AN: For the reviews I got thankies!! Yea…I kinda forgot how to spell his name…sooo Iruka teehee….bad bad bad spelling….and the reason why Sasuke and Kakashi isn’t spying on him is…A SECRET!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA. Well…think of it this the episode 4-5 where they try to get the bell from Kakashi, he lets them learn on their own and doesn't really believe in helping them do it the easy way…So in my point of view he wouldn’t spy on Naruto unless if it’s life threatening. As for Sasuke…after getting beaten by Naruto he does wonder how Naruto got so powerful…but like episode 36…where Naruto kicks ass…Sasuke doesn’t realize when Naruto got strong so quick, so I would think he would train to beat Naruto first unless if he also think that something of harm would come to Naruto. Get it? Well…it’s just my stupid reasoning…Thank you all for my reviews from my usual readers!!

Thanks to everyone who reviewed!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Warning: you might hate me for being mean to Sakura and anyone else…but I don’t care. I will not accept flames no matter what. Bad words and no fluff.


Heartless World, The Sequel Chapter 4

By xxSilverWingsxx


“Welcome to my shop, what can I get you?” the shop keeper asked smiling at the boy in front of him.

“Well…I’m looking for a pet that can keep me company and also I can carry it around with me while I’m out,” he said pointing at his forehead protector.

“I see…maybe one that can also help you on your quest?” he asked in understanding.

Naruto grinned and nodded as he followed the shop keeper.

“I recommend a dog since it can sniff out people before you can actually see them,” he said holding up a puppy.

“Um…my friend already got one…I don’t want to be like him,” he said thinking of Kiba.

“Well…then maybe a cat?” he asked as he led Naruto down another row.

“I don’t get along with cats really well…” Naruto giggled nervously as he stared at the cats that surrounded him.

“Well…that’s too bad…we only got a fox left…and I doubt you’ll want her,” he said as he held up a cage.

“How cute,” Naruto cooed as he stuck his finger into the cage.

“Ah…I wouldn’t do that…she tends to be very violent,” the keeper sweat dropped when Naruto stuck in his finger.

“She doesn’t seem violent,” Naruto answered as the fox sniffed him.

“That’s strange…” the shop keeper commented as he stared at the fox.

“Let me see…” he said as he also stuck in a finger.

“Damn it!” he growled when the fox bit him.

Naruto coughed as he tried to hide his grin.

“I guess he doesn’t like you?” Naruto asked with a straight face.

“He doesn’t seem to like anyone except you…” the keeper scowled as he glared at the fox.

“That’s the 4th time you bit me this week,” he growled when Naruto smiled.

“I guess I’ll take her then…since she seems to like me so much,” he grinned as the fox licked his finger.

“That’s a good idea…since I was planning on putting her to sleep soon, it already been 3 years since she been here,” he commented as he carried the cage towards the front of the store.

“So, what do they eat?” Naruto asked as he stared at the fox.

“Eh…usually meat…but this one prefers ham,” he smiled as he handed the cage to him.

“How much is it?” Naruto asked as he held onto the cage.

“For you? Free,” he smiled as he patted the boy on the head.

“You seem to need a pet…and since this one likes you so much…I think you guys deserve each other,” he said as he stuffed a bag into Naruto’s hand.

“Oh…just some ham in case you don’t have some at home,” he said as he wiped his hands on his shirt.

“Thanks a lot,” Naruto grinned as he went out the door.

“Take care of him Ayumi, he needs it,” the shopkeeper whispered when Naruto left.

If Naruto had turned around he would have realized the shop keeper and the store disappeared.

“Don’t worry I’m going to take good care of you,” Naruto grinned as he held the cage closer to him as he went home.

Why did we have to get an animal? His other half complained as they got home. You’re not whining to me are you? Naruto thought as he smirked. No I’m just objecting, it grumbled. Sounds more like whining to me, Naruto giggled.

Naruto opened the cage as he settled it down onto the ground.

“This is where you sleep,” Naruto commanded as he grabbed a box and covered it with old clothes and settled it in his room.

The fox sniffed but laid in the box without a complaint.

“Good girl,” Naruto cooed as he scratched it.

With a fox around, you’re going to need to keep your house clean or else it can get into your stuff or get hurt, his other half lectured.

“Do I have to?” he asked.

Not really…just use kage no jutsu and have them clean while you change and go to bed, it reminded him.

