AN: I LUV YOU GUYS!!! Thank you!! I really do hope you enjoyed that poem. Already reading my reviews…I thought...hey…I can make a plot for this 1 shot!!! So…here we are…with a plot!! Whooo!!! Start out with 2 pages on Microsoft words. For every review I get for this story…I’ll write an extra page. So…3 reviews =5 pages. I took 1 page for intro...but don’t count as part of the story.

Disclaimer: I truly do not own Naruto…but if you want to give the characters to me…I would love you forever!!

Warning: Kind of angst. Hope you don’t mind. It seems a lot of people like angst…

Couples: Sasunaru, Kakairu

Things to look out for

“” talking

Italic thoughts


Heartless World

By xxSilverWingsxx


It was a usual morning for me. Wake up, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, and then meet up my team members. I always wonder what happen if I just close up inside me and let my body take control. Sometimes the heart sees what the brain can not. So what happens if I just shut down my brain? I thought I’ll give it a try today.

It was a usual morning for Sasuke. As always he was the first one to arrive at the bridge. Sitting down he leaned back and rest while he kept his senses open in case of an attack.

“Sasuke-kun!!” Saruka yelled sweetly as he slowly came in sight.

But as always…she was ignore. She pouted as she sat as close to him as she dare.

“How was sleep?” she asked turning to look at him.

“Good,” was the only answer she got.

She sighed. She really doesn’t know why she's still after him…after all…he rejected her too many times to count. Maybe…it really won’t work out she thought.

She looked in the direction her last teammate will come from. After all…he was willing to talk to her and keep her company…unlike her crush.

When Naruto came in sight she smiled. Like always she expected a wave, and this time she was prepared…I’ll wave back this time she thought smiling as she stared at Naruto.

But she was saddened at the fact that that wave or hello didn’t come. She stared at Naruto closely trying to figure out what was wrong. After all, it wasn’t like her teammate to ignore her.

This is peaceful...Naruto thought. He was in a dreamlike trance watching his body move at its own will. He knew his body could handle it, and besides…if he did get hurt it’ll heal quickly, or if he was lucky he’ll die.

Sasuke was getting annoyed. Annoying he thought when he felt Naruto’s chakra. He was expecting noises in 5 seconds. But when none came he growled and opened his eyes. The boy was walking still, but he didn’t wave or shouted to Saruka.

He narrowed his eyes as he stared at his teammate. Something wasn’t right with him. He didn’t talk, he didn’t express any emotions, and he just kept walking to them as if they weren’t there.

When Naruto finally did arrive he stopped at the edge of the bridge and sat down. Not once did he look at them or waved.

What the hell is wrong with him!! Sasuke thought as he stared at Naruto. Truthfully…he was worried about him but he’ll admit that when hell freezes over.

Every time Naruto asked why he would save him, Sasuke would always be able to avoid it. Whether it was fainting or yelling at the idiot, he was able to successfully avoid the question.

He didn’t know why he cared. All he knew was he wanted to protect the idiot…even if it meant his life. He didn’t know why he felt that way; even he didn’t feel that strongly to his parents.

He bitterly laughed at himself quietly. Parents he thought. What’s the point of having parents when all they see is your brother? He asked himself.

“Yo,” Kakashi sensei muttered as he appeared on top of the bridge.

“I found this woman who was looking for her cat and decided to help her,” he grinned expecting screams of “DON’T LIE!”

But he didn’t expect silence. He blinked and looked over at his group. They seem normal…just quiet.

All three were sitting and staring at him expectedly.

He glanced at Naruto with uneasiness. Even if Naruto did look the same…it wasn’t like him to be silence like Sasuke.

“Oi, you guys alright?” he asked looking them over again.

Sasuke was staring at him like always, Sakura looked a little sad but normal…and Naruto.

He truly didn’t know what was wrong with him. Everything was normal…the only abnormal thing was the fact that he was quiet and his eyes…his fox like eyes lost its shine. Almost as if someone had turned it off.

Sighing he got up and stared at his group.

“There’s no new mission for us today, it seems as if everything is in order. That’s why I planned on having you guys train together,” he said walking off into the forest.

Sakura ran up and walked next to Kakashi.

