AN: This is the next chapter…in case if you thought it was another voting :P Thanks to everyone who voted!! I LOVE YOU. YAOI YAOI YAOI!!!!! Fluffy in this chapter I think…I’m not sure...I haven’t wrote it yet… :D Hm…I won’t say what the final votes are…but…you’ll see as you read on…damn you ppl who wanted to Kakashi to lose…and Naruto to win barely…I don’t think I can do that…but luckily!! Guess what won? There won’t be a battle. From some of the reason that my voters gave it…it does make sense if they don’t battle. If yes ends up winning later..I’m sorry because I already wrote the chapter -.-…Oh and I finally got the setting taken place now. This story is taken place a couple of months before the Chuunin Exam but after the battle with Haku. It’ll have some tiny pieces from the original series.

Couples: Sasunaru, and Kakairu…There WONT BE NO YAOI TILL THE THIRD CHAPTER for Sasunaru. There might be Kakairu at the end of this chapter tho. I’m still writing so I duno yet.

Warnings: Bad words…and just plain fluffiness…

Disclaimer: DO I look like I OWN Naruto? I’ll probably end up killing Sakura and having Naruto and Sasuke together… From that comment do you think I’m the owner?


Heartless World, the Sequel Chapter 2

By xxSilverWingsxx


The other Naruto laughed at the expression on his face.

“Yes you will pretty much be invincible, but that doesn’t mean you can’t die,” he said smirking slightly.

“Until I break the seal between us, you’ll be on your own. Now…why don’t you go back out before I’ll “accidentally” kill something or someone,” he said smiling.

“Blood thirsty idiot…” Naruto muttered as he claimed over his body.

“Oh…but we are one only split in half…” his mind giggled.

“Damn smartass…” he muttered.

He looked up and smiled at his teammate while they stared at him weirdly for talking to himself.

"What the hell was that about?" Sakura yelled when Naruto grinned at her.

"Oh...I um...I" he stumbled.

"Well what?" she asked glaring at the boy.

Yea...what? His mind asked giggling.

"Oh shut up you blood thirsty smarty ass," Naruto exclaimed out loud.

"What did you called me?" Sakura growled at the sweating boy in front of her.

"Eh? Not you..." he said sweating as he nervously stared at the fluming girl in front of him.

The rest of his group member stared amuse at the conversation.

“If it wasn’t to me then who was it for?” she asked.

It was at that moment his stomach decided to interrupt.

“Um…can we talk after we eat?” he whined to his group.

They sighed staring at the totally different boy from before; in front of them (AN: that was horrible grammar…)

“Naruto, I need to talk to you for a second,” Kakashi said motioning his student near.

“What was all that before…with the fighting?” he asked the quiet boy.

“It was nothing,” he said quietly.

“I just got out of control with my new found powers,” he said grinning towards his teacher.

Naruto stood nervously in front of his sensei, while Kakashi stared him down.

“Ne sensei…I’m hungry…can I eat now?” he asked innocently.

“Mhm,” he said as he watched Naruto bounced towards his teammates.

I just hope whatever happened to you, you can control it Kakashi thought remembering those emotionless eyes.

Oh my god…I lucked out soooo bad Naruto thought.

“Never again am I letting you take over…” he muttered quietly.

A boy smiling innocently was all the answer he got.

Naruto practically swallowed his bento whole as he stuffed his mouth ignoring his teammates.

Hours later when Kakashi Sensei dismissed his group from the day’s training Naruto went home to take a bath and to get rest before he started training early in the morning.

Sasuke dropped tiredly onto his bed, pausing long enough to change out of his dirty clothes before snuggling under the blanket. But no matter how tired he was he couldn’t fall asleep, especially since what happened that day. How did he get so strong Sasuke asked himself as he pictured the two emotionless crystal blue eyes belonging to a certain blond hair happy go boy.

A loud crash soon followed by curses could be heard around two in the morning.

DAMN YOU!!! Naruto yelled in his head when his other half took over his body and took him to the bathroom where it soaked him from heads to toe in cold water and then letting the sleeping boy take over. Who told you not to wake you when I called you the first time it said grinning

Naruto scowled. If it doesn’t dry by the time I go to sleep I’m going to make sure you regret that he muttered to himself. “DAMN!” he cursed when he realized his favorite clothes was dirty.

He quickly looked through his closet and scowled when he realized he only had 1 clean unused outfit.

“Oh man…I look weird,” he groaned as he stared himself in the mirror after quickly getting dressed.

He was dressed in a tight black tank top that showed off his muscles and slacks that wouldn’t stay up. He growled when he pulled them up again. Use a belt idiot his other half comment.

