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Guardian Force: Episode 52
Van's New Power

After captureing Captain Sephers and healing, Van and the newly repaired Blade Liger were ready for some action. The Blade Liger repairs were all completeled. Van did a Blade Liger's Speed Increases By __% After the Booster Attachmenttest run with the Blade Liger, and it turned out the Blade Liger was feeling kind of sluggish. Van found out after Dr. D explained to him, that all the motion systems were worn out on the Blade Liger when came here and it also seems that Van has been running the Blade Liger well beyond its capabilities, so now the Blade Liger isn't good enough for Van anymore. Then Dr. D shows everyone some of the semi-functional Ambient Fuses With A Gun Sniper and Transforms the Gun Sniper.boosters, that may increase the Blade Liger's potential. Moonbay tries to test the boosters out on her Gustav how the would work, but it didn't work at all, it took the Gustav all over the place. Then Dr. D attaches som functional Gun Snipers Make Their Way To Target Van.boosters to the Blade Liger. Before the test run, Fiona wanted to talk about something very strange happening to Zeke. But Van told her he'll deal with it after the test run. Van goes out with the special boosters, that increased the Blade Liger's potential about 5% and Dr. D knows as well as Van the increase in the potential would not be enough. Then 10 Gun Snipers make it to the field, and attacked Van. Van had an interesting talk with Hiltz. Then Zeke fused with the Blade Liger and increased its potential as well as its reaction time. Van knocks out all the Gun Snipers including the one Ambient had transformed. Van was now using the full potential of the Organoid, Zeke and the Blade Liger. 

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