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Guardian Force: Episode 57
The Nightmare

Van, Irvine and Thomas are making some adjustments to the Attack Booster. It seems they attack booster can be upgraded to make the Blade Liger go several times Death Stingerfaster. Which would increases the chances of defeating the Geno-Breaker. In some cliffs, Hiltz and Ambient are about to release an ancient type of zoid. At the base, Fiona senses the heat signature of this crude zoid and rushes off. Then Hiltz reports to the Dark Kaizer as Hiltz is talking to the Dark Kaizer, Raven drops in on Hiltz and after a few seconds leaves to the top of the mountain and looks at the stars. He vows The Geno-Breaker piloted by Raven and Shadow are heading off to Van Flyheights Positionnext time Van and him meet that one of us will die. Fiona has a very bad dream and finds what she went looking for. At the base, Van went to try out the enhnaced booster while, Moonbay, Thomas and Fiona flew off in the Pteras's and Dibison. Later on, Van and Irvine prep their zoids for battle as they hear Raven is approaching in the Geno-Breaker. Fiona finds Hiltz zoid, which has a zoid core temperature of 6,000*. Then Hiltz announces the zoid to be the legendary Death Stinger. As the zoid comes out, Thomas launches the Migalow Max but it didn't have any effect on the Death Stinger. Lightning Saix vs Geno BreakerMeanwhile, Raven is taking Irvine and Van on, then the Gun Snipers take out the Shield on the Geno-Breaker. While Hiltz tells us about how the mighty Deathsaur was on the verge of taking out the Ancient Zoidians, they created two new scorpion type zoids to hold the Deathsaur at bay. But Hiltz found the two scorpion type zoids and fused the cores to make the Death Stinger, the messenger of Doom. Its power exceeds that of the Deathsaur. The Death Stinger fires it Charged Particle Gun and it goes right between Raven and Van. But unfortanetly for Raven, the Geno-Breaker was on the verge of the Command System Freeze because of low energy, Shadow used his energy to get the Geno-Breaker to move and saved Raven's life. The Death Stinger gets into the Hammer Kaizer and starts lifting off. 

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