“Heheh…I knew that…” Naruto grinned as he performed kage no jutsu and set them to work while he took a shower.

“This is cool,” Naruto grinned as he held the fox close to him after his shower.

What if it pooped in your bed, his half asked. Naruto made a face at the idea and held the fox up to him.

“If you want to poop do it in the box next to your bed ok?” Naruto asked as he placed a box next to it.

It growled softly but licked his fingers. I take that as a yes, Naruto thought as he put the fox back into its bed.

“Sweet dreams,” Naruto muttered as he slept, ignoring his clones who was disturbing the quiet as they cleaned.

He didn’t notice the fox slipping out of its bed and snuggling in his own. Instead he wrapped his arms around it and slept.

I’ll take care of him, this time I wont fail you Arashi, the fox thought as she cuddled with him.


Wake up! His other half yelled at him.

“What what?” Naruto asked sleepily as he turned towards his warmth and went back to sleep.

WAKE UP NOW! His other half growled.

Naruto yawned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

I’m up…” Naruto muttered as he stood up and sleepily walked towards his bathroom.

“What are you doing on my head…”Naruto muttered as he peeled the fox off.

The fox growled and hung onto his arm tightly.

“Fine…do whatever you want,” he shrugged as he brushed his teeth.

It barked (do fox bark?)happily and laid on his shoulder as he tied his forehead protector on.

“Why don’t I feed you before we leave to train,” he grinned as he finished changing and grabbed the bag that he had placed in the fridge yesterday night.

“Um…how much am I supposed to feed you?” he asked rubbing his head confused.

It barked and bit the bag.

“Fine…I’ll let you decide,” he said opening the can for her.

She quickly munched on her breakfast that Naruto had placed on the counter while he searched for ramen.

He quickly cooked his ramen and swallowed it while he stood, he the expired date on the milk before drinking it. Remember to clean up after your mess, his other half lecture.

Naruto pouted but threw the empty cup into the trashcan and refrigerated his milk.

“Finished?” he asked as he stared at the fox.

It didn’t answer instead it continued to eat. Naruto sighed and grabbed the fox.

“Ow…” he whined when it growled and bit him.

“Fine…” he growled as he handed it the can.

Just teleport yourself into the hot spring, unless if you feel like running there again, his half advised him.

Naruto nodded and cleared his mind picturing himself and the fox inside the spring.

A screech and yell was the next time he knew when he fell into the spring. Next time picture yourself NEXT to the spring and not on top, his other half teased.

Naruto growled and dragged himself out of the pool, his fox glared, its eyes accused him of doing it on purpose.

“Unless if you want to get wet again, sit over there,” Naruto commanded as he watched in mirth as the fox growled and shook itself dry.

We’re going to continue from where we left off from yesterday, his other half commanded as Naruto focused his chakra towards his feet and stepped onto the spring.

He’s improving a lot Arashi…if only you’re here to see, the fox thought sadly as she watched her new owner practice. It won’t matter…this time I’ll protect the boy…just like you did, she thought as she laid on her front paws.

“Whoo I did it!!” Naruto grinned as he walked across the spring

“You want to try?” he asked as he held the fox over the water.

It hissed and scratched him.

“Ow…I guess not…” he frowned as he dropped it onto the ground.

Walk around the edge of the spring three times…just to make sure you mastered it in liquid, his other half commanded.

Naruto giggled as he skipped around the spring carrying his fox with him, ignoring it’s yelps and growls.

“You need a name!” Naruto grinned as he remembered.

“What should I call you?” he asked as he stared at her.

She sniffed and laid on his shoulder.

“How about fluffball?” he teased.

Ayumi growled and bit him.

“um…Miri?” Naruto asked.

Another bit was his answer.

“Gr…you’re going to bite me each time you don’t like the name?” Naruto growled.

It sniffed and licked his neck.

“I don’t know then…unless if you can figure out a way to tell me what you want to be call, because I don’t want to be bite because you don’t like my taste in names,” Naruto pout.

How about Ayumi? His half asked.

“Hm…Ayumi?” Naruto thought outloud.

“It yelped and licked his face.

“I guess you like it then,” he giggled as he scratched her.

How did you know? Naruto thought. It looks like the fox that played with you when you were young, it answered. What makes you think it’s the same fox? Naruto thought. Don’t tell me all foxes are white with a red spot on it’s face, it snorted.

