AN: I’m sorry for my stupid mistakes last chapter…but Imma try to proof read better…and whatever I miss I’m sure my dear greggie dear will find it…teehee…

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters of Naruto…but if I did I’ll kick Sakura off the team

Warnings: I suck with fluff…n I realized that…but it’s the first time…so please don’t hate. More fluff and cussing I guess. my other story too…A whole new life.


Heartless World, The Sequel Chapter 3


Naruto quickly focused his chakra into a shield copying what his other half did the other day. He winced when a couple got through cutting his bare arms, but he smiled happily knowing that the skill worked.

Watch out…there’s probably more traps, his other half commented.

Naruto nodded as he continued forward, taking his time and keeping a look out for more traps.

After dodging a couple of holes and more flying objects they arrived at the end of the stairs.

“Whooo, we made it!” Naruto cheered as he noticed the hot steam coming up from the water.

Not quite, his other half comment when Naruto almost took a leap into the spring. What now then? He thought. Just like you were climbing the trees, focus your chakra towards your legs again and try to walk on it, it instructed. Naruto sighed but did as he was told.

“This should be easy, after all…I did make it up the tree,” he grinned as he took a step forward.

“Ah shit,” he growled when his leg went through the water.

And it’s easy indeed his other half crackled.

Naruto scowled but got back out and tried again.

How come I can’t stay above the damn water? He growled at his other half.

I was wondering when you’ll come to me for help, it taunted.

Ok, in order to float on water, you must always expel the appropriate amount of chakra into the water from your feet and you must make it match only to the amount necessary to make you float. This chakra control is much more difficult than to simply continue to create the same amount of chakra and is meant to be used for control training where you learn to create a set amount of chakra needed to expel for the use of a Jutsu. First, you gather the chakra to your feet. Then, as you continually expel a set amount of Chakra you match it to the weight of your body. His other half instructed.(AN: I got it word for word out of GREAT SITE!)

Naruto grumbled but tried again.

“I did it!!” he grinned as his first step stood above the water.

“Damn,” he swore as he fell after his second step.

Spoke too soon my dear friend, his other half teased.

Naruto growled as he tried again. He cleared his mind and concentrated fully on his chakra and the water.

After his fourth stepped he sighed and accidentally broke the concentration he had and fell right into the spring. You’re doing better, but you need to learn to do it without your full concentration, because you’re leaving yourself fully open, it commented.

Naruto sighed as he got back out of the water. Focusing his chakra towards his feet again he began to walk again. He wobbled on his fourth step after barely adding more chakra to keep himself from falling. He breathed in deeply taking another step, his mind split in half, 1 part concentrating while the other part focused on his surroundings.

“I’m late again,” he wailed as he fell into the spring with a splash.

You idiot…why did you break your concentration? His other half growled at him.

“The sun’s up…I’m late again…” he wailed.

Go to the entrance and block it first, his other half command. Naruto sighed and quickly ran up the stairs towards the entrance. How the hell am I suppose to cover this hole? He asked himself. Make another tree using the Tree-Wood Construction, his half instructed.

“How?” he asked himself.

Put your hand on the remains of the tree and instead of forcing your chakra into it, slowly combine your chakra with it and make the tree grow, it instructed.

Naruto looked doubtfully at the roots but did as he was told.

He stared in amazement as the tree did as he was told and it grew over the cave.

“Oh man…” now I’m even later, he realized when he stared at the sun.

That’s ok…closed your eyes and picture yourself being erased from this area right here, and appearing at the bridge instead, it commanded.

Naruto frowned slowly he pictured himself in the forest slowly being erased and appearing at the bridge.

“How the hell did you get here!?!?!” Sakura yelled when Naruto suddenly appeared in front of her.

“Eh?” he asked opening his eyes.

He grinned when he saw his two teammates in front of him.

“Good morning, Sakura-chan!” he smiled.

“Sasuke…” Naruto growled.

“Answer my damn question!!” Sakura yelled as she slapped him upside the head.

