapped. In their respective zoids, both Van and Thomas launch an assault against the Heldigunners. They also find out that Stinger has Rudolph cornered and tied to a pole as they were before. Van charges at Stinger with the Blade Liger, and in a stunning move, Van gets Rudolph to safety and demoblizes the Saber Fang Stinger Special. And as in every movie, tv show or any picture work, the calvary arrives late as usual. 

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