“Ne…sensei…do you know what’s wrong with Naruto?” she asked quietly.

“There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with him…other then the fact that he’s quiet,” Kakashi muttered looking back at the robot like Naruto.

“Just because we don’t have a mission doesn’t mean we’re taking it easy. So I expect full training,” he yelled as he sat down under the shade.

Train…Sakura thought. Maybe I can train with Sasuke-kun! She squealed quietly as she stared at her crush.

“Ne…Sasuke-kun…do you want to train together?” she asked shyly.

“Fine,” he muttered as he got into a stance.

Sakura stared over at Naruto. I wonder if he’s ok training alone… she thought.

Naruto answered her thoughts by performing the Kage No Jutsu.

She took a minute to stare at Naruto as he charged at the 5 clones. 1vs5 she thought getting into her own stance.

Ignoring Naruto she focused mainly on Sasuke. Number one rookie of the year she thought as Sasuke came at her. Flipping backwards she solely only thought about beating the one boy in front of her.

Wow…I’m pretty good Naruto thought grinning to himself as his body took on all 5 clones at a time.

“Lunch time,” Kakashi sensei yelled producing the 4 bentos(correct spelling?) for his teammates.

Sasuke smirked as he dusted off his clothes and walked over to Kakashi for his lunch. Sakura followed his lead…only much dirty.

Damn, she yelled to herself as she sat down. She had barely gotten a serious wound and Sasuke barely got dirt on himself.

Sakura stared over at Naruto who was still training against his 5 clones. Taking a seat on the grass she watched as Naruto expertly attacked.

“He really improved,” Kakashi Sensei comment also looking at Naruto.

“Oi…Sasuke…go over there and bring him back…I don’t think he heard me,” Kakashi command.

Sasuke growled as he got up and walked over to Naruto.

Sasuke scowled darkly as he duck when Naruto came at him. Letting go if his jutsu Naruto focus solely on Sasuke.

“Baka…your bento is getting cold,” Sasuke yelled as he ducked.

“…” was the only answer he got.

Growling he got in a stance…ready to fight the number one loudmouth.

Naruto grinned as he watched his body attack Sasuke. This is the life he thought. Not worrying about anything…just enjoying.

Sasuke winced when Naruto crack through his defense and punched him in the face.

Spitting out blood he glared at the blond hair boy.

This is what I get for trying to get him to eat lunch he thought as he kicked Naruto.

Naruto cheered his body on as he landed on his feet running towards Sasuke again.

Kakashi and Sakura watched in amazement as Naruto landed another punch on Sasuke.

“Naruto really got stronger,” said Sakura.

“He always was strong…he just didn’t know how to plan out his strategies unless if it’s in a life/death situation.

Sakura nodded as she watched her teammate battle.

“Ne…sensei…will I ever be that strong?” she asked quietly.

“To tell you the truth, no…you’ll be strong…but you won’t be able to beat Naruto or Sasuke,” Kakashi confessed as he watched Naruto closely.

“Damn you idiot,” Sasuke growled as he punched Naruto into the tree.

Panting, he glared at his teammate who just got back up and ready to attack again.

“Why won’t you get tired,” Sasuke growled as he stared at his teammate.

Scowling darkly he jumped back a couple of yards.

“Fire element, Grand Fire No Jutsu,” he growled as the fire shot at Naruto.

Instead of dodging it Naruto focused his Chakra into a shield around him blocking the fireball.

“Oh wow…” was all Sakura managed to say from the side as she watched Naruto make a shield.

“Very nice,” Kakashi grinned.

“Damn you,” Sasuke growled when the fire ended leaving sting grass everywhere with an unhurt Naruto in the middle.

I didn’t know I can do that!! Naruto grinned as he watched his body protect itself. I should sit out more…that way I can learn! He thought congratulating on himself.

Sasuke sighed as he collapsed onto the ground, his chakra all spent.

“Good job Naruto!!” Sakura squealed as she watched Sasuke collapsed.

“You beat the number 1 rookie!!” she said smiling happily.

“I guess that makes him the number 1 loud mouth, victor against Konoha’s number 1 rookie,” Kakashi grinned.

They all frowned when they notice Naruto was still quiet.

