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Complete Zoids: Geno Breaker

Geno Breaker

Geno Breaker Geno Breaker
Type: Dinosaur
Class: 4
Function: Assault/Command
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Designation: EZ-034

Height: 13.7m
Length: 23.0 m
Weight: 137.5T
Max Speed (open range): 345 km/h
Crew: 1 (Maximum)
Known pilots: Raven
Weapons: Dual Pincer Claws, Twin 140mm Cannons, Twin 80mm Cannons, Concealed Rocket Launcher Pods, Charged Particle Beam
Support Features: Foot-locks, Boosters, Powerful Shield Energy, Particle In-take Fan 
Other Information: The Geno-Breaker is a extremely powerful and fast zoid for its size. Like the previous Genosaurer, it has boosters covered by the footlocks and some new features, an additional set of boosters mounted on the back which allow the Geno-Breaker to hover over and fire its Charged Particle Beam from the air. The Geno-Breaker has a spike mounted on the head for Close Combat. The Geno-Breaker was defeated only twice in the entire series and it was to the Death Stinger. The Geno-Breaker has its dual pincer claws which are weapons but also can generate an extremely powerful shield. The Geno-Breaker is much more powerful than the Deathsaur according to Colonel Herman. The one odd feature of the Geno-Breaker which sticks out odd to Reice is the color of the Geno-Breaker, I am still not sure what this means, but I believe it has something to do with how long Shadow can stay fused w/the Geno-Breaker. Raven is the only pilot for the Geno-Breaker, but Reice has also sat in the cockpit of the Geno-Breaker.

Credits: Red River Base - Thanx For the Geno-Breaker Scans