Naruto grinned as he dropped Ayumi into the pool. Ayumi jumped out of the spring with a yelp and glared at Naruto.

Quit playing, unless if you want to be late again, his other half muttered.

Naruto just smiled happily as he put Ayumi on his shoulders and teleported them near his house.

“Let’s go meet your new teammates,” Naruto grinned as he watched Ayumi curled on his shoulder and took a nap.

“Sakura-chan!” Naruto grinned as he bounced towards the bridge.

He smirked when she ignored him.

Ah…so she’s still mad about yesterday, Naruto thought as he sat down. Good for her…maybe now she’ll stay away from Sasuke, he thought as he sat down and set Ayumi in his lap.

“Now…this is my group…you behave ok?” Naruto warned as he watched her growled.

“Ayumi no!” Naruto growled when she jumped out of his lap and launched herself at Sasuke.

“What are you doing?” he asked when Ayumi licked Sasuke who held her by the scruff of her neck.

“Be careful with her…she’s not going to bite…” Naruto growled at Sasuke who watched amused as Ayumi continue to lick him.

“She’s yours?” he asked as he dropped her in his lap.

“Yep…got her yesterday,” he grinned as he stared at her.

“She’s wet…” he commented when it shook it’s fur dry.

“Heh…I dropped her in the bathtub this morning,” Naruto lied.

“She’s cute!!” Sakura squealed as she scratched Ayumi.

Ayumi growled and bit her.

“She bit me!!” Sakura wailed.

“Bad Ayumi, behave now!” Naruto growled.

That was sooo good!! Naruto thought.

Ayumi whimpered and hid in Naruto’s arm.

“Aw…it’s ok…just don’t bite everyone you hate…”Naruto trailed off as he stared at Sakura who had tears streaming down her eyes.

“She doesn’t bite that hard…” Naruto commented.

“How do you know? She LIKES you,” Sakura growled.

“She bit me four times this normal,” Naruto scowled.

“And sides…it’s not bleeding,” he commented.

“Sakura, it’s just a fox, don’t get so mad,” Sasuke muttered as he scratched Ayumi behind the ears.

I wonder why she likes Sasuke over Sakura, Naruto thought.

Hah…should have bit her harder!! Ayumi thought as she smiled.

Ayumi had watched Naruto grown up from the shadows, seen everything that had happened in his life including the way that THAT girl treated him. She growled and glared over at the whining brat. Even Naruto hadn’t whine that bad when she had bitten him harder.

Naruto wrapped his arms protectively around Ayumi when he felt her tensed up. I’ll protect you, he thought.

Annoying, Sasuke sighed when Sakura started crying.

He closed his eyes and ignored his surroundings.

“Sorry I’m late, I had to help a child back to his mother,” Kakashi smiled as he appeared.

“Why’s Sakura crying?” Kakashi asked as he stared at the girl.

“That fox bit me!!” She wailed holding up her red hand.

“What fox?” Kakashi asked looking around.

“Here,” Naruto answered as he placed Ayumi on his shoulder.

“Her name’s Ayumi,” he grinned as she barked.

“Ne…Sakura don’t cry, it didn’t draw blood,” he said standing over her.

“But it hurts,” she wailed.

“Damn it, JUST QUIT YOUR DAMN CRYING BABY,” Naruto growled as he stood up.

“What you called me?” She glared as she stood up, all trace of her tears gone.

“I think you heard me,” he whispered dangerously.

“If you’re crying over a bite how the hell are you going to handle getting hit by a kunai?” he growled.

“Sensei, aren’t we training now?” Naruto asked as he walked across the bridge.

“Yes,” he nodded as he patted Sakura on the back.

“From what I’ve seen of all your skills, I decided to have Sasuke fight against Naruto first and then we’ll see from there,” Kakashi commanded as he led them towards a clearing.

“No rules,” he grinned as he sat against the leg of a tree with Sakura next to him.

“Go sit down Ayumi…or else you might get hurt,” Naruto commanded as he lifted her off his shoulder.

She growled and bit him hard.

“Fine…just don’t fall off,” he sighed when she licked his hand.

“You’re going to lose Sasuke,” Naruto grinned as he got into his fighting stance.

“Bring it on idiot,” he commented.

Remember everything I taught you, be quick on your feet and don’t go down before your opponent, his other half lectured. I got it, I got it, Naruto thought annoyed.

