Tyson |
Bladebreakers |
Tyson Age:
13 Tyson is the main character of Beyblade and an idiot. He is loud and obnoxious. He has a archaeologist for a father, he mentions a brother (never seen him) and he has a crazy grandfather that's trying to keep up with the times. His
bit-beast is Dragoon and his fighting skill is to wing it. He hardly goes
for strategy and relies on luck.
Kai | |
Ray | |
Max | |
Kenny (The Chief) | |
The White Tigers | |
Lee | |
Gary | |
Kevin | |
Mariah | |
Demolition Boys |
Voltaire | |
Boris | |
Tala | |
Bryan | |
Spencer | |
Ian | |
The Majestics |
Johnny | |
Robert | |
Enrique | |
Oliver | |
The All Stars |
Emily | |
Michael | |
Steve | |
Eddy | |
Judy |