Performing another jutsu, they all watched in horror as Naruto started more hand signals and aimed it Sasuke.

What the hell am I doing still attacking?!?!?! He thought as he watched his body performing a new skill.

“Fire element, Fire demon no Jutsu,” he yelled finishing the last hand signal ending as a red aura appeared in front of him.

“Damn it,” Kakashi swore as he appeared in front of Sasuke.

He quickly picked up Sasuke and Sakura and placed them safely out of harms way.

“NARUTO! What are you doing?!?!?!” Kakashi shouted at his teammate.

Naruto didn’t say as the fire demon finally finished taking form.

“Water element, Water Dragon Blast no Jutsu” Kakashi yelled as he finished the hand signals.

The ground started to rumble and soon a huge hole appeared in front of Kakashi. Water started to spill out as the water dragon appeared in front of Kakashi.

Together the two cancel each other out. Fire and water combined.

As the misty smoke cleared they could make out the form of Naruto and Kakashi fighting.

“What happen to Naruto?” asked Sakura as she shook in fear.

“I don’t know but he’s not himself,” Sasuke muttered as he watched his sensei and Naruto battle.

“What chakra,” Kakashi muttered as Naruto continued to attack.

“When did Naruto become so strong?” Sakura muttered.

“He still has enough Chakra to actually fight…” Sasuke growled.

Why can’t I get back out?!?! Naruto thought as he tried to stop himself.

Concentrating on his body Naruto willed it to stop, but it seems almost as if something had taken over.

“There’s no point in trying to fight me boy,” whispered a voice as it broke his concentration.

“There’s no way you can defeat me,” it growled.

“Who are you?” Naruto asked as he looked around.

“I’m the one who shared this body with you,” it said smiling.

Naruto shivered as he felt it grinned.

“Don’t worry boy…I’m not here to hurt you,” it muttered as if it felt his fears.

“Show yourself!” Naruto yelled.

“Here I am boy,” a voice said softly behind him.

Turning around he gasped.

“What…you don’t like what you see?” it taunted.

“You’re me…” Naruto muttered.

“Of course I’m you,” the other Naruto said.

“Why is there two me in my body?” he asked as he stared at the boy in front of him.

“I’ve always been part of you…you just don’t notice,” he said sitting on the floor.

“I’m not the fox demon if that’s what you’re thinking,” he said smirking.

“Then…why?” he asked.

“Let me explain from the beginning then,” he said sitting down.

“When the 4th hokage sealed the demon inside you, he found something. Unlike most babies you had a very powerful mind. He decided to split your mind, splitting that half in you. Why do you think it takes you so long to learn the easy spells but so quick when you learned the hard stuff? Take Bushin no jutsu and Kage no Jutsu. You took forever to learn Bushin no Jutsu and that was basic. But with Kage no Jutsu you learned within a couple of hours. He sealed your ability to learn quickly in case the fox demon was able to break the seal and take over your body. I helped you with the Kage no Jutsu,” he comments proudly.

“Now that we’re on skills…I’m going to teach you a couple of lessons, and I want you to keep a hold of it. I’ll be able to break out of the seal soon, but until then you’re pretty much on your own. So that’s why I want you to know these rules. Chakra isn’t just energy, it also depends on your ability and concentration. Thanks to the fox demon, you got a lot of chakra stamina, but then to become powerful you need to learn to control it. Rule number one, If there’s a will, there’s a way. If you can focus your chakra hard enough you can pretty much make and combine your skills to make it stronger. Rule number two, be aware at all times. Always be on guard, you can be attacked in the middle of the night and wake up with wounds all over you. Rule number three, don’t let your emotions show, if you’re tired just hide it, if your opponents finds out they’ll put all their chakra together just to eliminate you. And the last rule, don’t rush off into battles, have a strategy ready. If bad gets worst, you can just focus on gathering the nearby chakra and using it against them,” he said smiling.

“Such as…your enemy is too strong and you’re out of chakra, just reach out of your mind and start leeching their chakra, which pretty much means…you’re invincible,” he said grinning.


That’s exactly 8 pages…you can copy and paste!! It’s exactly 8 pages (6 reviews) not including my intro or this last part!! Whooo you like?? I just really really twisted the plot…

Chapter 2