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Guardian Force: Episode 53

After pulling out the full potential of Zeke and the Blade Liger, the Blade Liger has reached its absolute best under the piloting of Van. A couple of people were conspiring to kill Emperor Rudolph and were caught and placed under arrest. Phantom, the assassin they hird is very notorious and he has never missed his intended target or given up on an assignment. When he receives an assignment he carries it out to the very end. Van and Thomas find out the plot to kill emperor Rudolph will be carried out at the Guylos Grand Prix, the generals that still claim loyality to Prozan want Emperor Rudolph dead. The Grand prix attracts lots of attention from all over Planet Zi. We also find out, Moonbay, aka the Red Fire Ball will be making her grand return to the Grand Prix and is burning every oppenent in sight except for one called Mascarade. Meanwhile, Phantomis in the harbor with his stealth Gun Sniper, unknowningly to Van there can be a snipping shot made from the sea. Phantom has a stealth boat that also masks his Gun Sniper, he uses some target practice the day before the Grand Prix. Finally the Grand Prix starts and Moonbay gets off to a bad start leaving Mascarde in the same position. All the while, Van and Thomas are checking the harbor for Phantom, a witness says he saw a Gun Sniper, but it vanished just as quickly as it came. Van and thomas also believed that he was using stealth capability. Phantom was spotted but blew up his ship and escaped through the water and was heading for the stadium. Van and Thomas were doing a through search for any trace of him in the stadium. While, Moonbay had locked on to third place. Phantom uts some explosives under all the Gustav's that were there to make a decoy for people to come so he can take out Emperor Rudolph. Phantom was caught because the Rudolph in the box, was just a hologram and the actual Rudolph was Mascarade. Whom also beat Moonbay and won the Guylos Grand Prix. Phantom was caught by Van and Thomas and was taken in to the authorites.

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