“I can’t find it…” he whined when the slacks fell down stopping at his hips showing a bit of his stomach. That’s too bad then…you don’t look quit worrying it comment.

Pulling up his pants again he skipped breakfast instead he jumped out of his bedroom window grabbing the keys on his dresser and slipping them into his pants. Carefully he sneaked into the forest to start his first training.

So what do I do first? Naruto asked his inner self when he came to a clearing. I think we need to start mastering your chakra, it said. Remembered when Kakashi made you guys walk up the trees? He asked. Naruto nodded. I want you to do the same only this time, take your time and walk because then you won’t have the usual boost of speed to help you run he said.

Naruto stared at the tree in front of him. He frowned as he stared up the trees measuring it with his eyes. Unlike the trees in Wave Country, the trees here were two to three times bigger. You want me walk my ass up there? Naruto asked himself incredulously. Yes now go it said shutting off the connection.

Naruto sighed as he cleared his mind and concentrated on his feet. Focusing the chakra to his feet Naruto took his time climbing like his other half said.

“Oh hell!” he yelled missing a stepped and fell on his head. I’M GOING TO KILL YOU Naruto thought wincing as he rubbed his head lightly. Next time…remember to mark the damn tree, or else how else will you know how much you improved it sneered.

Naruto growled as he took out his kunai. Refocusing the chakra he started back up the tree. Slow down, you’re going too fast it said as Naruto sped walked up the tree. I’m already defying gravity and if I go any slower I’m going to fall he whined to himself. Baby, it said. Naruto growled as he slowed down. Missing his next stepped again Naruto marked quickly as he flipped himself upright before landing onto the ground. Much better, it said complementing him. I know, he thought proudly. I meant that you didn’t fall on your head…it growled. Naruto laughed nervously.

When the sun finally came up, it found Naruto at the top of the forest jumping from each tip of the trees to the next.

I’m sooooo late he yelled to himself as he quickened his pace. At least you made it, it said. Slow down…you know Kakashi is always late…it said to Naruto who was trying to regain his balance after barely landing onto the next tree. Sasuke and Sakura are going to kill me though he said as he quickly went on his way.

Oh damn…even Kakashi Sensei arrived before me…Naruto trailed off as he stared at his group. He took a deep breath and jumped down barely landing on the log that was on the ground. “Sorry, I’m so late,” he said grinning as he stood up.

“Pray tell Naruto…what are you doing in the opposite direction of your house?” Kakashi asked.

“Um…I was watching the sunrise on top of the trees and kind of fell asleep,” he lied grinning.

“You look nice Naruto. What’s with the new outfit?” Sakura asked as she stared at the skin between the tight shirt and pants.

“I ran out of clothes and forgot to wash them yesterday so I could wear them today,” he said rubbing his head grinning.

“Well, anyways…we have a mission today,” Kakashi said to his group as Naruto pulled up his pants again.

“Yea!” Naruto yelled pumping his fist into the air ignoring the fact that the pants slid down towards his hips again.

“We are to pick the weeds out of Mrs. Tanske’s garden again,” he said reading the mission.

“THAT SCARY OLD LADY AGAIN!?!?!” Naruto yelled backing up from his group.

“She attacked me last time though…” Naruto whined.

“That’s because you plucked her herbs instead of the weeds last time, idiot,” Sasuke growled ignoring the tempting skin that got bigger as Naruto retreated.

“Hey…I have you know that some herbs are consider weeds…look up the meaning of weeds!!” Naruto growled as he pulled up his pants again.

“Never mind that…she’s expecting us already,” Kakashi said walking towards the houses on the other side of the village, near the monument of the 4 hokages.

“I’m going to kill you later, stupid blood thirsty ass hole. Thanks to you I’m too tired to work now…” Naruto grumbled to himself.

If you got enough strength to complain then you got enough to pull some weeds, it bit back laughing at Naruto.

Naruto meekly hid behind Sakura as they came closer to the house.

“She won’t hurt you as long as you pull the correct weed this time,” Sakura said smiling sweetly to Naruto.

“Thanks…” Naruto grumbled to her.

“You guys are late,” Mrs. Tanske growled as she opened her door.

“I’m sorry, but we got distracted for a bit,” Kakashi said motioning his students towards the back of the house as he sat in the tree branch reading Icha Icha Paradise.

“OI SENSEI!!! GET DOWN HERE AND HELP!!” Naruto yelled at his teacher while tugging on the weed.

“WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS DAMN WEED!!!” Naruto growled as he leaned backwards and tugged.

“Need help?” Sasuke asked watching in amusement.

“Fine,” he growled as he moved foward a bit leaving room for Sasuke to grab part of the weed behind him to pull.

