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Sign Shots (and Beginners Luck)
First Edition.2.2.02.

Hello Lads,welcome to the first ever edition, issue, read ,wotever of Sign Shots,a name thought up by Weston of ENBW, he thought the name up, i do the coloumn ;-). Anyways,time to introduce myself so you can mail shit to my house and wish me death over AIM or MSN, i am SWfnAImPact on the message board,also known as Rizo. I wrestle for the Scarborough Wrestling Alliance and Reckless Backyard Wrestling of the United Kingdom. Weston says i should tell you about myself, so i will, i started BYW in 1998, In a fed called School Wrestling Alliance,we didnt know there was ton of feds nation and world wide, and we didnt record event, but i was the Heavyweight Champion at the first event, we actually changed the name to Scarborough Wrestling Alliance and started recording in 2001, January, at Backyard Brawl, the more orginalest name in the Backyard World,and i was pretty good, fast forward to the present and im in SWA and RBW, heres my personal details:

SWA Name:ImPact
Finisher:Sudden Impact
Trademark:Clipper Burn

RBW Name:Rizo Donelli
Finisher:The Lost Cause
Trademark:Clipper Burn,Hooded Hate

Biggest Bump taken:Powerbomb off a desk into broken glass.

Enough about me, Lets talk about you,yes you,that dude there who sacrifices so much or so little,are you one of the guys,who when the Fed Owner says, 'c`mon lets go get some stuff', you moan and say no, because you cant be assed,shame on you, take five hail marys and go next time, because as a fed owner, i know its anyone actually reading this crap? lets talk bout something good....hmmmmm.....

New Site Design:An awesome new site design by Weston eh folks?i thought so too...

One Step Higher:The best of the best,the feds that are one step higher,*cough*nominate SWA*cough*

The new message board was visited by myself earlier,i posted some worthwhile posts like 'you gay bastard' directed at one person,who is/was spamming the board...but the board does seem to be shaping up nicely.

There is to be a UK backyard Wrestling game coming out under the promotion wars, you can control either the Roster of East Norfolk Backyard Wrestling or Scarborough Wrestling Alliance,with a third roster of Yardcore Wrestling Federation that can't be controlled,with other unemployed wrestlers from feds such as Reckless Backyard Wrestling available to be employed, should be good, visit for more information.
Blading,Balding,Bawling.Blading-Pointless, ive done it, i lost alot of blood,but it just isn`t nessecary,if theres a fair amount of people there,i can understand it, but if not,and theres only around eight-ten,whats the point? all i have to show for my blading is a scar....and the bitches saying, 'aww did it hurt', which usually leads to a good ;-).

Backyard Criminals,i was talking to Michael Moody earlier,i asked him about BYW Inc.tapes,the feds which excited him,if he did actually want a Deathmatch with Mahr and the deadline and he had this to say: "Feds involved with Backyard Criminals are involved exclusively. We're going to be promoting our productions totally different than BYW inc. If we show a great fed and some great wrestling, and then that same fed appears on Mahr's tapes, I feel that fed (if it ever happened) has totally disgraced themsevles AND feds involved with Backyard Criminals are on a completely different level compared to the jobbers that are on BYW inc. tapes. so why would anybody involved with BYC ever want to sell out like that? I feel BYWInce Tapes are very dissapointing and depressing.About the deathmatch,that was for real but really I would just be lowering myself to Mahr's standards and I rather not to do that.If he wants to get some footage for his next shitty releases, I am prepared and ready to bleed.

Im excited to see everybody pretty much, i'm glad that most of the byw community is involved and I need footage by Feb. 7 but if your tape gets to me on the 8 or 9 I will still accept it, after the ninth of February the tapes that show up late will be used for the sequels. I also recommend the serious and most talented feds to submit footage at least once a month to BYC from now on. Sequels will be made and I recommend to not stop sending footage after the BYC Feb. 7 DEADLINE" Thanks to Mike for that and thats it for this coloumn, ill be back soon... Rizo.