Dangerous Territory

Chapter Two: Trouble Afoot

The bright, heated rays of the sun blared down upon the heads of Kagome and Eri as the two girls trudged wearily through Arizona’s desert, allowing the conceited, stubborn Inuyasha to lead the way; they hoped that he somehow knew where he was going. The three had been walking this same, miserable path for two, long hours now, having left the flipped-over bus and its frightened passengers behind, but the girls refused to complain about it. They wouldn’t let Inuyasha know how exhausted and miserable they were from merely walking through a desert. Though, no one could deny that it was hot, not even Inuyasha.

Looking straight ahead of her, doing her best to keep a straight posture despite of the fatigue lurking within the aching muscles of her body, Kagome despairingly raked a hand damp from sweat through the midnight-black strands of her disheveled hair. She didn’t care much about her appearance at that point. She was far too despondent to care about anything but reaching civilization once more. However, she was determined not to speak a word of her weariness to Inuyasha; she didn’t want him to think of her as weak, but why she should care about Inuyasha’s opinion at all was beyond her. The pompous ass had ignored her and Eri for most, if not all, of the two hours they had been stuck traveling with him, and his lack of manners and his arrogance were obviously grating on Eli’s last nerves.

Eri narrowed her cerulean blue eyes on the back of Inuyasha’s head, glowering at the fact that he seemed to be rather relaxed and rested while she and Kagome looked like something the cat had dragged in. If she didn’t know any better, she would say he knew this territory. He was a criminal after all, so he could easily have tramped through Arizona on his way to a friend’s house or to a place he called his hide-out.

As though he could feel the heated glare of Eri’s directed at the back of his head, Inuyasha peered lazily over his shoulder at both girls, his curious, dark eyes focusing on Kagome and the beads of sweat he could detect dotting her forehead and the way she carried herself along, as though she was trying very hard not to let her fatigue show. He had to give her props for that. He was impressed; both she and Eri had walked this far without one complaint. It was obvious both girls needed rest, but in order to stop for a moment or two, Inuyasha would have them ask him. He wasn’t the type of guy to pass favoritism over a person, but if either girl refused to give into the temptation of resting for a single moment, then, he might suggest it himself.

And it was just his luck that both girls refused to ask for a moment of relaxation, so that they would feel better about the entire ordeal they found themselves in.

Heaving a soft sigh of pure defeat, one that Inuyasha despised himself for ever heaving, he whirled on his heels, forcing Kagome and Eri to come to an abrupt stop. Folding his arms across his broad chest and bracing his feet apart easily, standing in such a way that he used for intimidation, proud for once that he could intimidate a person, Inuyasha arched a slick, black eyebrow questioningly in Eri’s direction.

“You know, if you need to stop, all you have to do is ask. So, do you need to stop for a bit?”

“What do you think?” Eri snapped in frustration barely contained, her cheeks flushed a dark crimson from the determination she possessed in order to match Inuyasha pace-for-pace. In her low opinion of him, she thought Inuyasha was a bastard who took pleasure in witnessing her and Kagome’s discomfort. Why else would he be smiling at her as though Christmas had come four months earlier?

Silence greeted her sarcastic retort.

Eri clenched her teeth in aggravation as she turned to look at Kagome, prepared to complain about Inuyasha’s lack of manners and wit loud enough for the ingrate himself to hear. Although, when Kagome continued to stare at the retreating, sturdy back of Inuyasha thoughtfully, after he had turned his back on them, Eri lost her motivation to insult the object of Kagome’s consideration. Even though Eri felt a strong desire to hurt Inuyasha, it didn’t mean Kagome shared those same desires with her.

“Hey, Kagome?”

“Let’s keep moving,” Kagome murmured firmly as she quickened her pace until she stood directly behind Inuyasha, matching his pace with a bit of difficulty. Eri stared after Kagome dubiously. Her friend obviously wanted to prove something to the no-good ingrate, but she didn’t understand why Kagome would care about Inuyasha’s opinion concerning her. He belonged back in the prison he had been taken out of, behind bars, not walking a hot path in a desert with two girls he probably would take advantage of when he found the time to.

“Hey, Mr. Criminal, you don’t deserve to be roaming this filthy piece of shit land freely. You should be locked away,” she muttered irritably through her tightly clenched teeth.

“You think?”