“On the count of three. 1…2…3!” Sasuke yelled as they tugged leaning backwards to add to the force.

“Oof.” Naruto groaned when the weed came out and he fell backwards onto Sasuke who landed on the floor.

Naruto froze when he realized he was in his RIVAL’S LAP.

“Are you going to get off of me soon?” Sasuke asked, his voice dangerously near his ear.

Naruto yelped as he stood up blushing when he realized his back was against Sasuke’s chest. (AN: a bit of fluff for you guys)

“OH MY GOD!” a screech could be heard.

“Why didn’t you tell me we had cute workers this time mom!?!?!” a loud scream could be heard as a brown hair girl literally flew out the door trying to greet the “cuties”

Sakura growled when the girl squeezed Sasuke and Naruto each in 1 arm.

“Sweetie, come back in here…don’t you dare leave your room a mess! Go clean it up and leave our workers to work!” Mrs. Tanske growled from the doorway.

“But mom!” she whined.

“No buts go!” she growled.

The girl whimpered but did as she was told and went back up to her room.

That was scary…Naruto thought. Very scary…that must be how Sasuke feels…his other half comment.

“You guys miss a spot,” Kakashi pointed on the ground, his nose still buried in the book.

Naruto growled as he threw the giant weed with the rest of them in a pile.

“There you go Mrs. Tanske,” Naruto grinned as he showed her the pile.

“Thank you boys,” she said smiling slightly.

At least this time the boy didn’t pull my herbs she thought.

“Lets go Naruto, we have another mission before the day ends,” said Kakashi as he closed his book and jumped down.

“Eh? Two in one day? What is it this time?” he asked bouncing towards his group.

“Miss Inechi (AN: I’m just typing in letters for a name… -_-…) needs help painting her new house,” Kakashi read from the paper.

“She wants it done by today…and I’ve seen that house…it’s pretty big,” Kakashi grinned beneath his mask.

“…You call this pretty big?” asked Sakura as she stared at the house when they arrived.

“I call it gigantic…” Naruto groaned as he stared up at the three story house. It was bad enough being three stories but balconies included?

Naruto growled as he stared at the house. It was white, clean and huge. Now that’s what I call a mansion his other half giggled. Naruto groaned at the comment. The house had 3 balconies and lots of windows and sliding doors. Miss Inechi also liked to garden just like Mrs. Tanske since trees surrounded the back and a huge rose garden stood on both side of the dirt way towards the house. A bar gate stood in front of them opened and ready for them to go through.

“Sakura will paint the first floor, Naruto will paint the second floor and I’ll paint the third floor,” Sasuke growled getting straight to the point as he got the equipment.

“This is sooo easy,” Naruto boosted as he threw the paint onto the house.

“Don’t make a mess,” Sasuke warned as he stared at the boy splash the paint everywhere..

Naruto just laughed as he gathered chakra to his legs and stood sideways spreading the paint to the rest of the house.

“Naruto…we won’t have enough paint if you keep on doing that,” Sakura scolded.

“But…I’m almost done…” he whined as he stared at his work.

Remember…if you use all the paint…someone has to go buy more and then you’ll spend a longer time here, his half taunt.

“Damn you…” Naruto growled as he carefully spread the paint again.

“Whoops…how clumsy of me…” Kakashi grinned as he knocked over the orange paint from the roof which landed on the top two stories covering parts of it in orange.

“You guys will clean up for me wont you?” he asked as he stared at the mess he “accidentally” created.

Sasuke glared at Kakashi as he took a towel and started to wipe at the paint.

“It just had to be orange didn’t it sensei?” Sasuke growled as the orange mixed with the blue paint that wasn’t dried yet.

“That’s not fair sensei…you’re creating more work for us…” Naruto whined as he also cleaned up the paint.

Sakura grinned as she continued to paint…after all…the paint only landed on the top two stories.

They finally finished just as the sun started to go down.

“Whooo, we’re done,” Naruto grinned as he jumped down and stared at the house.

“It looks good,” Miss Inechi complement.

“Thank you kids would you guys like to stay for dinner?” she asked as they cleaned up their mess.

‘No thank you miss, I have to report these missions. So if you don’t mind…I’ll just be going now. Group dismissed,” he said as he disappeared in a cloud of dust.

“Well…I have to go home and get clean up before I go to bed…So no thanks,” Naruto grinned as he walked away, waving goodbye to the rest.

“My mom’s going to get worry soon, so I have to go,” Sakura said also waving good bye.

“Ne…Sasuke want to walk home with me?” she asked staring at her crush.

“Sure,” he said putting his hands in his pockets.

“Well, have a good night then,” Miss Inechi smiled.

Naruto groaned as he flopped onto the bed.

