(Scene: JETT’s dressing room at the Ginger Heights golf club. JETT and DESDEMONIA are lying on the table with a blanket over them.)

JETT: Was it good for you too?

DESDEMONIA: Well, actually….

JETT: (cuts her off) Don’t say it, I know, I have great equipment.

(He smiles smugly and DESDEMONIA looks repulsed.)

DESDEMONIA: Do you always have to be so full of yourself? God, Jett, you are such a PIG!!!!

(She gets up and starts furiously throwing clothes on)

DESDEMONIA: Why did I do this? What have I done? It’s a good thing no-one walked in on us and saw us!!!

JETT: What’s the matter baby? Where are you going?

DESDEMONIA: Away from you!!!(She leans in and speaks menacingly) And if you ever speak of this again, I swear, I will tear you limb from limb.

(She storms out)

JETT: I think that went well.

(The camera focuses on STEPHANIE, asleep in the closet. As the door slams she wakes up with a start. She watches as JETT gets dressed and leaves, and then she exits the closet cautiously.)

STEPHANIE: I’ve got to get back to the station and let everyone know about this…(She pauses, and is obviously getting an idea.) Hmmm…or maybe not…

(She quickly leaves the room)

(Scene: JONATHAN’s office at Ginger Heights hospital. JONATHAN is sitting at his desk, concentrating on some papers before him. PAULA and BRETT enter, and JONATHAN looks up.)

JONATHAN: Oh, hello Paula, hello Brett.

(He gestures to two chairs in front of his desk.)

JONATHAN: Please sit.

(Nervously, PAULA sits down. BRETT remains standing, fascinated by a fly near the window.)

PAULA: (hissing) Brett!

(BRETT remains riveted by the fly. JONATHAN clears his throat loudly. BRETT takes absolutely no notice.)


(BRETT comes out of his trance and sits. JONATHAN wipes his forehead.)

JONATHAN: Thank you. Now, I’m sure you both know why we’re here…

(BRETT starts to say something, but PAULA elbows him sharply in the ribs.)

BRETT: Ow! Paula, that hurt!

(PAULA glares at him.)

JONATHAN: Yes, well, as I was saying, you’re here because of my proposed office orgy.

(Silence. PAULA stares at JONATHAN in amazement. BRETT is happily watching the fly again.)

JONATHAN: Er…aren’t you?

PAULA: Nooo….we’re here because Bess complained about us.

JONATHAN: Oh, that old cow?

(He laughs.)

JONATHAN: Just ignore her. She’s an idiot. I pretend to humor her.

(PAULA looks immensely relieved. BRETT looks excited about something.)

BRETT: Hey, did I hear someone say orgy?

(PAULA rolls her eyes, shakes her head, smiles at JONATHAN, and leaves the room with BRETT in tow)

BRETT: (protesting) But I swear I heard it! Don’t you want to join in Paula?

(JONATHAN shakes his head and returns to his papers. There is a timid knock on the door.)

JONATHAN: Come in!

(A beautiful Hispanic woman enters the room. She is dressed in a skimpy nurse’s uniform and looking shyly at the floor.)

JONATHAN: (surprised, but obviously pleased) Well hello there. You must be the new nurse.

(Shyly, the girl nods.)

JONATHAN: What’s your name, then?

BRIE: It’s Brie, sir.

[JONATHAN’s thoughts: “Brie, eh? I’d love to eat a ripe cheese like you…”]

JONATHAN: Well, Brie, the nurse’s station is down the hall. Bess, the head nurse, will tell you your duties.

BRIE: (seductively)Are you sure you don’t want me to do something for you first…?

(She leans forward)

JONATHAN: (flustered) Erm…well, that is…erm…no, no thank you, Brie.(His manner changes to what he thinks appears to be seductive. Instead, it’s rather repulsive.) But maybe later you could come and eat some sausage with me….

(BRIE smiles slyly and nods.)

BRIE: Of course, sir.

(She exits. Scene: Ginger Heights TV station. A show is being recorded and STEPHANIE and GREGORY are preparing their notes.)

GREGORY: So, do you want to go out tonight?

STEPHANIE: Sure, babe, why not? How about dinner, and then…well, you know.

GREGORY: (excited) Oh yes, I do.

[STEPHANIE is caressing GREGORY’s leg with her bare foot under the anchor desk]

(GREGORY inadvertently moans. RUFUS looks up sharply and heads over to break it up. But he has to go back to his camera to film the show)

RUFUS: (through gritted teeth) 3…2….rolling!

STEPHANIE: Good evening folks, and welcome to the six o’clock news. I’m Stephanie Pendant…

[STEPHANIE is still caressing GREGORY’s leg under the table, and GREGORY is distracted]

(STEPHANIE looks at GREGORY expectantly, just hiding her sly smile.)

GREGORY: (In a high, wavering voice) and I’m Gregory Kin.

STEPHANIE: In today’s top news stories….

(Scene: ELIZA in her dressing room, preparing for the weather segment. RICHARD enters)

RICHARD: Hey, babe.

ELIZA: (surprised) Richard!(she lowers her voice) You know you’re not supposed to be here!

RICHARD: I know, but aren’t you glad I am?

(ELIZA pouts and turns away. Richard grabs her and kisses her passionately)

ELIZA: (breathless) Oh, you know I am.

(they lean in for another kiss when they are interrupted by STEPHANIE)

STEPHANIE: Eliza, I wanted to discuss next week’s special show with you…(she realizes what she’s seeing and stops, speechless)

[STEPHANIE has a bit of a crush on RICHARD. GREGORY is just her toy.]

ELIZA: (flustered) Oh, Stephanie! Richard was just visiting, and,…and…

STEPHANIE: I can see perfectly well what you were doing.(she pauses) You know that we’re not allowed to do that sort of thing at work, Eliza.

ELIZA: (suddenly angry) Well, if some people would knock…

STEPHANIE: Oh please. That doesn’t change what you were doing. I’m going straight to Bill. You know he’ll fire your ass!

ELIZA: (desperate) NO!! I mean, please don’t, Stephanie.

STEPHANIE: What are you willing to give me for my silence?

(ELIZA and RICHARD look at each other as menacing music plays, and the scene fades out to the closing credits)

Stay tuned for the thrilling next episode of…PURPLE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

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