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Guardian Force: Episode 60
The Great Fortress

After retreating from the doomed Capital, the Republican and Imperial Forces have been going to Windean Lake. This is where the Republican's Secret Weapon, the Madam President and AssistantUltrasaurus was resting. A last ditch strategy they will use to defeat the Death Stinger is under way. They are planning to awaken the Ultrasaurus, a heavy carrier zoid, which would provide them with cover and fire power to take on the Death Stinger. Colonel Herman believes there is only a 50% chance the Ultrasaurus will awaken. Van talks some sense in to Colonel Herman and eventually makes him realize, he has Captain O'Connel in the Cockpit of the Dibison sending the sound samples to Van and Irvineto believe in that 50% chance the Ultrasaurus will awaken or its hopeless. Six power blocks of the Ultrasaurus are ready for action and are functioning well to their maximum. Moonbay got an idea to kick start the seventh power block of the Ultrasaurus. Meanwhile, the Death Stinger slumbering in the molteon lava with in a mountain, it blows through the mountain with a Charged Particle Beam and sets out after the Ultrasaurus. Captain O'Connel estimates in terms of distance the Death Stinger isn't far away, but the mountains are providing cover from the Death Stinger's coming down quickly. Blade Liger against the HelicatsCaptain O'Connel also calculates it would take the Death Stinger about three hours to get here but as Hiltz has other plans, using the Charged Particle Beam of the Death Stinger he cuts through the mountains and so he can fire the beam at the Ultrasaurus quicker. Captain O'Connel estimates it would take less thirty minutes for it to get within range to launch the Charged Particle Beam, but the seventh power block isn't due to get ready in another two hours. Colonel Herman sends Van and Irvine out to hold the Death Stinger off for as much time as possible, while Fiona and Thomas hook up the seventh power block in another way according to Moonbay's Ultrasaurus Making Its Way to the Sea (Thanx to RRBase)instructions. Even though, the power blocks of the Ultrasaurus are independent sources of power they are linked together by via central circuit system, Moonbay tells them to switch the power blocks into a specific order to kick start the seventh power block. As Van and Irvine are making their way out, they are caught off guard by Helicats, but take them on, there were so many they couldn't reach the Death Stinger in time. After using the sound samples which Bic had analyzed from the Dibison, they were able to take out most of the Helicats, but they wouldn't stop coming. After Fiona and Thomas had finished with the power block modification, they tried starting it up, but it wouldn't work. They found out later, there was a limiter installed on the B017, after it was removed they tried starting it up again, and this time the Ultrasaurus had awakened. It dodged the Charged Particle Beam of the Death Stinger and makes a way for the sea. While, Van and Irvine were distracting the Helicats. 

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