Dangerous Territory

Dangerous Territory

Summary: Inuyasha, a tough rebel whose been charged with attempted murder, soon finds himself in a dangerous situation with a girl he wants nothing to do with…That is, until her very life is at stake. Now, time is his only friend as he fights for his own life and the life of a sixteen year old teenager with a fiery temper. Throughout this race for safety, Inuyasha will learn who his true enemy is, who truly killed the man he had been accused of murdering, and what it feels like to be trusted by the last person he expected to trust him, Higurashi Kagome. Will he be granted enough time, however, to save the one person he cares most about? Find out when you read "Dangerous Territory."

Pairing(s): Inuyasha/Kagome

Rating: PG-13 for THESE REASONS; language and sexual content in later chapters.

Genre: Alternate Universe/Romance, Suspense, Action/Adventure

Author's Note: I know that I haven’t finished “Metallic Tears and "Snake's Charm" as I should have long, long ago, but I’m still working at writing the rest of the chapters, so have no fear! Well, anyway, I honestly don’t know why I even want to write this story, much less post it up for all to see. I guess you could say that it started out as an idea that wouldn’t leave my head alone, but then, when I got to writing it, I saw the plot behind my idea and couldn’t help but spend time in trying to prepare it for fanfiction.net.

There are a few things about my story you should know:

1. Not terribly dark, but most likely will seem that way in later chapters!

2. Rated for its, er, language and sexual content in later chapters. Don’t worry. It won’t be completely “sexed up” as some would call it.

3. I worked hard on making this idea work, so go easy on it!

4. And lastly, the beginning, I guess, isn’t as exciting as you would think it is, but it’s a good start.

Closing Note: This fan fiction is still on-going, as you can tell. I think all of my fan fictions are still on-going...oh well!

The Chapters of "Dangerous Territory"

Chapter One: Danger Aboard the Takani Bus
Chapter Two: Trouble Afoot

Email: fiery87red@yahoo.com