With a flick of his wrist Naruto threw a kunai at Sasuke. He smirked and dodged it.

“Too slow, idiot,” Sasuke muttered.

“Idiot?” Naruto asked when his kunai disappeared and a clone took its place.

Sasuke quickly flipped over the clone and punched it, making it disappear.

“Too weak,” he grinned.

“Like to see you do better,” Naruto taunt as Sasuke sped towards him.

“Block this,” he growled as he punched Naruto and missed as Naruto duck and swept kicked him. Sasuke flipped over him and threw a kunai at him only to be caught by Naruto.

“You’re slow with a weapon,” Naruto grinned as he threw the kunai into the tree behind him.

“Try this one,” Sasuke growled as he performed the hand gestures.

“Fire type; Dragon Fire Skill,” Sasuke muttered as he breathe fire towards Naruto.

He grinned as he formed a shield using his chakra.

“Didn’t think I’ll use that again did you,” Naruto grinned as he appeared behind Sasuke who blocked his kick towards his back.

“Maybe,” Sasuke answered as he threw Naruto over his shoulder only flipped himself up and landed on his feet.

Ayumi growled when she felt her world rotate.

“I told you to sit down but you didn’t want to, so don’t complain to me now!” Naruto yelled as he glared at Ayumi.

She whimpered as she licked Naruto.

“Just sit down…I won’t get hurt, I promise,” he promised as he threw her at the tree and grinned when she landed on her feet and growled at him.

“Now that she’s out of the way…lets have some fun,” Naruto grinned as he charged towards Sasuke.

Naruto jumped over Sasuke and aimed a punch at him only to be block. He swung his leg and grinned when he felt Sasuke blocked it. Naruto winked when he disappeared only to appear behind Sasuke with a kunai.

“Damn you,” Sasuke muttered when he barely blocked it.

“How?” he asked as he slid backwards from the force.

“That’s a secret,” Naruto grinned as he threw the kunai in the air only to have it charge at Sasuke.

“I learned another skill,” Naruto commented when Sasuke dodged it.

“It’s to have my weapon follow my command,” Naruto grinned when the kunai poked Sasuke lightly in the back.

“Didn’t see it coming,” Sasuke grinned as he turned and knocked the kunai into a nearby tree.

“But it ain’t over yet,” he growled as he charged at Naruto.

With a kunai he hid in the palm of his hand he lightly skinned Naruto. With quick reflexes Naruto flipped into the air landing on the tree, that Sakura and Kakashi was resting against.

“Running away?” Sasuke mocked.

“Why should I?” Naruto grinned as he jumped down.

Charging up his energy Naruto created a shield around Sasuke walling him in.

“Well…maybe I should end this now?” Naruto grinned as he stepped into the shield.

“The hell is this?” Sasuke asked as he bumped into a wall.

“My one and only shield that can only be broken by me,” Naruto grinned as he winked.

Sasuke tensed up for an attack.

“Want to call it quits before you hurt yourself?” Naruto smirked.

“No, I won’t lose to you,” Sasuke growled as he hurled himself at Naruto ready to attack full speed at him.

“I wouldn’t do that either,” Naruto grinned as he bounced towards Sasuke.

“What the hell happened?” He growled as he stood frozen in his spot.

“Can’t have you hurt yourself,” Naruto whispered as he broke the shield.

“I think I won,” Naruto grinned slyly as he let his mouth brush lightly against his ear and giggled when he felt Sasuke tensed up.

“You can try again when you get better,” Naruto smirked as he unfroze Sasuke.

“We’ll see,” Sasuke said blushing lightly as he turned away to hide it.

Naruto grinned lightly as he bounced towards the trees.

Maybe he likes me…Sasuke thought as he felt his ear. He could feel his face heat up from the thoughts.

Naruto grinned as he sat down. You didn’t have to flirt with him, his other half commented lightly. What’s wrong with flirting? I thought it was fun, Naruto thought slyly.

“Hey Ayumi, have fun sitting?” Naruto giggled when it licked him.

I knew he liked him!! Ayumi congratulated herself as she licked her owner for his courageous flirting.


There…for those of you who wanted a bit of fluff…I thought it was cute…^_^

Important news: (Kinda)

For those of you who notice…I’ve been updating everyday. But because my sis will come home tomorrow and leave on Sunday so I don’t think you’ll see the next update until the 7th or later. But I’ll try to get it in before then.

Chapter 5