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Guardian Force: Episode 54

After taking down Phantom, before he can kill Emperor Rudolph, Captain O'Connel and Colonel Herman are looking at the remains of the Gun Snipers that Van destroyed. Thomas and Bic were looking around at the place where the Geno-Breaker was first born in search of Residual Radiation. They are wondering how a Gun Sniper could change shape with just fusing with an organoid. Colonel Shoobaultz made it at the Dragon Head Base and they all including Thomas made it to the briefing. Dr. D started the briefing for the various enemies more than the Guardian Force had to deal with. Then Dr. D goes over the biographies of the following enemies they have had to tangle with. First they start with a man called Hiltz, then they go on to, Ambient, Reice, Specula, then finally Raven and Shadow. After that briefing was over, Fiona had done a special briefing of her own on the top members of the Guardian Force and analyzes the best tactics the Guardian Force can use against the Geno-Breaker. They would need to penetrate the Geno-Breaker's shield and change the trajectory of the Charged Particle Cannon. They could use the Gun Sniper's shield piercing bullets to take out the sheild and use the Gordos's electromagnetic poles to change the trajectory of the Charged Particle Cannon. Also, Stealth options are available and can be used to fight the Geno-Breaker, it can be Heli-Cats, Stealth Vipers or even the Triple SSS. Meanwhile, Hiltz was approaching Dragon Head Base, in a Whale King in which he wanted to hit the base and destroy them all. Then, Van and the Guardian Force go off and eventually stop the Whale King from hitting the base.

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