Eri’s eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the mocking, amused tone of Inuyasha’s low voice, having not expected him to answer her. She had wanted her sulky remark to go unheard, but of course, she had been denied that wish. Her cerulean eyes fastened on Inuyasha in the silence that followed his sardonic reply. No one said a word for the many moments that followed. Kagome merely averted her sienna hues to the ground, watching her sneakers as they treaded through the desert. Finally, when she couldn’t handle the silence anymore, Eri pursed her lips and came to another stop. Though, Kagome kept pace with Inuyasha as he continued to walk along the path to civilization, right past a grassy bank with the shade that beckoned Eri to join, realizing that there might not be another bank for miles.

“Alright, you brainless jackass, I’m tired and wouldn’t mind a few moments to myself. Not to mention that it’s so damn hot out here during August! So, we will be stopping right here for the time being.”

Inuyasha chuckled affably as he, too, halted, surely taking both girls by surprise when he turned to offer Eri a wink. Eri was certainly amusing when she wanted to be, but she could also be so damn annoying. And pushy he noticed, and demanding seeing how she was bossing him around. If he truly cared whether or not she was allowed to boss him around, then, he would have done something to frighten them both by now.

But he hadn’t.

Could that mean he was enjoying their company even though he knew that he couldn’t fall accustomed to having them around? Turning to study the grassy bank he had purposely led the girls to, having been prepared to pass it altogether so that at least one of the stubborn girls would have said something about stopping to rest, Inuyasha nodded in its direction. Although he didn’t let it show, he was somnolent from walking through the hot sun for two hours straight.

Taking his gesture as a means to hurry towards the bank, plopping down beneath one of the few trees surrounding the bank, offering its shade, Eri sighed in pure bliss. Her legs had started to cramp up on her, so with a grin curving her lips, she stretched them out before her. At least, he had permitted them to rest once she had made it known that they had to stop now. Retrieving the crimson backpack she had been wearing as she walked through the desert, following Inuyasha towards the main road all three of them were searching for, she pressed it against her bosom with great care, hugging it to her. She missed the cool bus with its comfortable chairs, but what was done was done. She couldn’t change the fact that she and Kagome were stranded in the middle of a desert with a criminal. Oh, what luck they had.

Kagome smiled when she watched Eri lean against the trunk of the tree, its branches casting shade upon her exhausted person. With a shake of her head, she walked towards Eri.

“Hey, Kagome,” Eri said with a simple nod of her head, closing her eyes lazily as she rested against the tree she had chosen to give her shade. There really wasn’t much Eri could say to her friend without sounding like some whining child. She was just happy she had been allowed the luxury of this grassy bank. As Kagome plopped down by Eri’s side, she offered her friend a smile, one that she had to force upon her lips. They were in a nasty predicament, but somehow she knew if the girls worked together, they would find this road they were searching for.

“Kagome, what are we going to do now?” Eri’s tone spoke of the frustration thrumming through her body. One cerulean eye drifted open so that she could obtain a clear view of Kagome’s face. Noticing the confusion grabbing at Kagome’s mind as the girl looked over at her, puzzled, Eri smiled despite of the sticky situation she and Kagome found themselves in. “I’m talking about the All-and-Mighty Mr. Stick-Up-My-Ass Criminal who thinks he owns the desert. I mean, look at the punk. He stares his nose down at us and for no reason at all! I know that this whole predicament is his fault. He was the only one on the bus those jackasses could possibly want to kill. I say we find a way to escape him altogether. What do you say, Kags?”

Kagome studied her friend for a long moment, wondering why all of a sudden Eri was allowing Inuyasha’s arrogance to get to her. Inuyasha was a bit conceited, but she knew that he didn’t mean them any harm. He was only there to help. She knew it. “Eri, you talk as though you’re afraid. Are you?”

“What? No!” Eri exclaimed angrily as she folded her arms across her chest. Kagome’s comment had really caught her off guard. Was that what she felt every time Inuyasha locked those narrowed, golden hues with the blue of her eyes? Was she afraid of him and the threat he imposed on her and Kagome? “Look, I just don’t trust him. We’ve traveled with him for over two hours now, and his first impression is not a good one. Besides, I don’t scare easily.”

Kagome’s right brow rose as she tilted her head to the side, trying to make sense of Eri’s sudden detestation. He couldn’t be as bad as Eri’s tone was making him out to be. “Are you so sure? I know you, Eri, and every time you’re either nervous or frightened, you tend to rumble on about different people’s faults. I don’t think there’s anything about Inuyasha you should fear. So, he’s a convict. Who cares? He hasn’t killed us yet, right? I don’t think he will either.”

