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Guardian Force: Episode 47
A Monster Awakens

After coming back from Lumear Island and defeating the Hammerhead, Van had made it back to a base near the Genosaur's Cacoon. An Imperial soldier finds Raven by Raven takes out Irvine's Command Wolf with his Pincer Claws For Good!the Genosaur's Cacoon. Then the rest of the Imperial soldiers come and arrest Raven. Raven was being interrogated by Majro Shoobaultz. Then everyone checks out the Genosaur's cacoon. The Genosaur is evolving but int what? The republican and Imperial forces joined together in Geno-Breakerorder to destroy the cacoon. After an all out assault against the cacoon, but it fails because the glowing cacoon actually protects and diverts all firepower away from it, the same would have happened if some had launched an assault on the Shield Liger's Whirlwind of Light. They were going to wait unti lthe cacoon hathes and the Genosaur is reborn for their second assault. There was a whole fleet of zoids many mixes in the Imperial Zoids, several Red Horns and Iron Kong surrounded by Molga and Hel Digunner units.The Republicans had many Gojulas's and Gordos's surrounded by Command Wolves. Van suggests to Major Shoobaultz, both Irvine and Thomas should position themselves alongside him in the front lines just in case if the attack fails. Major Shoobaultz agree's that he should move Raven to another facility, because it would be way to easy for him to just break out and get to the Geno-Breaker, Raven is sent away in the Modified-Redler (two seater). The cacoon hatches and they open fire wiht an all out assault from over 70 zoids. The target had no damage because of a very poweful shield. Raven destroys the Redler he is in and jumps out and waits for the newly improved Genosaur to come to him. Irvine attacks Raven first and recieves a fatal blow from one of the Geno-Breaker's pincers. Van hits the ground as well. Raven runs off and will come back at a better time. But it looks like the Command Wolf is out of the fight for good. 

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