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Youkoso! Shiroi Translations e!

Home Translate! About Me Examples Links

So, you want something translated, do ya? Well, that's nice.

... because I can do it for you! What you need to do first is e-mail me with the name of what you want translated, as well as format (novel, manga, poster, etc.), and approx lenth (page count or number of lines). I'll reply with a price estimate and more detailed instructions as to what you should do next, but generally all I need is for you to send me photocopies or large scans of whatever you're asking me to translate. I'm not comfortable asking for your originals. I'm sorry, but I can't help pay for photocopying or shipping photocopies to me. After I receive your copies, I'll e-mail you the actual price, and you pay me at that time. I prefer PayPal, but I also accept cash, money order, and personal check. After you confirm the price, I'll dig right in. The time I take to complete it will depend first on what format the material is in, and second how busy I am doing other jobs. I will give you an accurate assessment of time when you first e-mail me. Books will of course take longer than soundtracks, which will take longer than a few lines off a poster. I will then get the finished translation back to you in one of two ways. I can e-mail you a *.txt or *.doc attachment, or I can print out my translation and ship that back to you. If you choose to receive hard copies, I will pay to ship them back to you.

Pricing is as follows:
Novels - $0.50 (fifty cents) per page, regardless of page size
Manga - $0.25 (twenty-five cents) per page, regardless of page size
Posters - $0.10 (ten cents) per line
Soundtrack booklets - $10 - $30 (ten to thirty dollars) per booklet, depending on number of pages and amount of text
Video Games - determined on a case by case basis

If all this sounds good to you, simply e-mail me at with "translation" in the subject line, and we'll set it up. Remember I need the name of what you want translated, as well as format, and approx lenth.


This website created by:
Meredeth Beckett
Using modified version of graphics freely available on-line.
Please e-mail her with any problems related to the site,
Remembering to put "Site Problems" in the subject line.
Thank you.