Eri rolled her cerulean eyes skyward as she pushed away from the tree’s thick trunk, leaning over her knees as soon as she brought them to her chest. She looked over to where Inuyasha was sitting on the other side of the small, grassy bank, wanting to believe Kagome’s words but wanting also to get as far away from Inuyasha as she possibly could. It was when the glint of metal shimmered in the blare of the sun from its beams baring down upon the bank that Eri sucked in a harsh breath. Inuyasha was definitely not to be trusted.

For Christ sake, the bastard was carrying a gun!

“You think he won’t kill us, Kags? Do you honestly believe some strange man won’t hesitate to pull the trigger? Look over there at him, Kagome! He’ll kill us. He’ll do it in two seconds flat.”

“What are you talking about?” Questioningly, Kagome followed Eri’s pointed gaze to where Inuyasha sat, his back to them. She was beginning to think the heat from the sun was making Eri crazy, but when she turned her attention back to her friend, at the very last moment, she was aware of the metal object Inuyasha held in his grasp, wiping it down with a white cloth. It was a 32 in. revolver. A gun; a firearm; a weapon of destruction and death. Inuyasha was carrying a gun with him, and now the impact of Eri’s words came back to haunt her.

He’ll kill us. He’ll do it in two seconds flat.

Kagome’s sienna hues widened with dawning apprehension, her breath quickening with dread. Eri had been right in thinking Inuyasha was a dangerous man. After all, he was a prisoner and had been on his way to the boy’s institution when he had entered the bus along side his obese companion.

I don’t trust him. He was the only one on the bus those jackasses could possibly want to kill. I say we find a way to escape him altogether.

Escape him.

“Can it be done, Eri?” Kagome whispered softly as she chewed on her lower lip in a gesture of nervousness. Could they find a way to escape him, especially now that he held a gun in his possession? According to Eri, he was a dangerous man who would not hesitate to pull the trigger, but at the time she didn’t believe he would ever do such a thing. Now, though, she wasn’t so sure.

“What?” Startled, Eri looked at Kagome. The girl had gone completely pale, and she was biting her lower lip as she always did when she was nervous. It was her guess that she had witnessed the revolver Inuyasha owned. “Can what be done?”

Kagome’s heart quickened its pace as she fought down the panicked wave that threatened to overcome her entire body. Sure, being stuck in the middle of a shoot-out had frightened her, but knowing full well that the man she and Eri trusted to get them to safety, the convict, was carrying a gun didn’t settle well with her. In fact, it was making her sick to her stomach.

People carried guns for protection mostly, some never leaving their houses without them, but when a man who had been tried in court and sentenced to spend time in prison possessed a gun, the meaning of Scared Shitless came back to haunt both Kagome and Eri.

Kagome’s voice quavered violently as she mumbled quietly, “Escape; can we get away from him? I—I don’t want to be caught in the line of fire, if you catch my meaning.”

Eri shook her head eagerly as she cast another furious look in Inuyasha’s direction, pleased that Inuyasha wasn’t looking directly at them with that piercing, threatening gaze he owned. Seeing him with a gun had cast another light over him, a light Eri found to be highly annoying. How could she have been so stupid as to let herself and Kagome get tied down in this mess? They didn’t need him or his kind. “Oh, I believe that we can do it. I don’t think he’ll care much if we’re gone. I don’t think he likes us very much.”

“Oh, but he does,” the low timbre of that familiar voice interrupted their conversation for a second time that day.

Eri’s head snapped up as her eyes swiveled towards that of Inuyasha, noticing that he stood only a breath away from them. He had moved without her even knowing it. She had thought he was still sitting on the other side of the bank by himself, but he had surprised her by appearing right in front of her with all the silent gracefulness of a feline stalking its prey. Kagome’s gasp was soft, but no one could mistake the tremble in her voice or the catch in her throat. She was beginning to see Inuyasha as the threat he was.

“Time to go. We’ve rested long enough. You’d better start walking in the next five seconds, or I’ll leave you behind.” The command was short and to the point. With a nod of his silk black head, Inuyasha turned on his heels and retraced his steps back to where he had been sitting in the grass, wiping down the barrel of the gun he had stolen from Jonah, the stupid fool.