“Eh? Question? What question?” Naruto asked confused.

“How did you get here so sudden?” she growled.

“What do you mean? I walked here…” he lied.

“No…you appeared in front of me…” she growled.

“Sakura-channnn does that mean you were waiting for me?” he asked, his eyes filled with love.

“Oi…dobe…what happen to you? You look like someone pushed you into a pool after kicking your ass,” Sasuke comment as he stared at his teammate.

That didn’t even start to describe him. He was wet from head to toes and had cuts and dirt all over him. Even though his wounds were already healing, his clothes were red where the blood had spilled when the kunai cut into him.

“Oh...I was training this morning,” he said shrugging his shoulders.

“It’s alright, I feel a lot better than I look,” he said smiling.

Sasuke didn’t believe him. Pushing him towards the ground, Sasuke hovered over Naruto’s wound checking his wounds carefully. Sakura stood watching from the side; shocked.

"Oi...I'm fine...ow...don't poke me so hard...hey...don't touch me there! Hey, hey!! Quit touching me there!! That's private! Hey...Don't lift up my shirt!! Dammit are you listening to me!?! I said don't do stop feeling me there!!! GR! Quit harassing me!! I meant it when I said don't touch me there.'m fine there...just stop feeling me there!!" Naruto yelled as he tried to slap away Sasuke's hands who sat on top of him preventing him from moving too much

“Sakura-channn, save me!!” Naruto yelled as Sasuke continue to feel him.

Sakura just stared at the scene in front of her. Sasuke never did that for me…she thought quietly.

“JUST SHUT UP DOBE!” Sasuke growled as he held Naruto hands away from him.

Sasuke ripped off a piece of his shirt growling when Naruto continued to struggle.

“Well, well, well…what do we have here?” Kakashi teased as he stared at the scene in front of him.

Sakura was staring on the ground, anger radiate from her body while Sasuke sat on Naruto's stomach, his legs pinning down Naruto's own kicking legs while Sasuke held both of Naruto’s hands in one of his own while Naruto struggled.

" shouldn't rape Naruto out here in least wait until tonight when everyone's sleeping" Kakashi scolded as he lifted Sasuke off of Naruto.

“What happened to you Naruto?” Kakashi asked as he examined Naruto.

“I was training this morning,” he muttered looking the ground.

“Ah…I see,” Kakashi said.

“Today may be our last day for missions, depending on you guys. I’m going to let you guys decide, we have about 1 month left before the beginning of the Chuunin Exam, I want to know if you guys would rather train or do missions?” he asked.

“Do you think we should?” Naruto asked.

“Eh?” Kakashi asked.

“I want your point of view sensei… Do you think we’re ready for this exam? If we’re not then we’re training…but if we are…then lets do mission for like 3 weeks…saving 1 week just to practice,” Naruto concluded.

Kakashi sat on the ground thinking.

“Well…missions are good for the record…but I think we’ve done enough…and sides…yes I do believe you guys will need to train a bit more,” he said rubbing the back of his head.

“So…what’s the mission today?” Sakura asked.

Kakashi grinned.

“It’s really easy…you’re just protecting Mrs. Tanske’s daughter since she’s going shopping today. I don’t know why she needs protecting…but it seems like she specially requested you three,” Kakashi smirked at the looks on the three.

Naruto smiled and Sakura had a look of horror while Sasuke scowled.

“Too bad for you, since it seems like the girl likes you,” Naruto crackled as he slapped Sasuke on the back.

“It seems like she likes you too,” Sasuke growled glaring at Naruto.

“Oh well…this is a good time to go shopping,” he grinned as he pulled his teammates along.

*3 hours later*

“How does this look Sasuke?” Aya asked as she twirled around.

“…” was the only answer she got.

She pouted. She wore a tight white shirt and a pinkish mini-skirt and she was sure he would drool on seeing her in it…but all he was doing was staring at her emotionlessly.

“Where’s Naruto?” she asked glancing around.

