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Nick Name: Kole
Full Name: X-ian Kole/ Kole Garner
Age: 22
Eyes: Sky Blue
Hair: Honey Blond
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 127 lbs.
Skin: Tanned Olive
Blood Type: A+
Personality: He cares for others more then himself and wishes everyone peace. A warm hearted person with a quick smile yet is shy and quiet. There is a strong aggressive side but it is rarely seen, instead he tends to be humble.
Bio: Sold into being a slave by the man he thought was his father -Kole-, X-ian grew up alone and cursed for actually being McLeen's son. Seventh child of thirteen and the sixth boy to his mother he was left to be abused by McLeen. Hiding the scars under his clothes he served until he was 20. Then he ran away one night before he was forced to marry another of McLeen's "hired hands". He did not speak his first until he was in his teens and language sometimes comes awkwardly to him. He is an artist, gardener, and sewer.

Kole's Diary

Nick Name: Damon / Daemon
Fullname: Vei Hashter
Age: 19
Eyes: One blue eye, one crimson eye
Hair: Black with flecks of brown and tan
Height: 6'
Weight: 155
Skin: Sandalwood
Blood Type: B
Personality: He is rare in expressing sentiment or emotion for caring of others, if he shows such it's usually to try and lure them towards his bed. He believes in the philosophy that he is already eternally damned, and from that, he has learned to thrive on all negative emotions others pose. Pain. Anger, hate. And he thrives even on lust. He is brash, and blunt, to the point of rude and imposing.
Bio: Vei was abandoned as a child by his mother. His father died at the age of 20, but not before Damon could be told he was of a cursed/damned bloodline. Doomed to die before 25, and doomed to the gradual progression from being human, to being a monster. Doomed to go to hell. He gained the name 'Damon', from being told he was not human, but a demon. What little shambles of family he had were killed for the beliefs they were monsters as well. Each year, Damon becomes closer to being less human, and more werebeast. This includes a change in his senses and his penchant for the taste of blood. He is a thief and an escaped murder convict.

Damon's Diary


Copyright 2003