“Damn you…the pajamas aren’t dried yet…” he whined.

Well…I guess you won’t be wearing them then it grinned.

Naruto growled as he grabbed his clothes and walked towards the washing machine. you think I should wear this outfit now? Naruto asked himself.

You look good in it…so why not…after all…weren’t those a present from Ikura? His other half asked.

Naruto nodded as he did the laundry; washing every clothes he had except his boxers which he was going to sleep in.

“I think I need a new look,” Naruto growled as he stared at all the orange clothes he had except for a couple of others.

You can buy some later when you’re free, but right now worry more about mastering your chakra, his other half scolded.

Naruto pouted as he cleaned up and got under the blankets.

You know?? It’s pretty nice to have someone who understands you like most of the villagers, he thought.

Don’t worry…soon we’ll be combine…and then Konoha’s going to see a new Naruto that they won’t dare to hate, his half grinned.

Naruto grinned at the thoughts of having all the villagers smiling at him instead of the usual cold and unwanting glances.


Naruto rolled over in his sleep ignoring his half.

IF YOU DON’T GET UP NOW I’LL DUMP MORE COLD WATER ON YOU, his half threatened as Naruto shot up in bed wide awake.

“I’m up, I’m up…” he whined as he dropped back down in bed.

Naruto scowled as he brushed his teeth and grabbed his forehead protector. He ran a brushed through his hair and grabbed the clothes from the dryer.

He quickly made toast and spread the butter on. He grabbed his keys and ran out the door, his toast in his mouth.

So…what I do today? He thought as the forest came into view. He wiped the crumbs from his mouth and pulled up his pants again.

You know the Inahamaku clan right? His voice asked. The what what clan? He thought. You weren’t playing attention to Ikura when he was teaching you about the extinct clans were you? His other half muttered.

Naruto grinned when he felt his other half sigh. We’re going to look for the Inahamaku clan house, because they have a private hot spring his voice comment.

WHOOO A PRIVATE HOT SPRING!! He yelled in his mind. It’s not for you to have fun…since you learned to master your chakra with solids, we’re going to work with your liquids…meaning…you’re going to walk on water his voice grinned at the expression on his face.

“It could take weeks just to find that clan though,” he protested outloud.

No…I know where it is…his other half growled.

“But…we’re going to be late for the meeting again…” Naruto whined.

That’s why you’re also going to learn how to transport yourself, it growled in frustration.

“How do you even know they have a hot spring?” he asked suspiciously.

Even though I’m separated from you doesn’t mean I don’t know what’s going on, it sighed.

“Fine…where do I go?” Naruto asked out loud.

Walk to the end of the forest, and there you’ll see a tree in the middle of the trail. That’s where we’re going, it commented.

“Trees are faster to travel by…”Naruto grinned as he focused his chakra down to his feet.

Naruto ran forward and took a huge leap soundly onto the tree. He ran up towards the tip where he traveled forward.

I hate to say it…but you improved a lot since yesterday…his other half thought. Naruto grinned at the thought. You bet I did! He laughed as he sped up skipping trees every now and then.

There…that tree! His other half yelled when they neared the edge of the forest. Naruto jumped into the air and flipped forward landing on his feet.

He frowned as he stared at the tree.

Now…what do I do? He thought.

We’re going to knock down that tree his half smirked.

Naruto sweat dropped as he stared at the tree in front of it. It’s pretty big to be knocked down…he thought nervously.

Well…the entrance is blocked by that tree…unless if you move the tree you can’t get in his mind laugh.

Naruto sighed as he thought up ways of moving the tree. If I move it…won’t the entrance be visible to everyone? He thought. Yes…but you can cover that entrance with something much easier to move like a rock or even an illusion spell. Here…put your hand on the tree and concentrate on forcing your chakra into the tree.

Naruto did as he was told and was shocked at the fact that the tree grew warm under his touch. When the tree grew uncomfortable to touch he was able to remove his hand when his half told him to continue. With a bang Naruto flew in the air from the force of the explosion of the tree. He focused his chakra and landed sideways onto a nearby tree.

When the smoke finally cleared Naruto blinked in amazement at the huge rock with a hole in front of him.

“You sure there’s a spring in there?” he asked doubtfully as he stared at the hole in front of him..

Just go in it growled angry at him.

Naruto grinned at the thought of his other half annoyed at him as he entered the cave and stared at the stairs leading him down. his is sooo cool he thought. He quickly went down the stairs excited to see the spring he worked so hard to find. Watch out! His other half yelled at him. Naruto looked up in time to see a bunch of kanai coming at him fast.


RR please. I’ll try to update within 1-2 days. So please RR Sorry for so many mistakes

Chapter 3