“Sakura went with him to go shopping for new clothes,” Sasuke muttered.

And they both left me with her alone… he thought.

“We’re backkkkk,” Naruto grinned as he bounced through the door holding loads of bags in his arms.

“You’re backkkk,” Aya grinned as she latched herself onto his arm.

“How does this look on me?” she asked posing for him.

He thought for a moment considering the pros and cons of telling her the truth.

Just tell her the damn truth…his half growled.

“Ugly,” Naruto blurted as he hid behind Sasuke.

Aya glared at Naruto. Could have at least tried to make me feel better…she thought.

Shouldn’t have said that, his other half smirked. You told me to tell the truth…so I did, he thought.

“Naruto…” she growled as she stalked towards him.

“I meant it looks lovely on you,” he commented nervously.

“Sasuke help me,” Naruto whispered quietly.

“You got yourself into this…so get yourself out of it,” he said smirking as Aya got closer.

“How about this one Aya…I’m sure it looks good on you,” Sakura smiled as she held up a long sleeve shirt.

“ cute!!” Aya squealed as she grabbed the shirt and ran into the dressing room.

“Thank you Sakura!!” Naruto cried as he sniffed.

She smiled at him.

“Lets call it even since you’re getting rid of your horrid orange clothing,” she teased.

Naruto pouted. What’s wrong with my orange outfit? He thought. You look stupid and silly in it his other half answered. Don’t you mean you look stupid in it? After all…you are me, Naruto smirked at the thought.

At least Sakura has good taste…they both thought.

“So what did you buy dobe?’” Sasuke asked as he looked through the bags.

“Just clothes…” Naruto grinned as he grabbed the bags away from Sasuke.

“You’ll see when I wear them,” Naruto smiled.

“I’m buying it!” Aya grinned as she came out of the dressing room into her own clothes.

“Can we rest now?” Naruto grumbled as they went towards the next store.

“Last one, I promise,” she grinned as she dragged the boys, one on each arm.

Naruto yawned as he leaned against the wall, Sasuke on his right and Sakura on his left.

“You think the girl would be tired after all these stores,” Naruto grumbled.

“At least you got something…I was stuck with the damn girl all day while you and Sakura ran off,” Sasuke growled.

“Ehehehe…jealous that I took Sakura away from you?” Naruto asked smirking.

Sasuke grunt when Aya came back with more clothes to buy.

“Anyways…where’s Kakashi Sensei?” Sakura asked as she looked around.

“I haven’t seen him since we left Mrs. Tanske’s house.

Back at the Tanske’s resident Kakashi sneezed as he talked to Mrs. Tanske.

They sighed when the finally arrived, Kakashi and Mrs. Tanske greeted them at the door.

“Did you have fun?” Mrs. Tanske asked her daughter.

Her daughter grinned and nodded. She gave Naruto and Sasuke a hug and went up to her room.

“Thank you kids, have a nice day,” she said her lips twitched as she tried to smile.

Kakashi nodded as he led his students away from the house.

“Oi…sensei…where are we going now?” Sakura asked.

Kakashi sighed.

“Little tora-chan ran away…” he grinned.

“Eh? Tora-chan?” Naruto asked scratching his head.

“The cat that had beaten you up, stupid,” Sasuke muttered.

“Oh….that…cat…Tora-chan is its name?” Naruto asked.

“Yes…it ran away again,” Kakashi commented.

“Oh…Tora-chan ran away…” Naruto nodded.

When the words had finally sunk into his head, everyone covered their eardrums as Naruto screamed.

“THAT LITTLE PUNK RAN AWAY?!?!” Naruto screamed.

“Let’s just find it before the sun goes down,” Sasuke growled.

“Sakura you and Sasuke search in town, me and Naruto will search in the forest,” Kakashi commanded.