Eri bristled furiously as she clenched her hands into tight fists. She didn’t have to listen to him. He wasn’t her father, brother, or boss. He didn’t own her either. He had no right to boss them around. “Oh, so now that you’ve cleaned your damn gun, you think it’s time to go! Well, we don’t have to listen to you, you damn jackass.”

Kagome stared in fear as Inuyasha’s back stiffened and the muscles of his shoulders tensed with annoyance. He silently scooped the black bag he had snatched off the cow he had been forced to sit beside on the bus into his arms. Kagome wasn’t so sure what he planned to do about Eri, or even her, seeing how both girls knew of the gun he carried. When he slowly turned to face the narrowed, furious eyes of Eri, Kagome inhaled sharply. His strange, golden eyes had darkened to a russet, and he was directing that menacing gaze at her friend.

“You know about the gun?”

Eri inwardly winced as she slowly brought herself to stand, stretching her arms behind her back. She had felt foolish the moment the insult had sprang from her lips, but nothing she did or said would take back the fact that she let him know of their knowledge of his little secret weapon he had hidden away in his bag.

“Yes. And I know what you plan to do with that gun,” Eri murmured in what she hoped was a clear, firm, and valiant voice.

“Oh? And what might that be?” Inuyasha cocked a slick, black brow at Eri as he leisurely sidled towards her, an amusing gleam appearing behind his softening, russet gaze. He offered her a lopsided grin when her nervous, cerulean orbs locked with his own eyes, holding her in her place. “Cat got your tongue, Shanri? Or, perhaps, something entirely different has rendered you speechless.”

Eri gulped. He was baiting her, almost like an animal would bait its victim, but he was doing it for his own enjoyment. Squaring her shoulders audaciously, Eri tilted her face up to his as soon as he stood before her, refusing to allow him to get the better of her, criminal or not. “You low-life ingrate, you’ll use that gun for your own satisfaction. You’ll force Kagome and me to do your bidding, but if we choose not to, you’ll simply shoot us. You’re nothing but a bastard who was caught and put in prison because of his own stupidity.”

Inuyasha’s grin faltered and his brows furrowed in heated concentration. The girl was serious. By God, she believed her own words. She believed that he would do such a thing! He couldn’t blame her though, seeing how he was charged for a murder he didn’t commit, but the girls didn’t know that so they had every right to assume he would kill them without a thought and within a second.

“Think you got me figured out, girl? Well, why aren’t you running, then? According to you, I’m a psycho bastard who’ll stop at nothing to see you dead. I don’t care a whit about you or your friend. Isn’t that right, Shanri? I know it is because I can see the truth of those words dancing across your pretty face. Beware of the gun, wench, or I just might be tempted to use it.”

His breath caressed Eri’s flushed face as he noticed for the first time that he stood so close to Eri their noses barely brushed, and she had to lean her slender, fragile neck back in order to look into his eyes with nervous determination. He admired her bravery. Many girls in her tight fix wouldn’t be able to speak around the sobs racking their bodies. He also admired Kagome’s calmness. She had yet to say one single word to him, and when he chanced a quick glimpse at her face, he smiled wryly at the mere wonder she donned. Returning his full attention to Eri, he pursed his lips sardonically as he stood away from her, folding his arms across his chest.

A tense silence enveloped the group as each of the three studied the other, but it only lasted long enough for Eri to collect her disturbed thoughts. After only a moment of debating whether or not Inuyasha would hurt her and Kagome, she sighed in exasperation.

“Why are you carrying a gun, Inuyasha? Please, just tell us the truth. I don’t want to have this on my conscience forever, you know.”

Inuyasha simply stared at Eri, his façade void of any emotion. Once again, the girl surprised him. She didn’t tremble in fear, but no one could mistake the fear building to the surface upon catching sight of the gun Inuyasha held in his possession. “Think, girl. Why would I carry a gun?” A black brow arched in question as he folded his arms across his broad chest. All teasing aside, Inuyasha wanted to get back to traveling across Arizona’s desert. They were wasting valuable time, and he knew that the gang of thugs who had shot the bus down was looking for him. Truthfully, he didn’t want the girls involved, but it seemed that luck wasn’t with him that day.

Eri didn’t know where Inuyasha was going with this. Why he would carry a gun, indeed. It was obvious who he intended to use it on. Perhaps, he was only fooling around with her and Kagome, having them believe that he meant them no harm.

