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Guardian Force: Episode 58
Attack of the Winged Dragons

After being unsuccesful in stoppig Hiltz, he took to orbit in the Hammer Kaizer with the Death Stinger in it. Fiona piloting a Pteras and Moonbay piloting a Silver Pteras, they were monitoring the Hammer Kaizer. Hiltz announces to everyone in the Republic about the Death Stinger and asks them what the name of the town below their is, Major Thomas cutting through the Hammer Kaizer with his Storm Sworder.Herman tells him if he doesn't know then he won't tell him. Hiltz destroys it with a blast of the Charged Particle Gun from the Death Stinger. Major Herman goes to the Capital and asks the Madam President, about taking two Storm Sworders into space. He wants the pilots on Storm Sworders to be Van Flyheight and Thomas Shoobaultz. At the battlefield where both Van and Thomas are alongside Irvine, are attacked by a couple of Hel Digunners. Van tells Irvine to take his place as the Storm Sworder pilot, and they should leave now. Meanwhile, surrounded by Death Stinger in the Hammer Kaizerseveral cliffs, the severly-damaged Geno-Breaker rests along with Shadow in its left claw. As Raven mourns the loss of his one true friend, he takes off in the Geno-Breaker. Van and his min-force of two Command Wolves with MKII Upgrades, two Shield Ligers and a Gun Sniper are attacking the Hel Digunners and are doing pretty well. Up above resting in the Hammer Kaizer, Hiltz is destroying anything along his way to New Helic City. At Red River Base, Irvine and Thomas had just arrived to carry out the mission. They had just finished the work on the two Storm Sworders right before Irvine and Thomas got there. At the battlefield, the Blade Liger and his force had just whipped out the Hel Digunners, Van and his force vs The Enemyjust when they thought they had finished their work, more than battalion of Rev. Rapters came charging in. Van tells his force to back away, and he'll deal with the Rev. Rapters. Irvine and Thomas had just finished suiting up for the Storm Sworders battle in space and went into the Storm Sworders awaitng take-off. Major Herman informs them, they will be flying at 20,000 the speed of sound and they can not carry out too many agreesive maneuvers or the fusalage will be torn apart and it'll blow up. After they're inital take off, when they hit the upper stratosphere, Irvine and Thomas had quickly found the target and launched two missiles each at the target. It turned out they missed the target, due to electromagnetic jamming, which fooled they radar quite effectively. Major Herman tells both Irvine and Thomas to abort the mission, but Irvine insists they still have a chance by using the swords of the Storm Sworders. As they dodge the fire power by mere inches and are making their way to the Hammer Kaizer, both Irvine and Thomas spilt to each side and cut the Hammer Kaizer apart. After the crash of the Hammer Kaizer, Irvine and Thomas went to check it out but somehow the Death Stinger survived the crash from the upper stratosphere. Van had just finished plowing through the last the Rev. Rapters and was about to fight Reice and her blue Genosaur. Meanwhile, the damaged Geno-Breaker landed at place Raven called home and he brought Shadow as well.

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