The three nodded and divided up. I can’t believe that little punk ran away again…Naruto thought. Don’t worry, you got the easy job…clear your mind and weave a net of chakra placing it over the forest, if you feel a huge movement, then that’s probably Tora, his half commanded. How do you know all these kind of skills? Naruto thought. Like I said, you need to be quick on your feet to think. There isn’t a jutsu for everything so you need to figure out an easier way to do things, his other half lectured. Now…all you have to do is use your mind to quickly think of an idea that’ll work, it continued. We’ll take care of it later first just find the cat, it ordered.

Naruto closed his eyes and pictured the forest in front of him. Taking a part of his chakra he weaved it into the forest almost like a trap. Kakashi watched as he closed his eyes and started to make movements with his fingers. The boy grows very quick…could it be because of it? Kakashi asked himself. It can’t be though…there’s no way he has the strength to combine the two, Kakashi thought.

Naruto grinned when he found it. Found you, you little punk, Naruto as he ran sideways into the trees ditching the road and Kakashi who stood at the edge watching him.

He could handle this by himself, Kakashi thought.

“We’re going to split up. You go this way and I’ll go the other way. When you’re done just come back here and wait,” Sasuke commanded as he disappeared into the crowed.

Sakura sighed as she did as she was told. When did I become the third wheel? She thought.

“Damn it…there’s no way the stupid cat would be in town…it’s probably in the forest,” Sasuke muttered as he searched through the stores ignoring the giggling from other girls.

Naruto kept his eyes open as he ran through the forest disturbing his net of chakra. Don’t unweave it…because if it runs you’ll be able to know where it’s going, his voice commanded when he located the cat.

“There you are, you stupid cat…” Naruto growled as he launched himself on the cat.

“Ow damn it!! Don’t scratch me, get off you idiot!!” Naruto yelled when Tora gave Naruto a happy greeting.

“I don’t have time to play with you idiot!” Naruto growled as he carried it.

“Don’t make me put you in a bag, behave!” he warned when Tora scratched him again.

Tora growled but settled itself on Naruto’s arms.

“Good girl…” he grinned as he went to find his sensei.

Tora just meowed as Naruto scratched its ears.

“Hang on,” he said as he jumped and ran up the trees.

“MEOW!!!” Tora screeched when they ran up the tree.

“I see him!!” Naruto grinned as he ran towards his sensei.

“Boo!” Naruto yelled sneaking on his teacher.

“Yo, oh found it already?” Kakashi asked as he stared at the cat in his arms.

Naruto nodded.

“Oi!! Sasuke, Sakura-chan!! I found her!!” Naruto grinned.

Tora hissed at him.

“Don’t hiss at me…if you think that’s bad wait till you hear Sakura talk to Sasuke…” Naruto lectured the cat.

“Eh? Naruto do you understand the cat or something?” Sakura asked staring at him.

“What?? No…I can just kind of tell what he’s thinking from its movements,” Naruto grinned.

“You sure it’s the same cat who attacked you last time?” Sasuke asked as he stared at the cat.

“Yep!” Naruto grinned as he threw the cat to Sasuke who caught in horror and threw it back at him before it could scratch him.

Tora growled and scratched at Naruto for throwing it around.

“You behave before I find a bag and stuff you in it!” Naruto growled.

Tora meowed pitifully but laid on his shoulder.

“Ne…sensei…do you mind if I don’t go with you to give Mrs. Shijimi back Tora?” Naruto asked as he scratched Tora behind the ears.

“Eh? Going home already?” Sakura asked.

“Not yet…I want to do something before the sun sets,” Naruto said handing Tora to Sasuke who was closest to him.

“Ok then, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Kakashi said as he motioned his other two group members.

Sasuke growled as he stared at the cat that dug its claws into him.

Naruto grinned as he ran into the other direction. After being with Tora for a while, Naruto felt it was time he had some company. I don’t want a cat, his other half growled. But I want itttt, he thought.

“Hi, welcome to my shop, what kind of animal are you looking for?” the shop keeper asked grinning at the boy.


Chapter 3…hope you like…RR please

Chapter 4