“Forget it, Shanri.” Inuyasha shook his head at the girl. He was frustrated beyond frustration. Eri clearly was a dull-witted girl. If she truly thought he would use the gun on them, then, she would have already tried to escape him along with Kagome, but the two hadn’t tried such a thing yet. Obviously thinking wasn’t Eri’s strong point. “Don’t answer me. I already know that it would put a strain on your brain if you tried to think up an answer suitable to your beliefs.”

Eri’s eyes widened disbelievingly. He was calling her stupid! He was actually referring to her as some ignorant child not capable of thinking on her own. “For your information, I’m not the ignorant girl you claim me to be! In fact, I know perfectly well who you’re going to do in with that damn gun; Kagome and me. No one’s safe around here with you holding a gun!”

Sighing in exasperation, Inuyasha raked a hand through his long, dark strands of hair. She just wouldn’t get off the notion that he wanted to kill them, and it was beginning to grate on his nerves.

“Shut up, Shanri. You’re giving me a headache.”

Without another word, Inuyasha turned his back on them and started towards the blaring sun and away from the shady, grassy bank. It was about time they got back to looking for that main highway.

Eri stared after Inuyasha’s retreating back, for once at a loss for words. Then, she turned to glare irritably at Kagome. “Can you believe him, Kagome?! First, he calls me stupid. Then, he tells me to shut up! What a stupid, low-down ass of an ingrate!” Breathing heavily, Eri stooped down to snatch her crimson bag from off the filthy ground. She wanted to do nothing more than slap the amused look right off the guy’s face. No one had ever made her so angry before, and all in one day!

Kagome watched her friend as she turned on her heels and huffily stomped after the departing Inuyasha, bag swinging behind her back. A tiny frown grazed her lips as she stretched her body limbs, scrambling to stand before either Inuyasha or Eri were lost in the desert. It was bad enough to be stranded out in the desert with a criminal and an arguing friend, but it would be even worse if she happened to be stranded alone. Three heads were better than one.

Inuyasha held a gun in his possession now, but he had yet to use it on her or on Eri despite of his threatening nature. He had warned them against himself, but Kagome didn’t know if he truly meant it. Now that she had time to think about it, Inuyasha had helped them from the very start, even when the bus had flipped over onto its side. He had been the one to pull them to safety. Walking after Inuyasha and Eri, Kagome’s sienna hues rose towards the darkening sky. It was nearing night, and they would have no choice but to sleep out in the open with those crazy loons still on the loose. If they weren’t careful, then, all three of them would end up dead. She knew now that Inuyasha had been the one those men had been after, but for what reason she did not know. He was a criminal and had been on his way to another prison, but he had been stopped from going to California by a group of thugs. No; by a head thug if Kagome remembered correctly. Someone was after Inuyasha’s life. There had to be an important message behind the attack on Inuyasha’s and the thirty passengers aboard the Takani Bus’s lives. There just had to be one. The only problem was the actual learning of this message.

“Why would someone want Inuyasha dead? If he had been on his way to prison, then, the men could have left him alone,” Kagome pondered aloud as her thoughtful, dark eyes wandered towards that of Inuyasha who had slowed his pace in order for Eri and her to catch up to him; Eri was already matching him pace-by-pace. He was no different from the men in her family, so then why did he affect her so? Not only was he a criminal, but she felt as though she was way out of his league. “You have it, Kagome, you have it bad,” Kagome muttered under her breath as she released a sigh of defeat, her sienna hues once more returning to the darkening sky. She definitely had it bad for him. If only they could have met under different circumstances. She didn’t even really know the guy, and yet, she thought about him so often.

“Kagome!” Eri’s startling loud voice broke into Kagome’s distorted thoughts, causing the girl’s dark eyes to swivel towards that of her friend, who happened to be walking along the side of her. “We have to stop soon, according to Mr. High-and-Mighty, and look for a suitable area we can camp in for the night. Do you have a flashlight on you?” Eri asked hopefully as the two girls continued to follow Inuyasha down the path and through the desert.

“Oh, yes; I knew that we would be walking through a desert to get to New Mexico the moment I boarded the bus,” Kagome muttered sarcastically, earning a glare from Eri in return for her short reply. “Well, excuse me for asking. You never know these days,” Eri snapped crossly as she quickened her pace, ignoring the small dirt rocks that jumped into her way as she rushed to match Inuyasha’s easy-going stride. Whatever was on Kagome’s mind was making her friend touchy, and Eri knew that the best thing to do in such a case was to walk away for the time being.

