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Guardian Force: Episode 59
The Capital Collapses

After making a direct hit with the surface and survivng the Hammer Kaizer destruction, the Death Stinger made its way to New Helic City. At traveling forty km per day, it would make it to the Capital with in two hours. The evacuations of the Republic were mostly complete, only the South and West sectors remain. Emperor Rudolph reassures the president, the defense forcees of the Empire will be arriving to give assistance, among them will be Colonel Shobaultz Armored Panzer Division. Colonel Herman gets and idea to sin the Death Stinger into Molteon Magma, with some strategic bombing the crust will break and the Death Stinger will fall into Molteon Magma. Van is still battling out with Blue Genosaur, Reice. While, Raven is still mourning the loss of his organoid, Shadow. As Irvine and Thomas were making it to the Storm Sworders for the bombing run, the Death Stinger changes course and starts heading for the Molteon Lava himself. Colonel Herman cancels the order for the bombing mission, and requests a complete surveilance of the area. It also seems the Death Stinger can survive the heat of the magma. Colonel Shobaultz Armored Division arrives and Colonel Herman goes over the briefing. Then Hiltz appears on the holographic projector and announces its his duty to whip out the weak and he commences the attack from within the city. Raven Mobilizing the Severly Damaged Geno-BreakerHe starts attacking everythingwithin the city, the defense forces were delayed and Colonel Herman, Colonel Shobaultz, alongside Irvine and Thomas were to hold off the Death Stinger. Meanwhile, Reice and Van were still going at it head to head, and on the flipside Raven is still mourning the loss of Shadow. Raven starts up with damaged Geno-Breaker and flies away to New Helic City. After a vicious assaultfrom Thomas, Herman, Shobaultz, and Irvine the Death Stinger wasn;t even scrapped. It quickly took the four of them out, and then the defense forces were taken out. This is when Raven showed up and saved two Command Wolves from destruction and challenged the Death Stinger. He took the Death Stinger with a couple of charges and dodged its fire power and wound up being destroyed because he couldn't use his shield, he couldn't fire a Charged Particle Beam without an organoid, this is the flaw in the Geno-Breaker. Reice came and Hiltz launched the Charged Particle Beam and annihilated Raven and Reice or so it seemed. Everyone retreated to Windean Lake, to initalize the final strategy, the one strategy the had hoped they would never use.

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