Well what else can i say about me? Hmmmmmm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I know lets talk about my hobbies! Okay well while I'm at home I lke to draw anime ( of course ) play DDR ( Dance Dance Revolution ) I'm like a DDR freak I play that game almost every day!
Or I'm always on the the net helping friends with their web pages and stuff or working on my HTML thingies. You know the regular Azn thing to do! LOL! Oooohhh ya well as soon as my dad hooks up my scanner I'll be puting a picture of myself on this page so all you cute guys can check me out. LOL! ( ya right )
Well I hope you enjoy my page and if you have any ideas about what I can do to improve my site please feel free to contact me @ LittleGurlMiaka@lycos
Well here's a bit more about me ok! Enjoy ~_~!
name: Geraldine
nick: AzN Gurl, Gee
age: 14
bday: April 17
location: a small little town
loves: anime
hates: spam ( the food )
Layout made by katato
Site owned by Azn Gurl