Kagome sighed as she looked after Eri’s thinning form, watching as the darkness looming over the desert slowly began to swallow the girl and the criminal, Inuyasha, whole. Hurrying to follow the two into the black night, Kagome rushed towards the lowering sun, the faint light the only visible source she had that would guide her to her traveling companions.

She didn’t want to be alone.

“We camp here tonight.”

“Here?” Eri repeated incredulously as she squinted into the darkness that ominously surrounded her, having trouble in making out the exact place they were to be sleeping in. She wasn’t too fond of the dark, especially out in the open where all types of disgusting night crawlers could find their way onto her legs while she slept. Not to mention the fact that a gang of thugs was chasing them, according to Inuyasha. They should just go ahead and throw the idiot to the pack of wolves and be done with it. He thought he could boss them around. He thought that he set the rules. Well, Eri would have to show him exactly who he was dealing with. If only his criminal record wouldn’t get in the way of her rational thinking.

“Yes, Shanri, need I repeat myself?”

Eri scowled. Huffily turning her back on him, her cerulean-blue eyes sought out Kagome through the night. Alarm filled her mind when she couldn’t see Kagome anywhere. They couldn’t have left her behind. It just wasn’t possible! Eri would have known if Kagome wasn’t walking beside her; that she was sure of. “Kagome? Hey, Kag, where’d you go? Inuyasha!” Her eyes narrowed in frustration, she whirled on her heels in order to face the man responsible for Kagome’s demise. “Where is she, Inuyasha? What did you do to her?!”

“What the hell…?” Inuyasha stared at Eri, perplexed, as the girl pointed an accusing finger at him, her lips curved down into a frown of irritation. “What are you rambling on about? Who—“ It then suddenly dawned on Inuyasha of whom Eri was speaking of. His darkened golden eyes widening in disbelief, his gaze swept the length of the desert in vain, his attempt at finding Kagome futile. She was nowhere to be seen. “Damn it all! Where the hell did she get off to? Did she find it so hard to simply follow me? Women; I’ll never understand them.” Eri glared angrily at Inuyasha, watching as the insolent guy threw his hands up in the air. He had some nerve complaining about them when he was the one leading them through a desert towards a road, one he probably didn’t even know existed. “Well, while you complain about the ways of women, you dolt, I’ll be looking for Kagome.”

“Oh, no you won’t.” Inuyasha stopped Eri with a simple warning, his golden eyes oddly flashing in the dark. “You won’t be wandering off alone. We’ve already lost one idiot woman. No use in loosing the other. You wait right there while I go look for her.” Before Eri had a chance to reply to Inuyasha’s command, he was gone, disappearing through the night.

Eri’s pallor paled once she realized that she was alone, her frightened gaze darting around the vast desert surrounding her. Inuyasha had left her alone to go look for Kagome. Did he dislike her so much that he would scare her so? She should have been allowed to accompany him in searching for Kagome. “Oh man,” she grumbled into the silence that enveloped her tense figure.

Kagome’s sienna hues searched the night for the familiar silhouettes of Eri and Inuyasha, but to no avail. They had completely disappeared on her. Her shoulders slouching in defeat, she came to a stop. She knew she should have kept up with Inuyasha’s swift pace. The only problem was that she had been so deep in thought to have even noticed her traveling companions’ disappearances.

“Oh, man,” she muttered nervously. It was then she noticed the faint lights of an unknown source moving in her direction. If she didn’t know any better, she would say that those lights were headlights belonging to a car. Kagome’s eyes widening in surprise, she watched as the lights drew nearer. She couldn’t believe it. It was a car! They were saved. She was saved! “Hey, over here!” She called out at the unknown car as it sped towards her at such a swift pace, waving her arms around in hope of catching the driver’s attention.

“Get down, Higurashi!”

When Kagome’s attention wandered towards that of the person issuing a command, she had no time to react before a body sailed into hers, knocking her to the hard ground roughly. “Hey, wha—“ Kagome was interrupted by the firing of guns as bullets whizzed past their heads, her and her savior’s heads. “What—what’s going on?” She whispered fearfully as her sienna hues sought the comfort of the other’s gaze.

Her eyes locked gazes with the narrowed, gold of Inuyasha’s eyes.

“Just what in the hell were you thinking, Higurashi? You were almost killed!”

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Email: fiery87red@yahoo.com